>Green Room portrays white nationalists as violent murderers and thugs
This isn't what they're like at all, the vast majority are just regular law-abiding folks like you and me.
Seriously, why does Hollywood always do this?
>Green Room portrays white nationalists as violent murderers and thugs
This isn't what they're like at all, the vast majority are just regular law-abiding folks like you and me.
Seriously, why does Hollywood always do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because there are actual skinhead gangs that deal drugs and kill people. Are you American?
They're a vocal minority at most.
>Because there are actual skinhead gangs that deal drugs and kill people. Are you American?
not OP but that jsut isn't true. Never all crime in america is done by blacks.
nearly none is done by white nationalists.
WNs want neighborhoods free of crime.
>an industry run by jews are biased against white nationalists
yeah why do they do this?
Hi Sup Forums
Because movies about normal people doing normal things don't sell tickets. How many of you want to watch a 2 hour movie that just portrays suburban life going on as usual with mildly racist overtones?
being a racist is worse than being a murderer.
Are you honestly asking why people dislike actual Neo-Nazis? This is an honest question you are asking right now?
Are you dumb? Neo-nazi and white nationalist gangs are some of the main factions in prison gang crime, and those guys who get out don't just go back to normal afterwards.
I mean seriously. Ugh... OP, can you just not?
>he didn't understand the movie
Fucking neck yourself videogame sensibilities
A)Skinheads can eat a dick.
B)It's fiction. Every group of people have been vilified at one point or another in fiction. And if you don't like being vilified, maybe try not to be a member of a group that is despised by every facet of society. By choice, I might add. Nobody is forcing you to be a skinhead.
This isn't a movie about "the vast majority" of white nationalists. This is about the hardcore Turner Diaries fanatics that are violent horrorshows. Serious white nationalists, not 'hurrrrrr white people rule' retards like Sup Forums.
No, just all violent crime. The actual crime that matters on a global scale is perpetrated almost entirely by Jews.
I was a White Power Skinhead back in the late '90s and early 2000s. I was pretty into it and ran with a skinhead crew with a few Nazipunks on the fringes. There are no real skinheads anymore. Nobody fucking dresses like that anymore. We grew up. We moved on. Aryan Nations is the only group that runs drugs and they're not even real Nazis. Real NatSocs committed vandalism and assault and assassinations and bank robberies back in the '80s mostly, plus a couple mass shootings more recently, all lone wolf. But a gang like this or the guys from Breaking Bad? That dresses like skins from the '90s and routinely murders people? Give me a fucking break. That's a figment of Hollywood's imagination. Times have changed.
wtf. picard is old now.
Wait you mean you're mad that it portrayed white nationalists as non neck bearded faggots? I'm confused.
Noooo white nationalists have NEVER been violent murders.
I have an asian classmate who says she wants to find a white supremacist to worship, should I reveal my power level to her?
She says she's not looking for a relationship, is it okay to fuck gooks if I don't plan to mix with them?
>They're a vocal minority at most.
Yes, and this film portrays such a group. Why is that hard for you to understand, autist. It's a movie. It's fucking fiction. Fucking kys.
East Asians are honorary Aryans but fornication is a sin.
what's with asians and their prevalent underlying mental illnesses?
>This isn't what they're like at all, the vast majority are just regular law-abiding folks like you and me.
This is why they cant be taken seriously
They loudly yell about ropeday and the jews in their hugboxes, but too scared to do anything
"Someone should do something! Well, not me, I'm too lazy"
Dude, I'm asian, and I say you should go for it. Fornication isn't love.
neck yourself
but roleplay rape is :)
more of this chick pls
How can they be one of the main factions when prisons are full of blacks and Hispanics?
Because jews.
>East Asians are honorary Aryans
Fucking kill yourself you weeb shitlord
You must be 18 to post here OP, fucking 13 year old kids think their dumbass views matter, you are a disgrace to skinheads whod probably fucking eat you alive. That and you missed the point of the movie.
FBI honeypot
don't be surprised when she encourages you to commit felonies
You do realise there are white people in prison too?
I'm just saying, there are criminals who are neo nazis.
The film never fucking said that all white-nationalists are murderers. But there are some actual skinhead gangs that kill people. The film if plrtraying one of these cults.
back to Sup Forums stormweenie
your kind isn't welcome here
>This isn't what they're like at all, the vast majority are just regular law-abiding folks like you and me.
And the film doesn't imply otherwise in any way whatsoever. You fucking retard. This thread is bait, isn't it?
Aryan Brotherhood are mostly Spics, have you seen them?
Even if you do consider them to be 'white', skinheads commit far less crime than standard blacks running amok in the USA. Niggers are extremely more dangerous and prone to crime than a skinhead.
Will they make a film about a gang of blacks doing something heinous like the OP film? Of course not, and we know why.
>wearing suspenders
lmao nerd
>this whole fucking thread
Sometimes I love to come on this pol-infested board just for the confidence boost in seeing just how many small-minded dumbshits there are out there.
Sup Forums truly is Sup Forums-lite.
What have I seen the guy on the right in before
Who gives a shit?
What are they gonna do, ruin white nationalist's great reputation?
>there's nuance guys
>l'm le smart
>muh nazism
jesus christ grow up
you'll need that confidence for the senseless pounding your wife will be receiving from jamal this evening, bucko
My biggest annoyance is that it feeds into the skinhead=nazi meme.
>shit tier image with wrong "opinions"
Hey reddit.
Americans giving a bad name to things as usual
>tfw no qt racist gf
And the majority of Mexicans are hard working family oriented laborers. Doesn't mean Cartels and Mexican Gangs don't exist.
>And the majority of Mexicans are hard working family oriented laborers
>Seriously, why does (((Hollywood))) always do this?
Hmm... really makes you think.
That actually looks like Thomas Turgoose from This is England.
Based on sheer statistics that statement is accurate.
Don't forget we also get that harry potter film where he infiltrates home grown terrorist nazis who are plotting to blow up a dirty bomb.
>Wrong opinions
So all cops are bad, all blacks are thugs, all hispanics are illegal, all muslims are terrorists and all whites are racist?
I hate SJW as much as the next guy, but that doesn't mean standing in a middleground makes you one.
Also, not the user you're replying to, but I've "been" on Sup Forums since late 2007 and I don't browse reddit. You need to stop this le reddit boogeyman thing. Just because you disagree with faggots here, which you will more than often, doesn't mean they're visitors from other websites or imageboards, and even if they are how does that make you better than them? It shows extreme insecurity and paints a wrong image of Sup Forums.
Ehm no? They mention both Sharp and Rash (2 thing normal people have never heard of) so they literally say not all Skins are nazis. Also those people were more like a criminal gang on drugs, there wasn't much nazism going on anyway.
>extreme insecurity
>paints a wrong image of Sup Forums
I've seen people on fucking Sup Forums manage to argue better than you user.
>reaction picture
>mom I baited him!
I know you're better than this, I actually tried to treat you like an adult. Seems you want to continue being an extreme homosexual. Your loss nigger.
I am not the guy you are intentionally responded to and I have been here long than you (which I hate). But stating that people here aren't insecure is very, very weird.
oh look, its a #notallracists thread
I didn't mean to say as "I've been here longer" but as a "I know what Im talking about and why I like Sup Forums" is all. It wasnt a superiority thing, it was just to prevent the "Newfag go back to othersite" thing.
>all whites arent racist
haha, nice try racist
If you have light skin you are racist and you cant change that
If someone had told me that throughout my entire life I was going to have to endlessly listen to boring as fuck race debates, irl, online, everywhere, I wouldn't have fucking bothered being born
the most tedious shit on this earth
little late to the party but I just saw this movie. Pretty good film lads, would you agree?
Only like 1 or 2 of the Nazis were violent thugs and they were they underlings. The rest of them seemed to be logical and level headed people.