>Remakes better than the original
Remakes better than the original
>moves to china for no fucking reason
>doesn't even learn karate, learns kung fu
this must be a bait thread
I loved this film. A shame the Jackie Chan end fight was cut out
This movie followed the book so much better.
It makes you think: the hell was wrong with the director of the Wilder one who ended it so suddenly with no epilogue?
>moves to china for no fucking reason
yeah, his mom knew Detroit was a piece of shit and was ran with niggers. Hell she would live in fucking communist china than Detroit
Why not move to England, Europe or Australia or even Japan?
Why would you move to communist China which bans Youtube?
Not a movie, but Battlestar Galactica.
Yeah it went to shit at the end, but even its worst eps are way better than old BSG or BSG 1980.
Not a movie but this 3 part mini series was so much better compared to the Lynch film.
Of course 3 + 80 minute episodes are going to give a lot more time to adapt a 500 page book to the screen compared to a 2 hour and a half film.
But not only this, all the wardrobe clothing, sets felt like Dune to me whilst the Lynch movie I could just never get into.
At least the Wilder one was based on a treatment from Dahl himself, so at least the changed stuff originated from the writer
>family is probably poor and a coast ticket to England is about $1000 each not to mention shipping cost for their things to be move over there
>Expensive, locals would probably hate them. Overrun with sand niggers now and mom would probably would get raped by Muslims
> Australia
Most expensive out of the list, not a lot of opportunities, mediocre pay
Expensive, most xenophobic race on the planet.
Once again. We're talking about a family that's from Detroit, where the average income is $28,528 n America's dying economy.
Just because the treatment originated from the original author doesnt make it good.
The Star Wars films are constantly remastered by the original writer and director and look how they turned out?
Absolutely fucking not, have you seen both movies OP?
You sound like an assmad piss skin chink.
Exactly, I don't even think he's baiting.
Roll up a fattie and download Karate Kid (1984) in 1080 and immerse yourself in the 8ps lifestyle of guinea motherfucker Daniel San and come back to us.
Are you fucking high?
You sound like an assblasted autist, thats never left your own shithole of a town
This movie is nowhere near as better than the original, but it still is a DAMN GOOD movie!
I rate it 7/10 for being different but also being very engaging.
Shut up slope i fucking hate fisheads
Watch the original
It blows Nigger Kid out of the water
>Original: Killer Whale
>2010: Hermit Crab
This movie followed the book better, had better emotion, better acting. So no not bait.
The backstory of Wonka was great too and it had based Christopher Lee.
>followed the book better
Irrelevant. Throwing that out now.
>better emotion
Not as far as Wonka is concerned. Wilder is legendary
>better acting
>backstory was great
The story is great. Literally the easiest thing a movie can accomplish.
>Christopher Lee
You know what other bad movies had him in it? They're pretty well known. I bet you can guess which ones i'm talking about.