Drugs experts required: Currently taking xan for about a month now and i stil can't describe how it effects me...

Drugs experts required: Currently taking xan for about a month now and i stil can't describe how it effects me. Can some one tell me his opinion, and what drug would you think the closest to xanax? for science

I've never found anything close to xanax. :(

Heroin ! Its super cheap and make you feels even more Droppy
Smoke some black tar my friend

yeah i would say like a micro dose of molly or something like it. but don't know.. how does it effects you ?

xanax is the best, is like weed for adults

next is wisely used pure cocaine, nothing to compare with the street "cocaine"

is it possible that i confused the effects with weed ? i'm smoking daily

wasn't xanax just benzos?

I have both

Sor anxiety, clonazepam / klonopin..

Benzo's are fucking horrible.

I work in the pharmacy and benzo's turn normal people into insufferable pieces of shit

this guy knows his shit...I do too, as an ex benzo user...they have their place....recreation is not that place...you're better off with jenkem

that exactly like it feels to me, i felt worst after taking those, so i stopped and start taking xans

xanax is a sedative hypnotic that falls more into the hypnotic side of that phrase, it decreases inhibition too much for an enjoyable high because at that point you're pretty much blacked out and don't even know it

i prefer other benzos over this trash any day

xans are a benzo, you miserable twat...

unexperienced xanny user detected...

gawd...by Sup Forums

seriously, my patients that are addicted to their benzos are the fucking worst. Opiate addicts are less bothersome than benzo addicts.

the worst part is it is usually old women who are addicted. They get on benzos because their husband passed away then they take them nonstop until they are stupid fucking mean bitches, then they bitch because i won't fill their script 15 days early.

I take lorazepam, how much does it get you too get blacked out?

Get more sunlight, take vitamins, and eat better. In a month you won't need xanax.

so, an hero, and quit talking shit....and being a lttle bitch about it...ffs

inexperienced user of the english language here

too much xanny lowers IQ

if you're kyle, 2mg put you down

oh i'm sorry I am contributing to the discussion while you are being a little bitch and pissing and moaning about someone else legitimately having something to say. go fucking kys faggot

Yeah, so, you best stay clear the fuck away from xanax
>foreign fuckin retard

If you like a sedated feeling xanax gives as an anti-anxiety, I'd recommend effexor. It's powerful, calming, and it has a side-effect of being an anti-depressant as well. My psychiatrist took me off of it and stuck me with lorazepam, wellbutrin, and abilify, but I greatly miss effexor.

Given the chance of my choice, I'd stick with effexor. But I have problems sleeping and my thought race so fast that when anyone asks what I'm thinking, I can't remember at the immediate moment unless I'm thinking without interruption. Women don't believe me, since they're "understanding" or form or relating is completely based on self-projection.

So, I'd go with effexor, even if given the choice with xanax. Some people think lorazepam is good enough, but I don't care. The heart wants what it wants.

You don't have a single thing of value to say.. but you can go ahead and show us your tits though...

>foreign fucking retard

went straight over your head you fucking zombie

not....wannabe murican

> take my warning do not fuck with it.
> know too many niggers that oded.
Plus all that shit dose is make you fall asleep. I mean if you can fight that off you got a good high but 9 times outa 10 you can not remember what the fuck you did

I'm not sure how Xanax actually makes me feel because I always forget everything the next day after taking it but I still keep taking it...

Any other benzodiazepine would be close to xanax.

Nigger you won't die from it. Most I've taken at once was about 26MGS blacked out for a couple of days, sigh.

false, you can die from xanax OD, plenty of people have

Like huffing ether, without the wahwahhhas or the black out feeling
Herions as stated by another user is nothing like xanax. Its moar like your god for a while, until you get hooked and build a tolerence.

Side note morphine doesnt work on my anymore

Right buddy you taking Bars or the weak shit. Dudes wife took her self out with them. Not even a month down the road the dude oded on the same shit.

not true. people die from combining excessive benzos with alcohol.

It doesn't really have any pronounced effects, at least that you can feel. It makes you black out and act like an asshole but you feel totally normal and sober while it's happening. That's the best way I can describe. Still, I crave it sometimes for some reason. It's GREAT with opiates. It can potentiate other drugs beautifully.

first time I had morphine I felt like God. It was seriously the best feeling I have ever had in my entire life. This is exactly why I won't ever fuck with it ever again, too worried that I will get addicted.

It's difficult to do so. The LD50 is ridiculously high.

Chick died in high school after taking 10 of them


medfag here - unless you're an adolescent or younger just smoke pot. Don't do benzos or drink alcohol excessively, don't do amphetamines, don't do opiates. Just smoke pot and call it a day.

2mg bars bro, Xanax alone will not kill you.

Well she must've been taking other shit with it because Xanax will not kill you.

CBD extract is basically just a more chill and utilitarian version of xanax without the vicious addiction or withdrawals or negative health effects.

Enhance the feeling by stop being a queer and atop doing benzos fag you know for science

Well, it uh, could if you took like 600+mg or some shit I guess. But no one ever would. There are a lot more practical things to OD on.

Morphine fucked me up and was my first high via the hospital, but i could control myself. Herion it hit and i fell over backwards and was barely able to lean up slightly..... morphines never worked since its like taking advil, and i have to request to not be given it

Just because everyone agrees, doesn't make it true. Drug users boast about how weed isn't addictive nor can you die from it while the death toll keeps rising.

You ignorant fucks are beyond saving.

Samefag here.
I want to add that in NO WAY do I condone combing benzos with opiates because that's how ODs happen. But I've been lucky and had some great experiences mixing both. Usually an Oxy 80 and a bar. Perfect combo for me with my tolerance to both drugs.

Smoking dope is such a waste. If you're gonna go the H route IV the shit.


You can go to your local pharmacy and buy yourself a pack of 10 clean works for like a buck fifty. Have someone else shoot you up at first and watch what they do. If you're scared of needles, you won't be after 2-3 shots and soon you'll be doing it yourself.

How do you ask for needles at a pharmacy to not sound sketchy?

Phenibut is better

>Thinking weed can kill you

Nope just xanax. As stated in the report. Its stated it is difficult to die from it not impossible

Pretty much yeah

Alcohol is fucking shit, it makes people act like the worst possible versions of themselves in excess. A few drinks and a light buzz is fine from time to time but its honestly one of the worst and most abuseable drugs.

Benzos are shit for reasons already went over in the thread, and shouldn't be fucked with unless you literally need them to manage anxiety and panic attacks, and even then only sparingly.

Opiates are a great way to trade lasting happiness for expensive, life-destroying flashes of extreme pleasure.

Amphetamines fucking suck. They're awesome at the time, you feel great and feel productive, but uppers fuck your body up something awful and all your doing is borrowing enthusiasm and energy from your future self. The downs always inevitably outweigh the ups.

If you need to do stuff to not be sober, weed, small amounts of alcohol, small amounts of caffeine and the odd psychedelic are the best you got.

Phenibut is cool and all but it isn't really "fun." I've taken heroic doses and it did just made me feel floaty and giggly the next day, and super horny.


Its just a benzo if it were recreationally useless but extremely good for anxiety and pain and had absolutely no negative side effects.

Completely legal too at the moment.

Give CBD a try, its fucking nice even if you already smoke weed.

So what would I most likely get prescribed with severe anxiety, slight depression, and high notes of ADD and melodramatic daydreaming?

You guys come on, just smoke pot. Do you know how many bad heroin cases I've seen? I've seen a few dudes come in with rhabdomyolysis after staying unconscious for too long. I've seen folks develop vegetations on their heart valves which have left septic emboli in their brains. Fuck, I've just seen people who have spent so long on heroin when they come in to the ED for a broken leg or an infection they are in severe pain that cannot be alleviated because our prescriptions won't do shit to their tolerance. This is all assuming you don't OD.

Just smoke some fucking pot.

Need better b8 m8 i r8 0 of 8

Go up to the prescription counter and ask for insulin needles. If they ask if you have a prescription or something like that, just tell them you're getting them for your dad or something because he orders his online and they ran out. Sometimes I just tell them I'm getting them because I have a diabetic cat and didn't realize I was out. You obviously can't use the same excuse all the time to the same person, but after a while they get used to you. Plus, they can't really deny you, it's not scheduled or illegal in any way. The most they can do is fuck you over by giving you the tiny as fuck needles that make it a pain in the ass to hit.

Show me the person who died from too much weed.

Too late. Still wondering how you properly ask for needles at a pharmacy.
Weed gives me anxiety. Opiates make me feel like I'm on top of the world.

Xanax is shit tier, at least for me. Just makes me vaguely tired and gives me a sore throat from dry mouth overnight. Too bad I've got like a thousand of the things :(

Thank you!


You are disgusting.

This is why I hate potheads...

"Just smoke pot, bruh!"

I don't smoke pot for a reason. I do not react like you or your buddies do. I do not enjoy the high. I become extremely paranoid to the point of panic attacks. If I could enjoy smoking pot, I would. I like shooting dope because it makes me feel good, unlike smoking pot.

You should know that weed has four times the amount of tar as cigarettes. It's a carcinogen for a reason, but you know the same can be said about tobacco or radiation. Tobacco or exposure to radiation doesn't kill you, the cancer that follows it does.

Justify it however you like, you live shorter lives in the end.

just ask for needles, I don't want to hear your fucking fake story. Know what CC or mL you are asking for plus needle length and I will give it to you 100% of the time.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still gonna judge the fuck out of you though

The best drug is a good night's sleep.

Thank you!
It's not that easy for everyone. Weed fucking sucks for me. I have awful anxiety every time I smoke. Opiates make me feel invincible.

I'm not a pothead. I'm an internal medicine resident. I'm giving you fucking advice on what drugs to do so you don't fuck yourself and fuck my call. If you don't want pot then do LSD and have someone keep an eye on you so you don't roam around too far.

Nahh bro I had a Grandma who smoked all the way up till she was 90, some people have better genes than others.

Understandable. Though id rather do shrooms for pleasure friend died from herion.

Oh, adding to my previous post about how to ask for needles. It's good if you know measurements in the case they ask, or you want to hurry it up. Generally you want...

1) 29 to 31 gauge (width of needle opening)
2) Half inch (length of needle tip)
3) 1cc (units of liquid it can hold)

Unless I only consume THC via extracts, vaporizers and edibles. Which, by the way, I do. In which case you have no point.

But I'm pretty sure you don't have a point anyway because, in spite of the tar, I don't think there's ever been a definitive link between even smoking the shit and cancer.

the drug you are looking for is called etizolam

syringe box guise as in " May I have a syringe box right behind you ma'am theyre for my grandmother"

Well then obviously don't fucking smoke pot, just do something other than fucking dope you fucking idiot.

yep this guy knows his shit, i'll add to that : the strongest weed once a week

Ehh, inhaling too much of any smoke is carcinogenic. In a sense he has a point, but it's not specific to pot; however, it does increase your general risk.

"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use. What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."

"The THC in marijuana has well-defined anti-tumoral effects that have been shown to inhibit the growth of a variety of cancers in animal models and tissue culture systems, thus counteracting the potentially tumorigenic effects of the procarcinogens in marijuana smoke. "

Good b8 m8

the only other thing i take is paroxetine and a lot of weed


But you still shouldn't smoke because its the least efficient way to consume THC. A good vaporizer will get you way higher on way less bud everytime. No loss from the bowl/joint burning and no loss from the combustion destroying the canniboids, flavinoids and terpenes.

Or just do extracts, which are admittedly a bit of a different beast.

It's funny - it seems like the only thing paroxetine is used for these days is recreational use. We almost never prescribe it.

Thouth about the resin being in your lungs which is a valid point. I dont smoke anyone before you assume im just a 420blazeitfaggot. Vaporize it or eat it. Its being used to fight cancer. Pharmaceutical companies will do anything to keep people away from anything that takes their profit, just like the lumber industry with the smear campaign. Reefer madness. Also the shits not addictive though you can form a habit as with any thing else, but the addictions not there. I quit smoking weed cold turkey effortlessly without a single side effect or urge to smoke again, cigarettes on the other hand i had a addiction to and it was living hell with cravings aggression etc for about a year after took 2 years before i could stop thinking about them almost completely. To this day i dont have a urge to smoke weed but cigarettes i do on occasion 3yrs later.
>tired didnt proof read excuse it.

Well it's really for recreational use, more of a depression "cure". i'm going to be interned in about 2 weeks or so.

Sounds rough. I can only imagine that you see people smoking and thoughts of what you use to do are long past you. You're only stronger for being able to see that and move past it.

Xanax was fun when on it, but Holy shit those Withdrawls are fucking the worst.

Friend had a stroke while dabbig. Took a hit passed out

Well it's not really for recreational use, more of a depression "cure". i'm going to be interned in about 2 weeks or so.

man FUCK xanax even tho i stopped taking bars i still love them.. but they seriously fuck your life up after awhile, u start taking them every once and a while then u end up taking 6 daily, shits fucked

Sometimes I feel like I'm about to have a stroke when I glob too hard or god forbid eat too much edible. Getting too high can trigger intense anxiety for the wrong person at the wrong time. Its important to remember that its still not dangerous and that it will pass.

Sounds like some sort of anxiety stress related outburst

Eh, it's a fairly shitty SSRI in comparison to the others for clinical use, at least in my opinion. Relatively high number of drug interactions because it is largely protein-bound and it is a CYP inhibitor; all the same SE as citalopram, escitalopram, sertraline, etc. but with a short half-life making it easy to withdraw on if you miss a couple doses. But it's cheap as fuck, and SSRIs are far from the most dangerous drugs of abuse, so I say if you're going to use an don't want to smoke pot give paroxetine a chance.

Doesnt bother me anymore. Quiting is hell, and you detox over years from the shit but no one tells you that.
>6months your able to breath deep again
Coughing up black shit
Weight gain 45 lbs

Absolutely thisThe symptoms of an anxiety attack are almost identical to those of a stroke. Getting too high is only known to cause one of those two things, though, and that's anxiety attacks. If that shit happens to you, no matter what try and remember that its just the fucking weed and in a little while you'll be back to normal.

Hence why I side with half of this thread in the sense I don't smoke anymore. I was a stoner until 21 until anxiety said "that's enough". I still do every now and then because I like the high but the panic attacks are not worth it

I am a former xanax addict.

I would use it recreationally to either reduce anxiety or to pass time, for me it would make time pass extremely quick. However, it effects your speech and your actions without you really noticing it. It will also make you black out and not remember anything that even happened. I also noticed that I would lose stuff on xanax a lot. Don't take xanax it's a shitty drug

Thanks bud
Does xanax, paroxetine or weed causes night sweats?