What came before the big bang?

What came before the big bang?

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Your mother

there is no before the big bang

The previous universe collapsing into a singularity.

the big crunch

ignition of course

20 minutes of digital stimulation.

time started with the big bang. it's like you are asking where the big bang was...

The big foreplay

i did

a small bang

the gang bang with your mum


Life is cyclical

Matter in our parent universe that collapsed into a black hole and spawned ours.


quantum fluctuations.

The Last Question was answered.

why does something have to had come before? our brains don't understand the concept of not having a start and not having an end...it doesn't have to.

Someone(thing) turning on the simulation

Sub sub atomic particles.

One day, getting some of them cane together, and that proximity was enough for one to develop a charge. This charge caused all the other particles to congeal into a single point and all the heat and energy from that eventually overcame that charge and big boom!

Okay I made that up.

But it sounds good.

That taxi driver, your mom didn't have the money YET, so she had to get to work SOMEHOW.

A singularity of all matter that currently makes up the universe. For all we know, we're a black hole in another universe that exploded.

How did the previous universe get there??

Love that story

Nobody knows. We don't even know if "before the big bang" is a valid question.

Its always been there.

the collapse of the universe before that

a previous singularity

the small talk

Right before the Big Bang, there was nothing. Any questions?


The Small Bang.

This is a flawed question, called a loaded question. It has an assumption in it that cannot be made, we cant assume that there was something before the big bang and evidence shows that the time started at the big bang. Its called space-time for a reason, it was a singularity with no space, therefor no time either, to say something came before the big bang makes no sense.

>and evidence shows that the time started at the big bang

>quotes something
>doesnt say anything

what exactly are you trying to say? Or do you not even know?

Are you re-iterating his point or do you dispute it?

a fart

dubs of justice. I wanted to post this.

its the chicken first or egg first scenario
theres no answer

For an interesting answer to OPs question watch "Einsteins greatest blunder" on Netflix. They suggest that the speed of light does change and could account for triggering of a big bang when the density of the universe is just right and explains how they can be cycled

Implying there was only on big bang

tfw the whole universe is a FUCKING CIRCLE JERK

we have no any evidences at all

In my not-so-educated opinion probably an unimaginable realm of pure energy. A place where the laws of time and space simply don't exist because there is no space. This energy (or strings) randomly does something strange or combines with other energy to create massive explosions capable of converting energy into matter and creating various big bangs across the infinite energy field beyond our universe. We are just one of an infinite number of big bangs across this energy realm.
Could also explain the 'virtual' particles which simply appear and are destroyed in an instant; could be the energy from the background realm behind our universe bleeding through to ours and as that kind of pure energy cannot exist in a place where time and space exist then the energy becomes matter for a brief time.

Everything came before it. It's like when you reverse a hourglass once all the sand has fallen, the sand just starts flowing in the opposite direction.

The real question here is when did it all started and the answer to that is: Time does not really exist. It's just something we perceive in this reality.

And the goal of life is to explore until we rediscover the point of origin for the first time again.

there wasnt a "before"

implying there was more, im not claiming anything, you are.
Now where is the evidence for your claim? Because as i see it, all the evidence points towards this universe ending in a big freeze and not a big crunch.

We do, you dont read much do you?

>Time does not really exist. It's just something we perceive in this reality.
Time exists user, there is a then and a now, and then is not the same as now, how we measure it though is relative to earth only tho

A new generation of faggots

big foreplay?

The big bang is an explanation for a locality, not everything. Stop clinging to the narrow perceptions of human experience and begin learning about the wider expanse of the actual universe. We are not only 3 dimensional, we are just too inept to experience past it.

>to say something came before the big bang makes no sense
Here you claim only one big bang and therefore one universe.

Everything in nature as we know it is based on cycles, why would this (the universe) be unique? I agree the universe is expanding so a big crush is out of the question. I watched a doc called "Einsteins greatest (or biggest) blunder" basically if the density of the universe is just right, the speed of light somehow changes and can trigger a big bang

I know I'm being vague but I'm only a biochemist, not a particle physicist and only watched the doc once. Check it out tho

The Void.
God said "let there be light" and there was light. The Heavenly realms broke through the darkness of the primordial universe.

>inb4 edgy college athiest
Your BBT is a Catholic Cleric-Scientists brainchild(so you're actually following a devout religious man's word) who said he believes it brings them closer to understanding God and proves the scriptures right in that respect with a literal massive light creating everything.

Question is, where did energy for bb come from. Maybe higher dimension beings can understand it amd find the answer, but our capabilities limited. But i perceive it as proof of higher dimensions.

A previous universe that experienced heat death and eventually ran out of dark energy so it recollapsed onto its self, gaining speed and heat as it shrunk until it's immense speed and heat hit the near maximum density possible, causing an unstable point with edges completely surrounded by the edge of the known universe eventually exploded with extreme power causing the creation of energy (and dark energy) through gravity's quick, crushing and the odd physics on the plank scale, recreating itself. It's not rocket science you retard


Except there is evidence the egg came first

the theory is a product of science, which is secular and doesnt require no magic or gods to work. We r in fact, following a secular point of view.
Newton was an alchemist.
Theres no god

and you need to be at dimension+1, to fully look at dimension.

why would the universe be unique? You cant claim that its not unique just because nothing else is.
While i agree that the doc is good and interesting, it doesnt mean its accurate, i cant even remember if it claims to be accurate.

To me saying there was another universe before this one is just like the god argument, a non-answer. Even if you were right it would just start another question, where did that universe come from?
And not only that, it also seems to be a forced answer made by people who cant stand not having an answer.

>But i perceive it as proof of higher dimensions.
You're speculating it as such. It is not proof. It's just guesswork.

That's why it "i percieve" and not "it's absolutely 1000% proof. Suck ma dick"

The total energy of the universe is 0, so it could have come from nothing, depending on what you mean by nothing of course. Look up a universe from nothing by Lawrencer Krauss.

Fish were laying eggs hundreds of millions of years before they evolved into chickens.

If has to be a "non-answer" with out direct or indirect evidence/observations we will never know. The only real way is to be around when one happens


thats why u r wrong. Stop "perceiving" it like that

The little bang

It's not proof even if you stretch the definition. You shouldn't misuse the word proof.

Then why would you even imply there was another universe before this one?

The big foreplay. You've gotta have some nice foreplay before you bang.

>Time exists user, there is a then and a now, and then is not the same as now, how we measure it though is relative to earth only tho...

Are you certain it's not just your brain playing tricks on you?

You're not wrong. It's just an illustration to show the silliness of the question.

the previous kalpa

>not even knowing the cycle of transmigration

Time doesnot exist

>What came before the big bang?
the lighting of the 'big fuse'

When i hear the question i assume we are talking about the eggs that the chicken came from and not just any eggs, tho the answer is still the egg.

before chickens existed, an egg came along that produced a(n early) chicken. So yes, still eggs.

>we have no any evidences at all
Ranjeet, surely its got to be way past bedtime in Bombay by now

The best current evidence indicates our universe will spread out infinitely into whatever it is its spreading out into. There is little to no indicators to suggest that the expansion will ever stop and reverse in on itself. Whether or not there was a previous universe that underwent a "big crunch" to set up the conditions for the big bang, our universe will not be doing it.

Since our universe is the only one we have to study, and it will likely not collapse in on itself, the evidence, such as it is, suggests thats not how ours began.

Read over here -->

The big dang.

>What came before the big bang?
your mom


Something that was very very close to but not quite a chicken laid an egg. Its mutated offspring was the first chicken. Egg came first.

>before chickens existed, an egg came along
>an egg came along
Well that makes sense then?!

the big foreplay

The Big Dinner and a Movie
The Couple o Big Cocktails Back at My Big Place
Playing some big Tony Bennett tunes on the Big Stereo
Some Big Foreplay...

the gnab gib

its like a big bang, but backwards

Because of observations of natures cycles. Space has to follow natural laws and I don't think the universe is special. Having one universe to me makes it special, something different, to me this leaves more room for magical space wizards. But obviously the cycle had to start somewhere somehow. I don't have that answer, I haven't put in the research and a previous Big Bang would be nearly impossible to detect. We can see/hear microwave energy from the latest Big Bang and energy from any previous Big Bang would be so red shifted it would be hard to detect even if it was in our cosmic horizon

An egg came along, produced by its ancestors of course. It didn't just magically pop into existence you doofus. Don't be daft.

how many other, or previous universes have u observed?

>Space has to follow natural laws
You dont seem to know much about quantum physics, go watch "a universe from nothing" lecture by Lawrence Krauss.

You really aren't explaining yourself very well user

I never once said the universe would/needs to collapse to create another big bang thanks for trying tho

You forgot to add "universes that aren't a figment of your imagination". Otherwise you'll get Deepak Chopra tier answers.

Everytime we thought we understood nature, it sent us a curveball that redefined our understanding of it.

We are far too primitive in our understanding of the universe to make any concrete statements like "It cannot recollapse". For all we know the ever acretion of black holes changes the density of dark energy to a point where it just might realign something and reverse everything. Not suggesting that is true, or even makes sense, but there are no concrete facts that suggest the universe will expand into heat death... only theories. Primative theories.

I didn't think it needed explaining that eggs come from parent animals.

wouldnt that make it "imagine", instead of "observe", since observations r verifiable?

Kek, I bet I understand the quantum world better than you. I haven't both grad and undergrad classes in quantum mechanics