Why are Russians so based?
Why are Russians so based?
sorry, what tv show or movie is this?
The news that I watched on my tv
Dont you remember? Half of Sup Forums migrated to Sup Forums a couple months ago
can confirm
>couple of months ago
fuck off summer nig
What does this have to do with television and film?
read the thread coon
hyper masculine culture
Sup Forumsedditors are scared of posting on Sup Forums
about time too. the nigger lovers were out of control here
Bullshit, this is another race baiting thread.
>couple months ago
You clearly have no idea how this board works.
well everytime I turn on my Sup Forums now all I hear about is this shit.
Holy shit, we got the trifecta. Sup Forums, reddit AND Sup Forums are all the reason Sup Forums is shit.
Maybe we could use a few of them. Black people need to stop murdering, raping and stealing.
I'm so happy this disgusting country will be broken up into pieces in my lifetime.
fuck off trip fag
What? Russia? Wew lad.
Our first female president will cripple them (as if that can be done any further) They are the losers of the history
>the pest
literally shitskin twitter meme
>implying america won't crumble first
Putin will molest America's first female president, just as he molested Merkel.
iZombie is a good show and they picked a good lead actress.
We've been here since /new/ shut down
Not him but he's half right. Russians simply aren't having enough children (it's literally worse than whites in Western Europe), all their most educated individuals migrate to other countries and old people are a huge number of the population.
They're fucked.
What does anything on this board have to do with television and film? This is literally a meme spouting board.
Go cry to the mods faggot
not enough blacks for the elites to use as a dog on a leash for discipline and self-hatred
>Not him but he's half right.
Alright, I'll take that without evidence because I know it's happening everywhere except nignog countries.
He's not half right though. Russia won't be broken up and population problems won't come to bear in his grandchildren's lifetime, nevermind his.
how do you rate Putin's big black dog?
Black people don't do so well in Russia.
>Look at me, I'm so tough, I shipost on a Thai scatplay forum
Black people don't do so well anywhere