Do you hate Mexico?

Do you hate Mexico?


Yes fuck mexico.. Who would want to visit that dump..


Tell us why

Beautiful country run by shitty people. Just like america. Do you like the drug cartels?

Well sometimes they invite the dinner


I don't, but apparently Mexicans do. They climb through rivers and shit to leave and they don't love their country enough to even take up arms and tear infrastructure out of the hands of fucking drug cartels.

>inb4 "okay burger"
I'm actually a burger though.

If you hate Mexico it´s because you´ve never been there, i mean, it´s beautiful! sure there are bad things but, which country doesn´t have things you would simply just delete? we got Trump remember?

No, I just hate the central American countries where people flee up through Mexico on their way to the U.S. A lot of Americans for some reason assume most illegal immigrants here are Mexican and that's just not the case.

I hate mexico and I'm mexican, fuck mexico, fuck his government and his people, everything sucks here, we could be doing great but no.

>esto no tiene sentido


That's true

Start teaching

complain complain complain
You know, instead of actually taking positive action to help improve the country.

People who say that should know it already, but they dont care

No, just everyone in it.


Well... they are part of Mexico

last time 40 people went missing from trying to change Mexico to a better tomorrow. And by missing I mean killed OK killed.

43, All just dreamy students

And journalist missing, and fake protests with violence and theft made by the government probably to use the police in the real ones

Thank you captain, same thing everything starts as a dream then manifest into reality. But this cartels say no no and boom your dead.


no, but I think they hate me for being a chicano

the age of consent is like 12 over there holy shit
