ur right
>I live in a bubble.
Bet you think gum still costs 5 cents too, you mong.
What are you on about, negro? This doesn't look right and you know it
Think of a super hero OP
Chances are that hero has been replaced by a black, a woman, or a combination of both.
Oh and they have a super liberal point of view now.
You are now all caught up on modern comic.
well his father is black on the show, won the role the guy is literally of the top 2 actors, it only made sense to cast his daughter and son as blacks.
Why hasn't he appeared on the show yet?
>tfw normies gonna grow up thinking Wally was black
fuck this shit
No, that's just Marvel. Wally was DC's only real big fuck up in that sense, and they fixed it with Rebirth.
Sometimes I wish Watchmen wasn't made so we could have a new comic where the original visions of comic book characters have to try and cope in the modern age and their new counterparts
They made Alan Scott gay
It's funny reading the old Teen Titans in the 80s where Wally is a white midwestern republican russophobe.
Oh right, that too.
There are two wally's now, so I am totally cool with this. The thing is that I am nost sure how to bring Morrison esque bullshit into the show given wally was by far the best flash.
I swear that had been done at least several times.
For example Infinite Crisis.
>it only made sense to cast his daughter and son as blacks
Which happen to be two of the shittiest actors on the show. Some others are worse than Iris, but Wally is at the bottom.
There's something a bit off about the color.
If being a normie means not knowing what the fuck Homestuck is, then I want to be a normie.
To be fair, deaging him eliminated his gay son from the JSA. Then again the whole modern Earth-2 JSA seemed like a mess.
I feel like the open hair helmet/mask kind of loses it's charm when the hair can't flap and blow in the wind.
literally normies
>the black guy is fast
Raciss stereotype. Same with Speedy Gonzalez Flash in the DCEU
>Jews continuously pushing their race changing / race mixing agenda
fuck you Jews, and the retards who support you. GOD DAMN YOU TO HELL
>watch normie flicks
>act offended when the source material is adapted to better suit normie sensibilities
Yeah they should have made that fuckin furhead have an afro or something
GL is a Muslim who wears a ski mask and carries a handgun
funny kek
no he become black (and lore changed) in the comics first, in their reboot
Nigger flash is the cousin of red haired flash, they just happen to have the same name.
have you seen the new Vigilate?
because it's another nigga with electric powers
we dying in da streets, i gots to run through time and fix the constitution!
Where'd you get the costume, nigger?
anyone else think this guy is a horrible actor?
he's so uncharismatic and boring
what kind of joke were you going for here
How would fixing the constitution rectify that problem
I don't get it
Nig hair don't flap nor blow.
Itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat.
what did they mean by this?
because theyre dumb obviously
he was pretending to be a black guy
attach some dreadlocks
Fixed right up
>making a white character black
Only niggers and white guilt cuckolds applaud this. Intelligent people recognize this for the token, pandering gesture that it is. They want new, original characters that are black. They realize how idiotic it is to take a white character and make them black simply for the sake of forced diversity.
>It's a poorly constructed bait episode
I hate this season
>ITT: I don't watch this show, but i'm outraged!
Papa Joe West is the man
>the fag actually duck lips
fuck you flash, cw, and the jews
>he's not handsome enough to ironically duck-lip
sorry bro
Yea that is pretty accurate. I love when ever Joe is on screen but I wish Iris and Wally would get killed or something so it can just be Barry and Joe all of the time. Best father best son.
>nigga with electric powers
Hadn't DC already bought Static?
Is this the Reverse Flash
Wally West, Kid Flash
niggers are the only race that can pull off yellow because it contrasts with their skin
prove me wrong
Uma in Kill Bill
Bruce Lee in Game of Death
but you're not wrong...
Why does this remind me of pic related
It's a similar pose, that of running, and they're both characters that run fast.
No new ideas just blatant ripoffs of IPs pandering to sjws.
I mean ffs how hard is it to come up with a new origin story and a new costume and superpower/weakness combo.
Instead we get black flash, fem thor, black Roland and white jesus.
With rebirth they bring OG Wally back and now nu52 Wally is his cousin both named after their grandpa, the comic is one the best moments in rebith and now black wally can be his own character so if his a cunt now nobody cares he's not the real wally
It looks good, it just doesn't look good on him. The yellow outfit should be for the white, ginger Wally.
This Wally would've looked better in the white outfit that new 52 Wally uses
Ruined it by not having yellow boots.
is this real? Why do they use what looks like leather for the top section? it looks awful.