Let's all love Lain

Let's all love Lain.

Other urls found in this thread:


let's do that outside of Sup Forums

Why come?

> (You)
Dont you mean how come? Anyway, because Sup Forums is a filthy place

that intro ....

Yeah, don't you mean why come?

Mean you don't I come?

Come don't you mean i?

Don't come mean I you?

You don't come I mean?

Let's join together.


ho i love her

shit wrong screenshoot

Tell me how please.

how is there Lain all over? I want that

Add mascots => Lain
Lain every time

Thank you so much for this!

also this is my star page (animated)

One day when I have the time I hope to customize my pc and stuff like this! Or when not lazy I guess.

how do i add anything?

puu (dot) sh (slash) tobrK/ef17686fdb (dot) zip
(sry for this Sup Forums spam blocking)
here is mine.
If you want to add website juste go on js folder and edit main_mdr file.
add url and image in the json
most of the code is a fork of an other guy but i don't remember his name, i just don't want to take credits for him.
Lain lover are united (if you are in fire fox you need an add-on now for newtab change)

Saved this post for later! You're far too kind! I can't mess around with anything right now but I screencapped and saved the text of your post friend, thank you!

via option, i can't send mine, looks like spaming fucking detection again.

puu (dot) sh (slash) toc3h (slash) f2f0d9adb5.txt

like, I have no clue where to press anything. Nothing shows up...

>install grease monkey (or same shit on chrome)
>install Appchan
>option button up right
>import option
>import mine

>option button up right
I'm probably just stupid, but I don't know what to look for? Is there's supposed to be some icon or something?

look on my screenshoot here
In the webpage There is a button top right with tools (screwdiver and stuff). you should find it (but it's probably horizontal to you

ok, somehow got it to work. Thanx. Are the Lain pictures just jpgs? No gifs?

For some reason AppChan change gif to png. I don't know why and I didn't try to find out.
In fact you should be able to make it gif without to much trubles using Stylish but it can be bloat.
I just let it be as unanimated.