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what did he do
Idk why he's famous, his movies aren't funny.
Peg deserves death for real.
Something about Sulu canonically gay in the films this time around, just says why not?, goes off on a tizzy about "muh lore" nerds (which he isn't half wrong about). All in all, just Simon being "ey mate, stop being close minded about the lore and shite."
He's not really famous he's just favored among certain directors, ie; he doesn't really get top billing in shit but Wright films and anything else he'll get a fun cameo in
makes a living making lol so geeky movies, says his target demographic are stunted manchildren
he's not exactly wrong, but it's a case of the pot calling the kettle Tyrone
>unnecessary time spent on character trait
if it didn't matter to begin with, why bother changing it? It's like if character liked chocolate ice cream, but in the remake he likes vanilla. why devote so much time to the change, except for easy SJW points?
Oh, you don't like that he's LEFT HANDED now? That's because you're a MANBABY. That's the plot now. The Change. Not a compelling story. Some minor change that didn't matter in the long run.
>George Takei is gay
>George Takei is most famous for playing Hikaru Sulu, who was portrayed as straight
>Let's honour George Takei by making Sulu gay like him, and to make sure nobody can yell at us we'll ask George for his blessings first
>George says "fuck no, Sulu is straight, if you really want to do something that's an homage to me and is progressive, introduce a new character who happens to be gay rather than retconning my work
>Well shit, I'm gonna do it any way.
The nerd rage about it is a bit overblown, but I have to side with George on this one. They asked him what he thought and he told them, then they ignored him.
I'm convinced that these three are the same person and we're all playing the fool
His such a pleb
Worst to Best:
1. Attack of the Clones
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. The Phantom Menace
4. A New Hope
5. Empire Strikes Back
6. Return of the Jedi
This is objectively the correct order.
He's still a SJW prick.
Nope, he ranked it right. But he's a moron on everything else.
i agree. i've never liked his movies, but i did like some of the skits in BIG TRAIN and SPACED was kinda cute...at first. Less because of him, and more so because of Jessica Hynes and Mark Heap...he was great in Spaced.
gingers is just an anagram for niggers. it explains a lot. let that marinate.
> TPM better than ROTS
this this this
I wish this would get more notice. I have several friends who while talking about upcoming movies have mentioned something like "yeah so i read takei forced them to make the new sulu gay and whatever, seems pretty forced".
Keep in mind i have very stupid friends, but it's still fucking stupid. Takei, who is very out-and-proud, was of the opinion that the character should stay true to its character and roddenberry's vision regardless of personal agenda. It doesn't get more based than that.
Like you said, in the grand scheme it matters very little but it's fucking stupid as fuck. Beyond looks like garbage but i'm hopeful either way and the sulu thing is completely unncecessary.
It's not just this one thing either, in the old series Rodenberry wanted Sulu to use a Katana because the character had Japanese ancestry. Takei told him to fuck off and that a rapier would make more sense since Sulu was supposed to be American, not Japanese.
But in the new movies, Sulu has a katana because he's Asian.
Takei obvious loves the character and has a clear vision about how Sulu should be portrayed. He doesn't even give a shit about Sulu's heritage- he told John Cho, a Korean who was worried about playing a Japanese part given the historical friction between the two nations and racial issues with taking the part since he wasn't Japanese himself.
Takei told him to nut up and take the part, because minority representation in movies wasn't going to fix itself. He told him that if he wanted to make it possible for more Asian-Americans to get a chance at blockbuster films the best way to do it was to take the chance with both hands, and own the role. Do it well because *that* would stifle arguments against having Asian-American actors in big movies. You can have quota hires and muh diversity if you want, but for it to be meaningful, for it to lead to change the actor has to do the job well. Nothing else will work or be remembered.
It's just frustrating. I just thought of Takei as a vaguely amusing old fruit who was good for OH MY meme images, but the more I learned about him the more respect I have for him.
what did burr do?
Ignoring him sends the exact opposite message they were aiming for. Instead of honouring Takei they're devaluing him by asking his opinion and rejecting it when it doesn't match what they want.
It is.
you should read up on his japanese-american internment camp testimonies he gave to congress when they were debating whether or not they should pay reparations to the survivors.
You got it wrong.
His list
Attack of the Clones
good list, I'd switch TPM and RotS though.
didn't this guy complain about how stupid the nerd industry is then basically join it for the money
the new star trek is dumbed down retarded action shit anyway
i wondered why i never liked him in anything since hot fuzz and this is why.
he bluepilled himself typical pom leftie sjw libcuck hollyjew
>you want s movie called Star Trek to be set in space with starships? Fuck you, the crew will get stranded on a planet
>you want Sulu to be straight so he can have a daughter? Fuck you, alternate timelines make people gay.
>you want the franchise to stay true to its ideals after I bitched and moaned for years about Lucas messing up Star Wars? Fuck you, my ego is now unstoppable.
This he is a absolute faggot and only had 3 good movies ONLY because he worked with edgar wright not because simon is funny or talented.
He's a hack of the highest order
Shawn of the Dead is /comfy/ as fuck
>return of the jedi better than empire strikes back
>phantom menace better than revenge of the sith
what the literal fuck is wrong with your brain?
only thing debatable on pegg's list is attack of the clones being worse than phantom menace.
i like return of the jedi more than i like a new hope
>when was star trek ever about a crew being stranded on an alien planet?
You like it more.
Do you think it's a better movie?
>literally married a nigger
>lets himself get pussy whipped by a nigger
>makes liberal comments all the time
>would have voted bernie
name one comedian voting for Trump
All of them secretly.
If Jon Stewart made a career out of lampooning Bush, just imagine what comedians will do with Trump. It's guaranteed free and easy material for 4-8 years.
Who cares? Sulu barely does anything in these movies. Hell, he barely did anything on the show. It's like making Nurse Chapel a lesbian, only I think Nurse Chapel actually had an episode or two devoted to her
>George Takei is most famous for playing Hikaru Sulu, who was portrayed as straight
Sulu had not (straight) sexuality and given the actor there always was a subtle gay subtext.
All I could think of.
No, that's a backwards reading of it based on knowing Takei is gay.
In the old series he scopes out and hits on women. Not as much as Kirk, but nobody does it as much as Kirk.
Have you guys ever considered that the majority of 'the fans' either welcome the change or are neutral to it, and the vocal minority are the ones trying to ruin everything?
By the end of TNG Era, Sulu had a wife and daughter.
Don't talk such rot.
George Takei himself says it's stupid.
As a fan, I'm more inclined to place value on a man who knew GR personally as opposed to the team behind this Star Trek fanfiction.
I think he's trying to say you can like 'so geeky movies' without being a manchild.
Your a manchild if you claim no personal agency, you can like whatever the fuck you like.
>Running joke in Spaced was that Episode 1 ruined Star Wars
>Spends all his time making fun of this mentality
Probably all the boston guys besides Bill and Louis
funny how Nick Frost and Edgar Wright are doing fine.
He's the only real shithead and im guessing he's been like this for a while ever since the sucess of SotD
i cant wait till hollywood drops him like hot shit and move onto le next funny british person
What's Nick Frost up to?
i'd much rather have him stay how he is than turn into a cunt like pegg though
Edgar Wright is based and even he cant be bothered working with pegg anymore.
And this was the guy crying aboot the Star Wars prequels
What's he say?
this. leftist comedy is dying because they've been the establishment for 8 years now. they desperately need Trump.
I never met an actor who hated his fans so much like simon pegg.
classic SJW desu, acting like they represent muh opressed, even though the opressed in question never asked them to do so
I wouldn't call Lenny Clark all the Boston guys
but the new timeline gayed him up. he's totes fabulous now.
So why didn't they make Sulu gay originally when the original Star Trek was known for pushing boundaries when it came to that thing, the interacial kiss being one of them, etc.
I saw him call a guy a wog at a weatherspoons in 2006.
They didn't ignore him, they told him he was wrong and how he should feel about it and about being gay.
At the end of the day, George Takei didn't create Star Trek. It isn't up to him how Sulu is written. Pegg did say that they thought about introducing a new character who was gay but they feared it would risk tokenism. Sup Forums would've hated that even more.
This entire thread is wurf ...one-quarter portion.
>At the end of the day, George Takei didn't create Star Trek. It isn't up to him how Sulu is written.
Which is why he said that they fucked up Roddenberry's vision.
>Pegg did say that they thought about introducing a new character who was gay but they feared it would risk tokenism.
Shitty excuse, sounds like he's just a shit writer that couldn't overcome such a hurdle, if he wanted to make a crew member gay, he should have done it for Scotty.
because the character wouldn't just be gay, they'd need to make a huge deal out of it and we'd have some big drama scene then the triumphant moment where this character accepts their sexuality in a universe where people get it on with aliens on the regular
now sulu will fill this role
Otherway around
You big black bastard
time is just one big circle
I figure It's Bernie >>> Trump > Shillary for some of them
Ari Shaffir said he'd vote for Trump over Hillary on JRE, but maybe that was ironic
This really bothers me, how would a new Timeline make him gay?
Being gay is a choice then?
Just like all SJW moves it becomes more offensive by trying too hard to be ""progressive"".
Explain, please, why exactly they don't work with Pegg anymore?
I can never remember whether it's politically correct to view homosexuality etc. As being a choice or genetically determined. I always get confused when trying to follow their arguments.
Are balding red hair midgets the worst?
>guy who thinks that some "magical ingredient" makes people gay tries to tell an actual gay guy how he should feel about being gay and what gay people need
The more Peg talks, the deeper the hole.
The only thing I'd switch round would be phantom menace and Sith.
Both were fucking tedious but The Phantom Menace still looks like a movie partly because they put some actual effort into making some impressive sets. Last time they ever bothered with that stuff in the prequels and it shows.
>British """""""""""people""""""""""
Made an Asian token character a fag. But let's be fair, Sulu was always gay, especially with George method acting so hard that he made Sulu fence shirtless.
dude nerd culture is killing society lmao
He is literally a Big Bang Theory tier actor. Nick Frost was the only reason Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz were watchable, without Nick Frost to bounce off he is just a hipster cunt.
They are both talentless hacks.
No argument from me. Spaced is one of the worst things I have ever seen.
Spaced is so shit it literally ran off DUDE NERD CULTURE
He's rich beyond anyone's wildest dreams he can say what he likes and there's nothing you plebs can do about it.
Not support anything else he does.
he was a dwarf in those awful huntsman movies
That's pretty shitty actually
>these threads are only ever created by SJWs, doing it ironically
>SJWs do it so much, they don't even realize that they are the only ones doing it
It must be a delight, spending all your free time creating your "patriarchal" boogymen for lack of anything better to do.
>Those who have whined about the secret agenda of the liberal left, spreading ungodly perversions, through the evil mouthpiece of homosexual Hollywood, can go fuck themselves
How quaint
What has right-wing Onision got to do with this?
Fuck you for hating the prequels
Weow I finally get it, he is a faggot and that's why he is writing articles about women being bad. Fuck this fag. He talked about being a inquisitive provocateur on the jre prodcast episode but told joe to "stop it" every time joe asked an uncomfortable question. What a double standard holding piece of shit faggot.
>Sulu was always gay
Sulu was married with children. Kirk even reacts in surprise saying "When did Sulu find time for a family?"
Man, cousin balki is looking good these days.
Does this mean that alternate timeline Picard will be black?