I just found a lizard, Sup Forums. Dubs names him

I just found a lizard, Sup Forums. Dubs names him.
Also, what do these common lizards eat?


French Fries


Mega Faggot.
They eat small worms and insects.


Idk, bugs?

thats a nice snake u found thar op

Nate Higgers

Cool miniature dragon doggo, OP.



Thanks user.

It's name is now kekzard the lizard

niiiice. full name will be Kekard Mike the Lizard.

It's KEKZARD , where the fuck you get Mike from neigar


ok fine ):< i like the name mike but your dubs command me.

Go to a pet store and get appropriately sized feeder crickets or mealworms.

Also, I vote for naming him Perceval

raspberry thundercunt



name it dubs


Name him Paarthurnax


Sit on my cock

name him nigger

Lizard the lizard.

Lizards are insectavores so he needs crickets and other high-calorie insects. You can pick some up at your local pet store. If he's young, get him some meal worms

You appear to have a brown anole, so crickets, moths, spiders, or any small insect you can catch/buy. They also eat other lizards so be careful pairing him with other species.