Hello b. Tell me why I shouldn't commit suicide

Hello b. Tell me why I shouldn't commit suicide

because even tho, I dont think theres not much 1 can achieve by himself while being alive, there is literaly no reason to take it away.

You have life, you wont get it again, even if its shit, its better than nothing.

If you wanna die this bad, go do some illegal shit and get rich till you get killed, at least youll be able to spend the money on fucks and giggles

You'd be doing the world a favour.

Too much of a risk. Might get captured and then never have freedom or privacy ever again.


What's with this shit where we encourage "suicidal" faggots to do dumb shit that might get them killed? 99% of the time they won't kill themselves anyway, and now you're encouraging them to do drugs as well, which will only make it worse.

The afterlife may be worse than what we have now :)


There is no reason not to kill yourself. But you'd be missing out on all the good things that you have the potential to enjoy while being alive. Start loving yourself now and learn to enjoy simple things.

Because you could commit murder-suicide. It's like suicide but with sprinkles on top.

What if your life is a closed loop? Imagine if you're stuck reliving the life you've had so far. Make it better, life gets better with time, but you have to work at it.

But if you kill yourself, then you won't get to see the victim's devastated family in court.

Mmm good point maybe just shoot up a McDonald's in a state with death penalty

I started by saying that he souldnt because theres point in losing it, but most people dont listen so I said what he should do if he doesnt listen

I know you britfags don't go to school so it's okay to be that dumb.

Don't forget to shovel the sheep shit, Cleetus.

I want to enjoy complex things

Maybe when you're older.

You should do it, faggot. You are coward faggot! You get a pain away!

Why not u digging your own grave yourself? Just do it! FUCK DO IT!!!

Im pretty sure we all want to kill our self's at least one point in our life if not everyday but we dont because thats the trade of being human. Its sad that you feel that no one cares about you until you do die, but thats how we are, we're selfish pieces of shit.
Id suggest you get into philosophy or some Buddhist teachings. That helped ease my suicidal tensions.
Life sucks then you die. Theres nothing you can do about it