This little prick Cheated on one of my close friends...

This little prick Cheated on one of my close friends, and turned them against everyone who actually gave a shit about their life. He's also a huge Druggy, who would rather make himself Happy with Drugs, and random chicks rather than be loyal to his girlfriend. He had also tried harming her, and even myself yet the police have not done anything about that fact.

Have fun guys.

Oh... And he has his Sugar daddy hurt people for him rather than do everything himself.

Rule of Sup Forums

We are not your fucking army.

OMg we bout to get him so bad guys...

Kill urself

Oh i'm fully aware, but if he wants to bring others into it rather than deal with it himself, i may as well try it myself.

I'm aware others hate the guts of people like him. Be lucky i'm only making this post once and not a shit ton of times like most.

Learn to reply to post fucktard.


A unofficial faggot rule but true

unless you get a miracle post like a quint or tits, ya aint gettin shit

ahahhaha op is a white knight faggot hahaha nigga do your own dirt NYPA

let me get rite onit

U hurt that much... death can ease ur pain..

OP is actually a "nice guy" that wants his friend to be with him and not cotlyn crotsley so he's using Sup Forums in hopes of having users troll him to make his life slightly more inconvenient


not your personal army faggot
linked to thread

OP's also a huge Faggot, who would rather make himself Happy with Semen, and random dicks than be loyal to his gender.


God mate, don't you have some dragon dildos to use, please just walk out of here on your tiptoes. Fucken faggot.

Dubs of truth

It's called drama kid. Let their own shit play out, from personal experience, DO NOT GET INVOLVED !!!!!!!

B-B-But i-I'm a white Kight and must help protect female.

hope he does it twice faggot

The reason this happened to your friend is because she thought she could have a serious relationship with somebody who looks like they wants to be a professional Tech Deck skater.

you fucking wuss, fuck you, too scared to do a doctor who fan yaself fuck off you fluff
