
you start out in the woods with 5 allies

tiny snek
lil cobra
smol man
warrior snek
snek on fire

story begins with party members.
you and your team of sneks head out to kill the evil snek king when you see a band of theives stealing from a baby snek
A-for walking away to kill the king
B-to do something

I'll take:
tiny snek
mage snek
ragtime snek
warrior snek
solid snek

op here
sorry but first post gets to choose

leave no snek behind

you confront the robbers
now roll to see how you do
1-6 fail
7-8 harm/damage most of them
8-9 kill half
10-dubs trips-quads kill all


ROLLfuck off imposter

well you rolled a 4
but with warrior snek it adds +5
for a total of 9 you kill half of the robbers and the other half runs away
the baby snek says thanks and runs off leaving you 12 snek coins for any available snekmart.
but oh no fire snek has started a forest fire
roll to see how you do
1-6 die
7-8 get burned
9-10 escape without a scratch


you rolled 3
3+ the warriors 5 makes 8
you get burned but survive
you are near a village
A-go into the village
B-go back into the not burned parts of the forest and set up camp



you set up camp in the woods and see some royal guardsmen outside of the village wondering what happened to snekky snek woods.
A-do nothing
B-kill them
C-capture them and get information


you now roll to see how goes
1-6 fail and get captured
7-8 get one but the other dies
9-10 get both of them and they have a map


8+ warriors 5 gets you tons of information a map and also they are sick of the king so they will be your guides around villages and the kings palace
A-go to sleep at camp
B-go to village with guides


you go to the village with your guides
together you have a total of 57 snek coins
A-go to market
B-go to guides snek house to formulate a plan to kill the king and make the snek empire whole again


you go to the market and see all the wonderful things they have
everything there is priced at 7 snek coins
A-buy 1 thing for every snek
B-buy nothing
C-choose which sneks you buy for

op here and i think this thread is shit
should i even cont?

guess im not
goodbye no anons reading this