Warner Bros. Paid PewDiePie & Other YouTubers For Positive Reviews

Warner Bros. Paid PewDiePie & Other YouTubers For Positive Reviews.

>In a blockbuster finding by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Warner Bros. was discovered to have paid popular YouTube “influencers” to give positive reviews of their games, hype specific sales avenues and even provide filmed play-sessions (commonly called “Let’s Plays” in YouTube Gaming parlance) that ignored bugs and minimized flaws or negative criticisms – all without disclosing the consumers that these presentations were paid advertisements in disguise.

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What's the last good game Warner Bros. published?


Use google mate, there's a lot of articles

Not OP. Found a few articles on it from around 2 days ago though. Nice trips btw.

umm ppl didn't know that most notable let's play personalities were paid lol

Gee. I wonder who tipped them.

Let's players are faggots

#GamerGate wins again
Can't wait until Marzia is forced to peddle her pussy on the street lmao

Which games are they talking about?


i wish this suprised me, but it doesn't at all

It's over. Pewdiepie is finished

Arkham Knight?

I used to like Pewdiepie's videos (fuck off, I was young) but it's pretty obvious that he's a complete sellout now.

He barely even plays videogames anymore.

Lego Batman?

What's next? Makeup companies paying beauty bloggers?!

>fuck off I was young
You must still be young then.

some lotr game

Shouldn't this be on Sup Forums?

Don't give me this: "Well, WB make movies so hurrr" They make games also, so this belongs on fucking Sup Forums

Sup Forums BTFO
>hurr there's no paid reviews you fucking retarded autists

Games journalism has been transparently awful and corrupt for over a decade.

This isn't news.

Also Pewdiepie and one who watches Let's Play or other friend simulators instead of actually playing the games deserves to die. Seriously.

>video games
It has nothing to do with movies. Film critics trashed all recent WB movies.

When are they going to go after Disney? Because it's getting ridiculous

It's time to go back to your chan.

Let's plays aren't all like Pewdiepie, or even normally like Pewdiepie, yet many people seem to think they are.

It's also funny how crazy upset people get over (real or imagined) "friend simulators" yet have no problem with watching porn aka sex simulators.

>fuck off, I was young
and you're so old and wise now, right? i mean 2 years ago is a long long time

People know what let's plays are like. They're all retarded, kid.

There's a difference between knowing and proving.

If you think they're all like Pewdiepie, then no, you don't know what they're like. Kid.

its proof that WB is heavily involved in internet shilling.

>There's a difference between knowing and proving.

not on Sup Forums there isn't

considering all the bullshit youtube threads that are up 24 fucking 7 on Sup Forums, your argument holds no water.

> (You)
>>There's a difference between knowing and proving.
>not on Sup Forums there isn't

why do people quote entire one line posts?


Retardation (read: pewdiepie imitation) is proportionate to views though.

>Anonymous 07/12/16(Tue)16:46:29 No.71909661 ▶
> > (You)
> >>There's a difference between knowing and proving.
> >not on Sup Forums there isn't
> why do people quote entire one line posts?


>why do people quote entire one line posts?

For emphasis and sometimes dumb motherfuckers don't read the post the person is replying to and take them out of context.


>in other news, water is wet

Yeah. Disney does this shit all the time and no one cares


Prove it.

but that's just a paranoid conspiracy theory
its impossible for two people or groups of people to deceptively cooperate behind the scenes for mutual gain
tinfoil paranoid etc


Literally who?

someone who's incomparably more influential than any of the """""critics""""" worshipped by this board

You retards realize that he has been active on Youtube for more than 5 years, right?

I don't like PewDiePie but he always discloses if his videos were sponsored.

When I was young I thought he was shit, so no excuses.

>batman v superman bombs
>civil war does well critically
>"disney paying off reviewers"
>it comes out warner/dc actually does pay reviews

god i wish i had a laughing evans folder

They're all the same. You don't have to get so butthurt about this.

You realise that if you weren't so insecure about what you like you wouldn't have to point out that you were young?

I really hope no one is shocked by this.

The whole "youtube is by the people for the people" thing is bollocks.

How does this confirm they got paid for positive reviews? It just means they got paid to review the games, nothing about that they have to be positive about them.

>Youtube e-celebrities

Go away

Witcher 3

Also Mad Max.

So, the two best games of last year

This deal was just for one game, Shadow of Mordor. It wasn't for a movie.

When I was young my dad would take me to the parades

What does this have to do with television/film?

>Paid by creator to review their game
>Not disclosed that fact
That's illegal in itself.

>anime picture

>Witcher 3
PDP did two videos on Witcher 3 and dropped it almost immediately.
He disclosed that he got paid to do that.
Must suck to be a ytber like him, he can't just play 200+ hours of Witcher 3 because there is a lot of shit videos to shoot.
Also I think that W3 was Bandai-Namco.

Hello, summer.

>e-celebs isn't Sup Forums
>paid shilling for games isn't Sup Forums

Isn't that kind of the fault of the reviewer to not disclose that it's a sponsored review?

>that post


PewDiePie is a Celebrity Celebrity, being the most watched person on the planet and all.

Which makes no sense to me after watching one of his shitty Flappy Bird videos a few years ago.

So is he going to receive death and rape threats

you do realize that's like the point of what he's doing right? he can reach millions of viewers that traditional advertising won't reach/work on. social media influencers are the new advertising platform.

business is business. now get this thread outta here

We can only hope.

Pewdiepie is a creepy looking bastard

"YouTubers" are jizz guzzling worthless, useless, pandering, self important wastes of oxygen, is this news to anyone at this point?

People watch porn for extra stimulation during masturbation. Nobody trying to make any form of connection with the performers.

I guess we know who makes all those endless BvS threads now.

It's good to know that at least they're not doing it for free.

Exactly, this proves Disney paid more

> YouTube influencer PewDiePie

is our country really this fucked?

Who said otherwise?
WB paid to get their products on channels, that's legal, thats called advertising.

What is NOT legal is for a youtuber to fail to say "this is an advert" or words to that effect.

>mfw death grips told anthony fantano to shill them
>for free

>DCucks insisted that Disney is paying off critics
>mfw it turns out Warner Bros. is the one who is paying off critics
>mfw Warner Bros. probably created half of the "DAWN OF CAPEKINO" threads

>i hate pewdiepie the lets player

>always blame Disney about buying reviews
>it was WB the entire time

Pewdiepie often writes that a video is sponsored by this or that company though.


Hello Warner Bros. intern, how much are you getting paid to post on here?

Fuck off



So it's easily overlooked.

The article's talking about video games.

>youtubers are confirmed lying paid shills
>some of the have resorted to getting 13 year old kids into gambing on GS:GO and lying about owning the websites rakng in money from them.
>all those prank/e-celeb news channels

Youtube is in dire need of a purge, I remember when the videos I used to watch were shit like Kimbo Slice punching out bums in people's backyards....Now its full of aids and "reviewers".

>WB buying reviews

Wait a second, wasn't Disney supposed to be the one constantly buying reviews?

Wow, that's it. Gaming """""""""""""""""""""""""journalism""""""""""""""""""""""""" is finally dead! I can't believe my eyes! #wow

Since it has been confirmed that Warner Bros. will happily pay off YouTubers it isn't a stretch to think they would pay off film critics too. Meanwhile there's 0% proof that Disney has ever paid off anyone. Face it DCuck, you've just been fucked hard.

>ShillDiePie paid to be a cuck about games
Stop the fucking presses

why would pewdiepie need their money when he has the biggest channel on youtube?

Again, the marketing suits at WB are FUCKING IDIOTS. Shadow of Mordor didn't need extra publicity. They should have spent that bribe money on their films division.

Disney was the one that wasn't caught, though. If you're going to do something illegal, ensure plausible deniability..

a little dissapointing but yeah the arkham games are the only good thing WB puts out