Feminist Backlash Against K.Dot's Humble

Somehow the special snowflakes of the internet found a way to complain about Kendrick's line about photoshopped women. People suck.


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Kendrick is the least misogynistic mainstream rapper I can think of

With that being said, a lot of girls look ugly without makeup while pretty girls are still going to look pretty without makeup, so I hate to admit it but I kinda see their point.

kendr*ck is done, humble was absolute trash

X is the new king of the game

he's gonna kill dr*ke then kill kendr*ck


Ironic shilling is still shilling, user. Unless you're getting paid, in which please tell me where I sign up because I have a lot of free time as a NEET and im looking for cash

There's literally like four lines in that whole song.

>grrr I hate feminists
stop it. it's 2017.

>There's literally like four lines in that whole song.
yeah unlike humble...

I think kendrick is gonna start being vocally anti-pc very soon

You're an idiot.

I sure hope so.

these twitter nigresses need to get a fucking life

What is their point, exactly?


please go back to Sup Forums and stay there.


>I should be allowed to digitally alter my appearance to make myself look acceptable

>complain that models are photoshopped
>complain when a rapper agrees with you

hah nigs and femtards at each others throats is great entertainment

>these twitter nigresses
they're called Shea butter warriors

>Shea butter warriors

I won't be shocked if he does.

Basically, think of it like this

pretty girl with makeup = pretty
pretty girl without makeup = pretty

average/ugly girl with makeup = better than was before
average/ugly girl without makeup = average/ugly girl

Basically, telling girls not to use makeup feels like a slap in the face unless you're already pretty.

Also, I already know there's going to be at least one guy saying
>That's not true an average looking girl would look better with no makeup!
>Makeup looks awful!
Most people agree that a little makeup makes a woman look better

that would be a breath of fresh air from him


Like I said, that girl is pretty both ways. You're basically doing the same thing Kendrick is doing
>I don't want a (pretty) girl with make up! I want a (pretty) girl without makeup!

Yeah but now you get the added benefit of knowing that this is nothing but what god made

id prefer a female who doesnt care about petty shit like makeup. think of all the time you'd save waiting on her to get ready, all the money. when you compare those two pictures it just makes the makeup pic look fake and fabricated.

not trying to be a white knight faggot i could just really care less about makeup.

feminists are turning their back on the natural beauty meme because transgender women just look like men without photoshop/plastic surgery/makeup/wigs/good camera angles

>transgender women
does this mean mtf or ftm?


I just think there are a lot of black celebrities who have been anti-pc, like dave chappelle or lil wayne, and they've been lambasted by the left. They've stuck to their guns and haven't bent the knee to the left

Left is way better

The only opinion these people have is that they don't like anyone else having opinions. Is thinking for one's self so offensive? Being just smart enough to know how stupid you really are, and resenting anyone smarter. You k ow what, fuck them. Their ignorance offends me. I'm going directly to Twitter and Tumblr to save the world.

>"you're triggering me in ym safe space! Please leave!"

Fuck outta here, plebbit.

The dangers of appealing to neo-liberals, nothing is ever enough

>i could just really care less about makeup.

So you care about makeup a little bit?


quads confirm these "things" aren't actually liberal in any meaningful sense of the word.

Fuck off to Sup Forums

You too fuck nigga

Why can't snowflakes into nuance? Kendrick is clearly shitting on materialistic rappers that objectify women.

t. offended nigger

People on the far right hate him and now the far left too

What were they expecting from a rapper with a song titled "Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe"?

He obviously isn't a feminist, but do they really think they'll change his opinion of women by whining?

>far left

>like any self respecting adult.

They're going after him because he's just thoughtful and considerate enough to where they feel they could actually hurt him

this is why you don't see these cunts go after rappers who have said a million more offensive things like 2chains or lil wayne they'd just be like "shut up bitch suck my dick ya baby makin hoe"

Wow it's almost like diseased minds infected with cancerous identity politics on both ends of the political spectrum are two poles that presuppose and mirror each other.

quit using meme arrows and make an actual point you fucking worm

Effete liberals that only care about idpol are not "the far left."

>women sit there and scream about how models and surgeries and photoshop ruin confidence of women
>kendrick agrees with this and wants natural look
>women get mad at him for this

Kendrick fans BTFO

>expecting people that get mad over a rap video to actually understand any kind of context instead of sucking it up like an adult
o i m laffn

I'm confused.
If Kendrick specifically said Photoshop, doesn't he mean how magazines/websites/etc. edit pictures of women to fix their imperfections and make her sexy with perfect hair, creating this "false" beauty to sell products?
I thought feminists were against this because regular women have stretch marks and natural hair.

we should start a petition to get p4k to give the new album a 4.5 due to this disgusting display of misogyny that they would be promoting if they gave it bnm

It's women. What do you expect, mate?

That's what I'm trying to figure out. Why are they mad? Because a man agrees with them?
>we hate photoshopped models!
>I hate them too!

Only women are allowed to make such critiques about feminine identity and beauty standards, shitlord!

right remember that time all women said that thing and now all women say other thing why can't all women just make up their mind

As a card carrying member of the far left, it's always seemed super weird to me that the left is so incredibly reluctant to talk about just how socially conservative Black Americans are in aggregate. Like you want a large demographic that is overwhelmingly homophobic and transphobic? Black folks. Especially in the south. Misogyny in Black American culture isn't particularly notable in severity or form except for the degree to which it is/was acceptable in popular culture. But if you walk into a Black church on a Sunday and listen to what's being said it's gonna sound a whole lot more like your stereotypical crazy White church than most people seem to expect. Something something adopting the religion of the oppressor.

muh misagyny muh raysism muh oppression

It's true. Some of the most homophobic people I've ever known have been black.

They just want attention obviously

What a qt.


Lmao like Kendrick fucking gives a shit.

That's what I like about him, he doesn't fuck around with all the bullshit that happens on social media. He keeps to himself and only speaks out his opinions through his music.

And fuck twitter niggers. They're the worst.

haha yeah man he keeps it real

>least misogynistic mainstream rapper

thats like calling somebody the smartest Sup Forums poster my dude, not exactly a high bar to clear

You want to tell me that you would be disappointed if the qt3.14 on the left wakes you up with a hug and a kiss.

dude stop posting this in every thread


how about u let women wear makeup if they want and keep ur garbage opinions to urself

t. offended nigger

left one is cuter

X is unironically the future of hip hop

Everyone else is has been and belongs to the early 2010s. The Obama era shit. Xxx is a rapper for the Trump era he's the new vanguard of hip hop as we know it.



mfw "that isn't kayo dot"

lmao this faggot is trying to be DG

you're going on after Crispy Ambulance

>all women think alike
stop posting virgin

I thought their complaint was by saying ass with stretch marks is more attractive it excludes women who naturally don't have that, and he should be saying all women are equal.
Either way it's dumb as shit

Good point

no one actually cares outside of the tweets they showed. It was a stupid clickbait article and this is a stupid clickbait thread

The article has no examples of misogyny
It references the stretch marks line
How so? It seems to be supportive of women
Please give me at least an example before you feel the need to shit on a man

suck my dick you nigger faggot

wtf i like kendick now

t.this board


The argument is that he is suggesting women's bodies SHOULD be one way and NOT another -- rather than letting women CHOOSE what to do with their own bodies. That is the very clear argument being made in the tweets. Whether you agree or not is besides the point. There is a clear argument.


That's a good thing, far right and far left are both autistic.

But... He's making a point that the way that the media tries to use technology like photoshop to hide women as they actually are and create a false impression on people as to how women actually look is harmful to society, especially women
He's not telling women how to be, he's telling us that he hates how the media tries to force women to feel a certain way about their bodies

He literally says "Show me something natural" not have strechmarks or you die.

I hope you're fucking banned for that, as I was last time I posting a lewd pepe here

How do they differ

fuck off adam

Theyre usually unpaid interns

>special snowflakes
mate, you're the one whinging about an editoral on Sup Forums of all places. sort your life out, quit being so angry at opinions you disagree with.

LOL welcome to fucking Sup Forums. One publication posts a feminist piece about Kendrick and suddenly "FEMINISTS WANT TO END RAP MUSIC, FEMINISTS SNOWFLAKES ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD WHAT DO WE DO?"

Smh, you're really showing your male, Sup Forums.

Hes gonna apologize and be le gentleman because hes a black nigga and its just that easy to win over women in his position.

>One publication posts a feminist piece about Kendrick
it's not even that they just posted some twitter screenshots as if it qualified as news.