Why does it make you angry that this film is competent and entertaining? Just don't see it if you don't want to watch a reboot of a movie you like, the death threats and protests aren't necessary desu
Why does it make you angry that this film is competent and entertaining...
Other urls found in this thread:
the only people mad are the warcraft faggots no one wants video game adaptions that aren't made for children but secretly are
Because it's not. As stated in other threads. Most reviewers are giving it relatively harsh criticism, however they're giving it high final scores.
Claiming it's worth 80+/100 because, "It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be" or "It's average"
I even read several where the "critic" ripped the movie apart and then gave it a 7+/10
Just read the threads
They're upset reddit numales
>m-muh men's rights
As a white man, I honestly feel like any white man who complains about discrimintion or that films that are targeted to women are "anti-men" are pathetic. White men have it extremely well in Hollywood and are the most likely to be cast as leads, are generally paid better, etc. This shit is more obnoxious and sad than extreme white tumblr feminism
I'm literally going to see it on opening day to spite the MRA manchildren desu
it makes me angry that Sony made an agenda to push an all female leading cast treating it like a revelation whereas female leading films have existed and done well for decades. And the fact that idiots are jumping on the bandwagon believing the bollocks.
It makes me more angry that they've used Ghostbusters to do this.
Oh here we go :)
Why do entertainment products that you are not obligated to watch make you angry user
because Im an idiot and it bothers me. Let me moan.
the reason that so many are angry with this movie is because the main villain is a literal virgin male who picks on the female ghostbusters and the female ghostbusters defeat him.
I can understand male's being offensive by this especially if you are a virgin.
>whereas female leading films have existed and done well for decades
Not really for large budget films, there are exceptions but the vast majority of the time there's primarily a male lead/leads. Star Wars proved that people will watch and love big budget action scifi films with female/African American leads which is nice, now just more studios need to make films with more diverse casts
Go get some pussy and stop whining betas lmao
Being a virgin is a choice or due to lifestyle choices.
I think people are more annoyed that a new ghostbusters movie could gave been great, but they told an established fanbase "fuck off, this isn't for you anymore", literally.
>tfa meme
TFAs pandering will be short lived, it sold because it had the license of Star Wars, NOT because it had a mary sue and black caricature galavanting through a high budget utube video.
>this movie would have failed if nerds on the internet didn't say shit
top kek
Also Rey's not a Mary Sue no matter how many times you tell yourself that. Being a strong female doesn't = Mary Sue and you have to remember that Kylo Ren is not a sith nor is he strong with the force so her standing against him isn't actually that weird. Luke was strong with the force, he had a brief training scene and went up against Vader (who was a sith and far more powerful than Kylo Ren) the point of the film was to show where Kylo Ren and Rey were both at as their paths diverge and then they'll face each other again in a future film after they've both been trained. IF Kylo Ren had ever even been in a lightsaber duel, he would've been killing Luke's other young students and again, her being strong with the force and getting visions is not even slightly uncommon for the Star Wars universe...people are literally only complaining because she's a female and she's strong with the force like other Star Wars characters. Annakin and Luke were both gifted pilots, so is Rey and she's practiced quite a bit. Annakin and Luke were both strong in the force, so is Rey and she simply managed to survive against someone who is also young and in training
Most reviewers are actually giving it closer to 6/10, if you look at the average score. The percentage you see of all critics is actually positive/negative percentage rather than an actual average. The top critics are about split around 50 percent with the average being 6/10. It's a shitty movie, but it's not hitler.
Kylo ren was also injured by a bowcaster which had been shown in the film as knocking people across a fucking field, in the novelization killing Han didn't make him stronger, it weakened him, and He was tired from chasing after them while injured, and tired from fighting Finn. Rey tapped into the Force, while Kylo Ren was injured, tired, emotionally devastated, and probably pretty fucking scared.
>Go get some pussy and stop whining betas lmao
It's too hard for someone who is scared of females and who feels nervous around any women.
It is too hard to tell them to just go up to girls and try to talk dirty and get laid.
This is why we have basement dwellers (as this movie also makes fun of) who are too afraid to leave their house and make contact with women and who begin to have negativity towards women stating it is all their fault they are like this.
It isn't really funny to make fun of this when lots of virgin males are like this.
Literally every 'mary sue' thing in the film of her is explained by something in the film, with the exception of the mind trick, which is a part of a sequel hook. And hasn't been explained, that's literally the ONLY thing she does that isn't set up by something previously in the movie.
>competent and entertaining
>This happens
>emotionally devastated, and probably pretty fucking scared.
Do you literally understand NOTHING about the Dark Side?
I hate everyone.
If you watched the film you would know that he's somewhere in the middle and feeling pulled to the light, experiencing emotions that he knows that he shouldn't feel if he wants to be as strong as Vader
because i'm a man baby videogame enthusiast
Sigh. Should i even bother btfoing you redditors? I did it so many times its gotten pretty old. I shut down every mental gymnastic until you devolve into citing characters from other properties being mary sues (they never are youre just dumb), or you call me a buzzword OR you just quit the thread immediately and probably go post some shitty rey art on tumblr.
Good goyim. Go pay your hard earned shekels to show those sexist manbros wrong!
ITT people who dont know how RT rating works
wait why aren't they capturing the ghosts?
>conveniently ignoring all of Rey's struggles
>calls people he disagrees who make valid points rather than posting a screencap Redditoes
>>>alt-right faggot no-one-gives-a-shit fuck off
But hey, enjoy turning Sup Forums, AICN and every other film discussion board into Sup Forums.
God this looks heinous
>Sup Forums
wrong kiddo.
Because that doesn't make for good action scenes so they forget it.
>All reviews praise the actual ghostbusters, but shit on the movie
>most are 6/10
Rating this movie bad removes all credibility from the left-wing dolts who consume this jewish media
we don't need to make more films with diverse cast. That agenda should be fucked off entirely.
If a person fits the part, cast them, there shouldn't be a tick box on their race or gender before casting unless its a previously established character
Sup Forums is legitimately completely buttblasted today and it's really entertaining
You were wrong
Her only struggle is that she can't admit how great she is.
user is right.
Stop playing the victim while simultaneously playing the alpha male card.
You cant have it both ways, fags.
Why watch an inferior knockoff instead of the original?
fuck off then if you want to distance yourself.
ikr, what the fuck is wrong with you people?
art should have no quota or agenda to push, it should be the vision of the writer and/or director to do as they see fitting for the STORY at fucking hand
if you don't like it, why don't you start making films that fit your image?
fucking hell man
It doesn't make me angry, I don't care about it (or the original Ghostbusters) at all. Really wish Sup Forums wasn't filled with posts falseflagging and baiting each other about this shitty pandering flick
I know. god forbid Im allowed to be annoyed at something. Meanwhile youre here because you have nothing important to do.
The movie was alright.
But I have no bias either way or strong opinions on anything. I don't pay much attention to people who get offended over things so I've kinda tuned out the internet freakout over it
Why are people treating it like the end of the world?
I dunno man, I don't really get anyone anymore.
What exactly is everyone trying to accomplish?
dat opening day empty theatre in da UK mmmmmmmm
What's with all these tumblrinas pretending to be Sup Forums today ? You dumb plebs are so obvious - protip LEARN to talk like a patrician so you aren't so fucking obvious.
I haven't even seen one of you stupid pro-gurlbusters call it kino, which instantly outs you tards
>struggle to pull out a part from a busted ship
>struggle to not sell a robot
>struggle to not fly the millenium falcon perfectly
>struggle to not get free lightsaber
>struggle to not mindcontrol people with ease
>struggle to not fight dark sith on even ground
>struggle to not find marc hammel with ease
the struggle is real
Internet Culture War.
If the movie succeeds, there'll be more like it.
If the movie fails, there'll be less.
The very fate of Hollywood lies in the balance here.
What if you don;t use Tumblr and thought the movie was pretty decent?
low-test nu-male trying to earn brownie points with their empowered female friends on facebook
you would live in a perfect bubble life anyway
Hollywood is already pretty shit though. Nobody cried over the actually bad (not even remotely competent) remakes of other movies as much as I've seen people cry foul over this
Go back to masturbating to anime, pissbaby! The age of Hollywood having to pander to white male basement dwellers is OVER!
Literally just told you how to pretend to be Sup Forums and you managed to sound like a shill instead
I don't have any friends. I'm a complete shut in who lives off an internet business that is a gray area legally (CS GO keys kek)
You're not a Sup Forumseditor and you admit you have shit taste unlike them
>calling out anime
>on Sup Forums
>ultimate mongolian cartoon board
Why are raiders always so fucking stupid ?
The other remakes didn't virtue-signal to a feminist audience like this one. If this succeeds, it means much more pandering to feminism/progressivism in "geek culture" Hollywood movies, and much less pandering to the straight male nerd demographic. And some folks here don't like that.
it wont do well so dont worry.
This is the board moot created specfically not for anime or Japan
Else we'd be talking about J-Dramas and shit
Regardless of the stupid shit he may or may not have been sperging over if he breaks down crying it must have hurt. People don't just cry for nothing its a physical response to mental impulses and is usually uncontrollable. You'd think she'd at least have some empathy. Also what kind of miserable self hating motherfucker do you have to be to feel shame and burst out into to tears after being told to go watch anime. Shit I'd just leave and go watch some anime.
>White men work extremely hard in (and outside of) Hollywood and are the most likely to write or earn lead roles, generally earn and negotiate for better pay, etc.
I see more people complain about feminists (like as if the sky is falling) than actual feminists or SJW on the internet
I watched the movie not paying much attention to internet bullshit and honestly I don't get what people are going apeshit over. It just seems like shitposting gone out of control
>shitposting gone out of control
There's your answer.
Did you read that on encl dramatica lol? anime is site-wide newfag, fyi moot is dead
Lol nice try, either you ONLY visit Sup Forums or are full of shit. Forums and reddit are pure echo chambers, lorded over by sjw n white knight mods who ban for the slightest non-pc statements
By the way people are retracting, you'd think the movie was worse than Dragonball: Evolution.
At least this tried to be a ghostbusters movie
oops spell check
>6.6 avg from actual critics
its confirmed trash
didn't try very well forcing the previous director out as even an executive producer
Its not. Sony is already bragging also.
A Ghostbusters movie with a feminist/social justice agenda. There's the rub.
Reddit's biggest userbase right now is The_Donald. The site is basically Sup Forums-lite
Also any progressive sub or shitters like SRS are considering moving to Imzy now
sjws hate reddit
Gawker calls reddit "a hate site on par with Sup Forums" and their commentariat uses reddit users as their MRA strawmen
in 10 years they wont be around their movies are just trash now and the ps4 neo and ps5 will flop
good riddance
>you now remember /r/fatpeoplehate was deleted because of special snowflakes
I have. Numerous times. Maybe you're in denial?
You can't be serious. the_donald is a massive outlier, along with kotakuinaction. Other subs literally ban people who post there and have never posted in said subs. You will get banned from almost any default sub for saying something non-pc and if you aren't banned you will be downboated into oblivion. /r/StarWars had ZERO negative threads about TFA and never allowed any to surface, was the perfect example of an echo chamber ever
what the fuck?
It was deleted because the moderators only care about a dumb no doxxing rule or anything that can get them in trouble. Meanwhile, they still have subs like WatchPeopleDie
Same reason why moot removed gamergate discussion from Sup Forums but Sup Forums and mich worse things remianed
Those are just the local mods of that subreddit. It'd be another thing if someone like spez banned it from Reddit altogether
The people who run the site don't give a shit. They let you open another subreddit if you don't like the way an existing one is handling things. Thos is why KotakuInAction and The_Donald are there
you have no idea what you're talking about, educate yourself
spez literally rewrote the website to combat the donald... spez also allows piece of shit sjw kingdom SRS which regularily raids Sup Forums to a pathetic degree, dumb fucks are obvious, are you like completely new to the internet period? Like did you just start using reddit and Sup Forums this week?
>spez literally rewrote the website to combat the donald
>it'll be 90+ haters
>hahaha its competent suck it man babies
loving every laugh
shit that never happened
The front page was constantly filled with Trump support, so they changed the algorithm to allow less posts from any one subleddit to reach the front page.
Maybe you should invoke the will of psychotherapy to cure your autism.
rewrote the front page algorithm so the_donald wouldn't show up as much
I am a man and proud Sup Forumsirgin, so i hate everything that fucking normies (REEEEEE) like and i also hate women!
Fuck the matriarchy!!!
dumb ghettoposter
Funny way to say Jewish men.
when will this gender debate / SJW shit end?
do you think it'll be over by the 20s?
I'm completely indifferent to the film, just tired of seeing it and hearing about it.
So let me get this straight:
There is a movie. A movie you like.
And then there is a "reboot" or whatever. With women. That you don't like.
Does that new movie prevent you from watching the old one?
I mean it's not like the success of the new movie will affect you live in any way.
Even if they make a sequel, it's not like the money would have spend otherwise. That's not how Hollywood works.
So why are you so angry?
Serious question: What do you gain from the new movie flopping? Please explain.
dont be a naive twonk.