Hi Sup Forums, I've been perma-stoned for the last 2 years...

Hi Sup Forums, I've been perma-stoned for the last 2 years. I'm finally getting to the point where I wanna do something with my life and not just rot away at my desk, high and barely there.
What should I do now, every time I really try to get off that stuff, I just sit there staring.
It seems like everything would be better with just a shot of Schnaps or a Joint but it never stays at just 1 and I end up feeling worse than before anyway.

have been smoking 5 joints a day for 2 years, how to stop

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>have been smoking 5 joints a day for 2 years, how to stop

Why did you start doing that to begin with?

when I was a teen growing up in the Austrian countryside, weed was really rare and precious. Me and my friends did it like once every 3 months.

Then when I moved to a rather big city, buying weed was as easy as buying groceries.

I guess I just did it more and more when it became available without realizing it.

But why were you smoking weed period?

Dont stop, sober life is as boring as you feel when you sit there staring. I got a real job, and I hate that I cant get fucked up whenever I want anymore. Can barey get fucked up, period.

your picture confuses me
gonna post speculative biology so you know im op

Well I don't know where you live and what the culture there is, but sneaking out to go drinking, and smoking disgusting, tobacco filled joints with your pimply 17 yo friends is rather normal here among teens.

However it is important to say that 99% of them never went as far as I did

see you're like the voice in my head I gotta debate when I wanna be sober.
I did a break for Christmas with my family, didn't smoke for 2 weeks (I did drink a bit though) and even though it didn't make me feel bad I was A) bored a lot and B) I constantly had the feeling that what I was doing would be so much better with weed, even though I know I'm just feeling useless when I do it.

Let me elaborate.

There are two options, either your parents approved or accepted you smoking marijuana, or they opposed it and (at least nominally) tried to keep you drug free.

If your parents approved/accepted, why did you choose to partake anyway? What did other authority figures in your presence say? Did you discuss taking mind altering substances with others?

If your parents did not approve and wanted you to stay drug free, why did you not listen? What was it about their advice/threats that made you ignore them?

I'm interested in what you have to say.

My parents, I think, don't even know about the existence of weed where I used to live.

They obviously do not approve of me taking drugs, however they do not know the difference between lets say weed and heroin and don't know that it's even there.

So why did I not listen? I guess because their advice is uninformed and they have no experience with this kinda thing in any way or form. Also the things they hear on TV, which is where they get their info about drugs from, is something very different from the real thing.

What would have happened if you had told them that you were considering smoking pot as a kid and wanted their advice?

I smoked pot for the first time when I was 16 yo, in Austria we are allowed to vote at that age so I wouldn't consider my past self a kid but also not a grown up.

Well of course they would have told me no and that it's bad.
The reasons why they would've told me that are a different story though.

That's a cat running wheel. Those are $300. If I bought that and caught some bitch laying on it, I'd give her what for, I'll tell you.

dont be naive everyone knows about taht weed stuff that gets you high

>Well of course they would have told me no and that it's bad.

Would it just have been a reactive "no" with no thought, would they have researched the shit out of the drug and made an informed opinion, would they examine your friendships in depth, would they try to understand why it was you were drawn to something like that to begin with?

The fact that you did not seek their advice is telling about the condition of your relationship.

I didn't know that, or that such a thing even existed.

You will have to blame Playboy though, they did the shoot.

These are amazing. I must read them all, please, where they from or what is the source?

I feel ya op, i ruined weed for myself the exact same way as you, loved the smell, taste, look and feel everything about mj, started smoking when i was 16 and when i turned 18 and started working and could afford i started smoking everyday. and then in my mid 20s of smoking .5-1 gram a day, i just got bored of it and it made me forget things or just sit there and stare at a electronic device or something for hours until i wasn't high. now the stuff just makes me really tired and anxious, now i only smoke socially and ill only take one good hit and im super stoned for the night. My advice either find a hobby to focus your free time on and cut back alot on smoking, like maybe on the weekends only. or just stop smoking completely until you feel like you have yourself together again.

If those 2 are the only answers imma go with the reactive no.

If you wanna talk about my relationship to my parents we can do that, but I think stating that this is "telling about the condition" of our relationship is simplifying a little bit.

It isn't that uncommon for a 16 year old to not listen to their parents.

quit it. don't buy more weed. i stopped it it was easy,

I'm from Austria too, oida.
Ich als Kiffer kann dir einfach nur den simplen Rat geben dir ein anderes Hobby zu suchen oder irgendwo Urlaub zu machen wo du nicht an das Zeug rankommst. Bist du wirklich "süchtig" oder kannst du auch ohne Gras leben?

Im gonna try and find the cover pic for this post, it's a book about speculative biology.

this is really helpful, but how do I start ripping weed from all the hobbies I have. My problem is I don't wanna do anything productive when I'm high, but when I'm sober I don't wanna do anything at all.

At least for me I've found examining a person's childhood is the best way to figure out why they're doing X as an adult, and if it's a behavioral problem (like a drug addiction) it's the only way to fix it.

The psychology books of people like Alice Miller are really helpful IMO.

Playboy must be against fit cats.

man after man is the name

would you like to elaborate on that? and might I say that easy for you isn't easy for everyone else.
you can be proud of yourself tho, just don't be such a cocky cunt.

seas griaßdi und grüßgott,
ich hab über weihnachten 2 wochen nix gekifft, leben hob i a kennan, oba mi holt olle 2 stund dron erinnert.

Physische obhängigkeit von Weed gibts zwar net, oba psychologisch is soguat wie jede Sucht möglich.

In case u want to see it in action without a girl on it


You surely have a point.
I don't connect my parents to that issue in my head, either because the problem is me and they got nothing to do with it (what I think), or I should seriously think about my relationship to them.

fat cats but thin pussy

Wenn du schu an den punkt bisch wo du so sehr über dei konsumverhalten nachdenksch lass es einfach i kenn gnug leute die was genau so viel rauchen wie du die was sich sowas nit eingestehen koennen obwohl sies runter zieht
I hab a viel zu viel gekifft hab in konsum aber eingstellt jetzt rauch i so einmal im monat 3 züg bei am kolleg mit und des is dann a 100mal besseres high wie wenn mas jeden tag macht
Weed macht extrem psychisch abhängig vorallem wenn man in jungem alter damit anfangt

just stop buying weed. if you keep buying weed you will keep smoking.

I liked it better with the girl but it would be entertaining to watch a kitty run on that for hours.

forgot my ID

>I don't connect my parents to that issue in my head, either because the problem is me and they got nothing to do with it (what I think), or I should seriously think about my relationship to them.

I used to have a lot of issues (still do, really) and I've traced most of them back to various things my parents did. This includes both direct behavioral tendencies as well as things that lead my down a particular path.

"In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts" is a book you might find interesting on the subject of addiction. Although you're not a heroine addict, a lot of drug addiction in general is very heavily caused by emotional pain or "issues" stemming from childhood, usually with parents.

I würd echt gern, zwecksn geld, zwecks der Zeit und weil i was sein will.
Jetz frog i mi nur, wast du wos des bedürfnis verringert, oder etwas des i mochn konn um niama drauf zu denken?

nominated for most helpful comment in this whole thread

Since you're so interested, I can remember that weed made me feel comfortable and I used it back then to feel good about myself and to forget about some anxieties I had. At some point it stopped helping though, so now when I stop smoking I don't feel normal.

Ja also falls dei freundeskreis a kifft mal drueber reden bei mir hats a nit jeder lassen aber mit 2 hab is zammdurchzogen nimmer zu rauchen und ja dann halt alle möglichen freizeit aktivitätn
Und ja wenn ma dann allein is kimmt drauf an fuer was di intressiersch
i hab zb bûcher lesen angfangen , bissl sport tut a gut , alles lesen oder schauen was di intressiert egal obs da was fuers leben bringt oder nit , zocken is a gut is zwar koa produktive sache aber immerhin besser als di weiterhin zu vernebelnUnd da du ja weissch dass es di runterzieht einfach wenn es beduerfnis hasch zu rauchen mussch da genau des in erinnerung rufen und einfach standhaft bleiben mehr kann i da leider a nit helfen es liegt an dir

I smoked weed every weekend, just like i did with alcohol. The thing for me is that alcohol isnt that funny anymore like it was in the early ages. So i need something to relax on the weekends. I lived with my dad so i wasnt able to do it everyday but since i moved out i kind of just smoke because i can. Getting high on ordinary days makes life more interesting. I smoke like a half gram a day for a half year now. After i did ecstasy on new eve for the second time i have a different view to that smoking thing which is helping me to control it. But hey, as long your grades are good and you dont feel like it harms you too bad, just do it every weekend and its ok

donkschen fia dei ehrliche Hilfe, tuat guat zu segn dass sich leit a intressieren wenns da scheisse geht!

dir muss einfach bewusst werden, dass du niemals was produktives machen wirst, wenn du high bist. und wenn du ständig druff bist bist du einfach nur am abgammeln.
so was es zumindest bei mir.

doing mdma helped me realize a few things about myself aswell. you arent really able to lie to yourself as usual while rolling.