
*checks the fridge* edition

cookies 'n cream


post public transit


>public transit

We just own cars lol

don't tell me what to do

up here in NB we got shit buses that crack heads sleep in

Great pic.
Want to go to montreal some day.


We're too rich to take the bus

The MAX is aesthetic

>public (((trans)))portation

kys poorfags

British girls > Anime girls > Real girls

Where are you from?

Looks beautiful.

>tfw never had A&W
Whataburger is p gud tho

LRT master race

“A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation.”

drinkey poo

Nevermind, I read the filename.

Was thinking of a place in the states to move.

Where would Culver's fall?

>tfw McDonald's removed the McChicken from their pick 2 for 250

>Tfw McDonald's changed the 2 for 250 to 2 for 3 without updating that on the menu

Fuck you

Is this the saddest LRT in North America?

>after three years of occasionally making eye contact at the gym, I find out that qt girl is interested in me
>I move across the country in under two months

not from there
we get these ugly things

>removing the best fast food sandwich

got dam

>commie shit
I'm sorry your country is too much of a third world shithole for the poor to own cars

That's similar to saying if you kill your enemies they win tbqhh

Good picture tbdesu

Most useless piece of shit. They had to make it free because nobody would pay for it

junior chicken > mcchicken

refute this

Girls are not guys.

Harvey's > Wendy's > Five Guys > A&W > Jack-in-a-Box > Fatburger > McDonalds > Hero Burger > In-n-out

girls are golems

shit thread so far

for me, it's the mcchicken

intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor

The McDonald's in my state had a pick 2 for $2, then nothing for a week, then a pick 2 for $5 with more expensive options, then a pick 2 for $5 with slightly fewer options and now we're back to nothing
Fuck McDonald's

Sonic sucks.

Girls are not human

true fact


hello, reddit!

a REAL hero


Their food is elementary school cafeteria tier.

tell me more, reddit

I absolutely agree.
Having public transit available in a rural place is pretty nice.

Honestly need to start cracking antifa skulls so they stop larping communist revolutionary.

Larping has gone too far

>country is spelled the Philippines
>calls their people Filipinos spelled with an F

makes ya think

Jack Mormons

he hits him with the stick and the stick breaks
i wonder if he even noticed he got hit

Varg is a murderer desu

Big elastic ball sacks.

They got their brains fucked by the spainairds, give them a break

Another great pic.

Make the Philippines America again.

Who Sup Forums here?


When I was 17, yeah.
The archive is great though.

I am fairly insecure

don't think so


>highly rating translink

Do not do that.

Hoodie strings disappeared, this is not good, not good at all

I'm a /cum/ exclusive.

I'm a /cum/ executive

Just because you're better than OC transpo, ETS and calgary transit doesn't you're good

So a fake quote?

calgary transit should be a tier higher than ETS

at least they have an actual LRT network that you can actually use


executive shitposter mayb

the wii used to be cool

Vancouver island a nice place to visit?

its heaven on earth desu


You need more neanderthal-tier skulls for your chart then.

seeunironically the best bit of canada

lot of old people though (especially in victoria)

Sunshine Coast, Vancouver Island, Kootenays, Okanagan is approximately my order of preference for nature stuff.

54 40 or fight

what are some movies with no black people?

pic related


how is Edmonton's public transit?

I'm in Calgary and considering moving up there at some point.

complete and utter shit

might get better when the new lrt lines get built

want to go to town and buy something but I have 1 dollar on my debit, bank is closed and i only have 100s in cash

does the line not cover much?

it took over 30 years for a new line extension to happen in Calgary.

I have a small penis

you're gonna make it
The one thing that's nicer about the TTC is that your metro headways are slightly better. Outside of rush hour they're 6 minutes and, up to 10-12 minutes late night. Rush hour is 1-3 minutes so its fine. On the blue line crosstown they run shorter trains with similar frequencies.

I got a silver certificate in change today

Go with your hundreds, pull them all out when you go to pay, flip through each one then give one to pay with


It's shit, I live here. This whole city is shit, can't wait to leave this godforsaken place.

The bee movie

I have a large penis

>Rush hour is 1-3 minutes

>no californians ITT

In montreal not hogtown hombre.

where you hoping to live?

everywhere is shit and no where has jobs.

tfw they extend the yonge line to richmond hill before the downtown relief line even gets funding

t. centimeter Peter

>tfw no federal bank to redeem one dollar in silver