Hi Sup Forums I need your help

Hi Sup Forums I need your help.

>Be me, 27 y/o. Some years ago (like 8 or 9) I used to be a very mean person; I was sarcastic and enjoyed hurting people's feelings, I trusted no one . At some point I started softening... I wanted to change and wanted to become a good person... and I did... I became a good person. I have helped a lot of people expecting nothing in return. I started to trust people and made "friends"... Now my "friends" have betrayed me they have backstabed me. Now I realize I should have never changed. I realize people are selfish, heartless and are not worthy. I have got nothing from being good. I've got nothing but suffering, sadness and pain. I'm sick of people. I'm tired of being used. I want to be what I used to be. I want to be a cold hearted person again... I don't want to be used or betrayed anymore. I just nees a little push to start hating people again.

Tl;dr help me hate people again

They chose a nigger over harambe.


You never changed to begin with

It's acceptable that are food fights while are chirdrens starving to death.

What do you mean? I really helped people expecting nothing in return . I really tried to be nice and gentle, deapite the fact that im socially awkward... but people are ungrateful

Changing back isn't the solution. They will learn tha a bad person will never create real bonds. You don't want to turn into the ones that you despise, life is full of bad peaple but theres always a good soul to bring you joy and confidence in the hardest of times. Those are the ones that you should stick with.

We all been used. The harder your shell more you will torture yourself carring it.

Well, then i dont know where they are. I have been looking for a real friend. But it seems the more I try to be good, the more people rejec me. But when they need something they have no remorse in coming to me. And I am a soft hearted stupid who can deny helping them. And when they don't need me, they just discard me, like a bag of trash. I'm tired of living this shit over and over again

Forget about those nigger , it better to keep moving on meeting new great friend who have your back as family, those people who betray you , will never have family of friend's.

I tried to help you whithout asking anything for it, no one will know i helped you, i dont recive nothing for it. I just want to help you because I also felt like this, because we are still humans after all and now I want to show you that are good people in this world, that is still hope. I want to be your friend if you're open to accept me.


Well guys you are not helping me. I don't want to be good anymore. I really broken. I can't stand another betrayal, I'm about to fall apart. All I just want is to kill my heart, I need to stop wanting to make people happy...


484 here> sorry I tried my best and did what I could. Stay determined. Dont lose hope.

484 again > pretty ironic that Im trying to cheer you up right now. Thats what I call a twist

Thank you very much bro/sis. If I could just meet someone like you (in person I mean)... I think my life would be less miserable... I believe there are still some good people, but they are so scarse that I feel really alone...

484>anyways I want you to know that i know that you will do just fine and I coudn't be more proud of you. I will be lurking if you need me.
From a good friend484

>that im socially awkward

Its not the people its you, you sperg

Look dude you can me a good person and not be a fucking doormat. Sounds like your friends suck. Drop em. Being an asshole isnt the answer, but you can still assert youself and set healthy boundaries.
Buck the fuck up.

A quote i live by everyday, Trust no one especially family.

Go join the Stormcloak rebellion and get your manliness back. SKYRIM IS FOR THE NORDS AND THE EMPEROR IS NO MORE THAN A PUPPET OF THE THALMOR!!

You are so kind... reading you brings some peace to my soul... I feel like I'm not alone in this world filled with assholes... I wish there were more people like you

Hey dude 484 here. Here is my mail if you want to talk to me.(sorry is my junk e mail where i put the ads but you know.. Sup Forums loves to spam funny bananas. [email protected]