New fluffy torture thread

New fluffy torture thread

Other urls found in this thread:




>New "almost everyone on Sup Forums who should kill themselves in one thread" thread




Every single one of you fluffy faggots should kill yourselves. Was I unclear that time?

could have been clearer


someone seems a bit mad.

y should we die tho?
>inb4 chicken fag


Not mad. Just disgusted. I don't want to be a part of the same race as you creeps. And seeing as I deserve to live (because I'm not a disgusting fluffy degenerate) and you don't (because you are), you should be the ones to kill yourselves and resolve the issue.


Are you upsetti?

>same race
a lot of russians do this stuff, explaining the bad grammar from translation

Pretty much

Translate this for me, I have no idea what the fuck it says.

Yes, waiter, there appears to be fluffy in my spaghetti.

Why didn't Germany try to exterminate these people instead? The jews are harmless in comparison to this.

Lmao I'm gone for 6months and this is the kind of thread I come back to?? WTF happened to Sup Forums??

Make a reckt thread or something you pathetic peices of shit. Jesus

Let baby tell you how little fucks baby has to give.
It's zero.

Also what so disgusting and degenerate about it? Only part of the idea that bothers me is the sexual abuse ones, but I know that's not all there is







Every picture I've seen of this shit has these things shitting all over themselves, talking in incomprehensible garbage and being mutilated by faggots. If you enjoy the prospect of a mother murdering and eating her babies' dicks while shitting herself and screaming something about a "miwkie", which I'm pretty sure is code for semen, you're a goddamn degenerate.








Miwkie is milkie, as in milk. It's not that hard to read what they say and know what they mean.

I enjoy these things for the instant karmic justice ones. Little shit does something wrong, instantly punished in some way for the bad attitude or retarded decision.

Also it's Sup Forums
We're all degenerates



man your thread blew up in your face








Don't act like you're a part of Sup Forums. Everyone outside your shit-stain little fluffy community hates you and wants you to die. You exist here because this is the only outlet that allows you to be this huge of a faggot. I know people joke about cancer a lot, but if there ever was actual cancer on Sup Forums, I'm posting in it right now. You're the kind of cancer that's bulbous and oozing with pus, that nobody wants to acknowledge because it's just too sad and disgusting.




Was wondering when you'd pop up chocobro, how ya doing?











Been here long before the fluffiest got here.
Gonna be here long after they're gone.

This thread is a fucking disaster









It really and truly is just a huge puke puddle. Fuck this gay shit.











I went to your cringefest of a site just so I could fuck you over in a specific way.














