ITT: Former meme albums that don't get talked about much nowadays

ITT: Former meme albums that don't get talked about much nowadays

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obligatory hospice.jpg

Divorce Lawyers I Shaved My Head

What happened to Hospice, I remember when I first came on Sup Forums it got spammed like no tomorrow. Never listened to it though these days I seldom ever see it.

>Anything by Animal Collective, by the way.

Kenny g
Bjork( when I got here it, there were multiple threads to her daily)
Kraftwerk( don't know why but mu hates them now)

That album is literally 21 pilots. Proof that if blurryface wasnt on the radio mu would love it.

death grips

I guess everyone realised it sucks

but this album is good and 21p is dogshit

Still holds up


feelsposting isn't cool anymore



>anything AnCo

>tfw you were fan of EE since 2010 and witnessed them suddenly blowing up

Not like I'm a hipster or anything, they were pretty popular in UK for a while and they even supported Muse.

OP is a fat child in a push chair, old enough to run

desu i only found them through fifa but it's not like they'd really get any buzz stateside
they just did their first american tour last spring and they were only supporting

But i thought GTH was as good as their debut

I haven't seen people post this in a while


laurel halo
oblivion access


Quit baiting me

this album sums up everything I hate about 'indie pop'

because it's really just basic pop melodies (and they actually have quite good melodic sensibilities) that they purposely fuck up with annoying production shit and stupid vocals so it doesn't go 'too mainstream, maaan'

they've essentially decided they're above using their natural melodic talents, so they'll just do corny indie shit to give the illusion of being deeper than they actually are. the resulting mess is just unenjoyable for everyone


idk how Hospice got so much hype. It is definitely the worst album to ever become such an iconic part of the Sup Forumscore canon. It's not atrocious or anything. It has several good 7/10 songs that are worth a shot if you're into feelsy lo-fi indie rock but the album overall is pretty forgettable