Name my band

Name my band

The four failed losers from crumpet land.

the cucktales

Ringo Starr and the no-talents.

The Fagladours

The Beatlers

The Four Faggeteers

How 'bout Nickelback?

Better than noisy niggars

The Raging Homosexuals

Les Quatre Papillons Jolis

The overrated

Halfwit Paul and the Penis Pumps

Four MuskOfQueers

The Heatles

Ringo Rango Bongo and the Rest

The Beagles

The Monkees

Little Lord Fauntelroy's Magic Magpie Band

Bingo and the Britbongs


The Tumbling Rocks

Crummee and the Crumpets

The Dung Beetles

Little Fancy Lads


Englishmen on Acid