Anyone else here have gynecomastia? How do u cope?

Anyone else here have gynecomastia? How do u cope?

OP I would suck your nipples until you came.

>changed diet -nope
>lost weight -nope
>worked out a ton -nada
>surgery -my nipples are beautiful now

How much did it cost? Aren't there viscible scars ?


I know how.. Stop being a bitch and grow a pair.

Does that big word mean bitch tits?


How do you have that gay boy? I've been running serious steroid cycles for the past 4-5 years and don't have any what so ever

Surgery is typically $3-5k $3k you'll have scars, $5k and they'll go thru your armpit and won't have any

its a mostly genetic condition

its different than being fat and having manfat tits

Surgery then.

Amputation is your only effective option.

I have them too OP.
My advise>wear tighter shirts.
Tighter shirts/compression shirts hide it really well.
Loose and baggy shirts make them poke out abit.
If everything else fails and you can't afford surgery which is about $3k or $5k depending where you are and how noticible it is, then i'd suggest wearing a man bra/sports bra.
Hope that helps

Nice tits, show pussy bitch

thats a guy idiot

This. I wear tight undershirts (wife beaters for usfags). Makes it look like i have big chest. Cant go swimming though.

more fat then tits you trap faggy hopeful
do some pushups queerbait

I want to kill myself everyday. So I dunno.

>>litt. had no chest just boney ribs and cage
>> do 50>75>150>250>400>700
you want to kill yourself because you do nothing but jackoff staring at your fat tits.

got the surgery, best decision of my life...

I feel like if you lost some weight then you wouldn't have moobs.