Åland should be independent so that we don't have to pay for their boats from our tax moneys

Åland should be independent so that we don't have to pay for their boats from our tax moneys.

Other option is to sell it for Swedes. The price tag is 1500 billion euros btw.

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I will buy it. My lawyer will send you all paper in two days

desu if they went independant and you don't want them they'd probably join us out of free will.
otherwise Ivan might come

For you the price is 5000 trillion euros

We will never pay for Åland. If they ever have a referendum that shows they overwhelmingly want to be Swedish, then we'll just take it, nevermind what Finland says. Without a referendum we would never get approval from government for buying a place were a lot of people live.

We will never give Finland any money for Åland.

why not just take over funland

Because the Finns resist.

>being this bad at bartering
Too few russian. No russian speaking minority to defend

You know you'll want all the swedish regions back to yourselves. The price is cheap when you consider getting back the glory of Sweden

You could defend the swedes :3
maybe if we have some sort of revolution (wink wink, please help) we'll agree and also give you some baltic clay.

Not really. It's just you who want to get rid of everyone who you don't see as ethnically Finnish. We don't have much of a need to get back Åland, Finnish coastal areas or Runö.

We will see about this. Trump is pretty busy with shitposting right now so Nato may ignore it. What parts of sweden the most disloyal to your government?

Its not about the people. Its about their autonomy and us funding their lavish lifestyle. It is literally the richest region in the EU per capita

The richest you say...

It doesn't produce anything but gets the tax revenue from the rest of Finland

I am ok with it. We can do it donbass style: we control the territory and you pay pensions and wages

Too bad the offer is only for european countries

Well, call me if you change your mind

Because russia is a paper tiger and invading us is a politi-economical suicide.

>roleplaying as your country

>not role-playing as your country

idk really, places that vote a lot for SD (infamous "far right" party) or V (former communist) would probably be good depending what kind of revolution you want, both are obviously not very radical anymore but the radicals probably vote for them since there is no credible alternative. I'd prefer the former


I was thinking about proxy war obviously. We will give your free equipment, tanks and some amount of soldiers and in return your new government will be loyal to us.

You would be wasting that equipment on swedish ''soldiers''


I support multicultural enrichment of Åland.
For too long have they been inbreeding with their siblings. It's time for them to spread their legs to refugees.

I feel like communists would be easier to do it with, maybe there are still people who like russia there. I think somewhere up north would be a good spot to start. As long as we take out the military bases first, it should be smooth sailing. not a lot of people live in the north, should be easier to hold and gain footing while also controlling the natural resources of sweden.

We gave weapons and tanks to ex prisoners and mall guards. Swedish army can't be worse than that.
Don't report about our submarines then. We need to check the territory first without any problems



But we took the Finnish clay :^)

Well i hope those million soviet bodies fermented that clay properly.

>million soviet bodies
If we are to fully capture your country you will not mind?

ps. your country is so shit it turned the clay you took also to shit. How conveniently shitty.

Realistically you can't even take it without destroying your own country by crashing it's economy on extremely expensive occuppation, continuing guerrillas and hostile population, nevertheless to taking account the diplomatical isolation your country would have to go through. I'd give russian federation max a year before it's balkanized and forgotten if you do such a daring move.

But i hope you atleast knew this. As someone said earlier Russia is a paper tiger.

Ask again. If we are to fully capture your country you will not mind?

I will kill as many of you as Finland's sovereignty requires.

So go figure, Ivan

>I will kill as many of you as Finland's sovereignty requires.
Why do not you saved it in 20 the century :^)

At least Learn english Ivan, it'll make your babbling more comprehensible.

If we come to you you understand this without english :^)

I doubt it. My passive aggressive russian friend i highly doubt it.

You have forgotten the Russian language, mr. fingol? :^)

The irony when it's Russians who have forgotten their own languages. Putin is Meryan, for instance.


All are possibilities with Karelian being most likely. There's a Karelian Finnish last "Puittinen". Clearly the origin of Putin.

We never learnt it. Your czars were proper cucks for finns. Even highly restricted russian immigration here.

Wrong country to consider ''cucking''
see Tzars came to finland to feel safe from anarchists and assassins.

Yeah Alexander II especially really cared for this piece of land. He came here in many occasions and even built a vacation refuge for himself here. He was liked and he liked us.

>"”Annan tehtäväksenne puolestamme tulkita rakkaille ja uskollisille suomalaisilleni kiitollisuuteni niistä Minulle niin kallisarvoisista tunteista, joita heillä on Minua kohtaan, ja samalla ilmaisemaan heille muuttumattoman suosiollisuuteni.”