Why are Americans obsessed with race THAT much...

Why are Americans obsessed with race THAT much? Looking at their politics I got a serious impression they are a bunch of retards arguing for non-issues while don't giving a fuck about most of the serious ones.
All their political discussions are about race and religion, almost every single one of them.

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It's not even the common Western thing - I read British medias too and they are WAY more sane and willing to discuss serious shit than American ones. The Guardian >>>>> Huffington Post, Daily Mail >>>>> Breitbart. All American medias are basically just a race baiting, all American politics are identity politics - this is the reason why Trump won. It's retarded.
Few years ago I was reading about Lebanon and their system based on various segregated religious communities voting for their candidates. And USA seem to be pretty much the same system. The only candidate who was not race baiting was Bernie - and they fucked him up on primaries.


Because they have no real identity.
Us Europeans, we can always define ourselves through our nation and its history.
Meanwhile, Americans went through the melting pod, becoming an uniform "American" people.
But they still need some way to identify themselves, thats why they are so obsessed with race and their heritage

Who dis?

Latin Americans don't have the same obsession and Canadians practically don't as well.

I agree russki
The funniest thing is they see themselfs as the least racists

Samo crni andjeli bratishka

The country was built on race.

Well, Canada has much less people than America.
And Brazil has a lot of regional cultural differences

I don't know, maybe it's because their country is full of violent minorities that riot and kill people all the time. But no it's obviously just because they're "obsessed".

recent american mainstream leftism was a hypocritical attempt of a rich urban middle class to look smart and moral and/or gain and preserve privileges by turning everything into politics and ostracize everyone who disagrees with any one point of their political opinions - which aim to result in disjunct, sterile blocks within society divided along lines of meaningless bullshit that no longer can interact with each other properly without their 'help'.

The worst thing about this is that they ruined the term liberal and leftist so actual liberals and leftists will have a very hard time achieving real progress in the future.

I guess the KKK was a modern urban politically leftist organization. You've really opened my eyes.

It's mainly white Americans that are obsessed.

Most minorities don't or wouldn't care about race if it wasn't constantly being thrown in their face in used against them.

What about the "We Wuz" crowd?

What color is the sky on your planet?


Excuse me? What I was referring to that they were trying to rig people against each other, or at least make them form the cores of their identities along divisions of race and sex far more that it was plausible. While shit like the notion of 'cultural appropriation' or what the fuck and over-the-top PC communication norms that imposed regulations that made it virtually impossible to point out some actual problems in society made it increasingly difficult for shit to be solved. And this was coupled with the fact that their attitude and communication regarding minorities (sexual, racial, religious, any kind) was condescending, pitiful and disrespectful and improved nothing at all.

There's a certain kind of downscale white american - not always poor, sometimes he works in finance and owns a yacht - but on the losing side of the culture war, who needs "the blacks" to exist and to be thought of the way they are, because it's the only way he won't be at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

In terms of having access to education and technology, and being able to move, and not having to work 60 hours a week in a coal mine and die, their lives are better than they were in the imagined america of their dreams 40 years ago or whatever, but their social status with the elites of the political parties and the banks and the editorial pages is worse. the country doesn't really value them. the country sends them to die in useless sand wars, the media makes fun of them and the banks steal their homes, with no meaningful opposition from the left

I don't think they should be that unfamiliar to europeans though, what are brexit voters? What are AKP supporters, the people that fell for Milosevic's "they won't beat us" speech etc

This. They never had a real left because of >muh commies, never cared about redistribution of wealth, so they had to talk about race or gender to pretend to be different from the right.

Yeh? What about them?

No. I forget that some of you either don't go outside or live in 90% white towns and the only time you experience minority people is in the news and media. Actually talk to people that aren't white or a part of the majority, you'll realize that they all want to be treated as normal but aren't afforded the luxury .

>It's mainly white Americans that are obsessed.

How the fuck do you get to that conclusion? Identity politics is completely lauded to non-whites in the center of social politics, and they take full advantage. For whites, you either have centrist/center left types who would rather ignore race altogether, or Trumpian types who by and large just want some kind of lawful civic nationalism among all the groups. Race-centric types are by no means a large portion of the pie, and that includes le race realists and the self-hating whites.

Amerikkkans are obsessed with race because they live in a settler colonial society built on the backs of enslaved Africans and made possible by the federal execution of native genocide

Identity politics are absolutely dominant in America. Liberalism after postcolonial theory (post-1960s) completely disposes of material analysis in favor of racial frameworks, and white nationalism is at the forefront of the Trump movement.

One time I was at the medieval festival there was a group of white people ranting about black people. They won't even take a day off at the fair to enjoy themselves without talking about race or being racist. Out of all the people there that day there was like 4 black people, one chubby but cute girl working a kiosk and a guy with his two young daughters.

>I took a sociology course!

>I only have a GED!
We can tell.

This. "Americans are like that because of the melting pot" argument is not working, because there are both melting pot countries like Latin America and multicultularist countries like Canada don't have such a problems.
In USA they never talk about poor people, they barely discuss economy, education, healthcare, investitions, taxes. It's all about identity politics.

Seriously, reading Brits after reading Americans is a huge relief. I feel sorry I don't speak any other European language than English, I believe other countries are way less infected with identity politics.

This. We have no class consciousness



It's fucking retarded. And no, you have normal people caring about real issues. There were people supporting Bernie, people supported Cruz/Rubio. Yes, eventually you had a fight of the biggest race baiters in your history, but there were a huge chances for at least Bernie to win primaries. At least among Democrat grassroots there are people who don't take identity politics for serious. But majority of Americans are poisoned with all that shit about race.
>violent minorities
Kek, actually, their crime rates have been falling since the early 90s. And among minorities many people are obsessed with race too.
Very good points actually. But placing all the responsibility on the left is unjust. All these Fox News, Breitbarts, people like Steve Bannon, Milo and Trump, and their predecessors like paleoconservatives and so are also responsible for that because when you divide society by the race and claim to be protectors of racial majority you would always been supported. Look, most of American presidents since Roosevelt were Republicans, people like Obama and Clinton were the exceptions elected after people were tired of Republicans.

Tbqh, its mainly something that democrats bring up. The right stopped caring a long time ago until recently. They just want you to pull your own weight and stop taking gibsdat. Also this

>race baiting
Is it even a thing?

New Deal liberals had material analysis senpai, it was just shitty material analysis. Modern American democrats don't even attempt to address or mitigate the contradictions of capitalism

The right uses codewords to hide their racism

>minorities commit a vastly disproportionate amount of crime and the murder rate is obscenely high for a western developed country but that's okay because crime as a whole is trending downwards

Race obsession is very much an anglospgere thing after cultural movements pressed for racial superiority, especially in the US and UK that seized lands and people by force. Many other European countries did the same thing of course, but they either didn't hold the land for long, or they were like Russia and allowed the local people to have their own ways. The anglosphere has always been one of the more aggressive of world cultures and it's no surprise leaders like hitler found them inspiring

What pisses me off about the American obsession with racial politics (primarily white guilt) is that it has a knock-on effect here in Britain. Because we have a very Americanised culture, all the 'muh whitey' bullshit from across the pond rubs off on the British left. Really fucking sick of it desu.

Americans do not differ between liberals and left wingers (because during cold war calling yourself a socialist was a political suicide there).
>postcolonial theory
Actually postcolonial studies are mostly about colonialism, not the ethnic and racial divisions inside the countries. Also I listened to some lections on the postcolonial studies on YouTube and it was mostly about cultural aspects of colonialism and many things I've heard seemed to be legit. But postcolonialism is not limited with USA, such a works exist worldwide while race obsession is mostly a USA feature. I can't remember any other country obsessed with it that much.

such as?

>the criminality of impoverished ethnic groups will be solved not by abolishing material contradictions and exploitation but by liquidating the negroid contingency

kill yourself senpai

it's the white guilt thing and everything revolves around it because it's so powerful and makes powerful people take a knee

blacks in britain are just immigrants but britain does owe some debt for fooling around in the colonies

usa brought boatloads of slaves so they're up neck-deep in white guilt

meanwhile we've done neither and a guy in our parliament calls people nigger and no one cares

Have you studied American history? Voting and property rights were based around race since the very beginning.

Actually it was a hot issue on whether or not to include a new group of people in the "white" category like Italians and Irishman for example.

White guilt is really a modern tip of the iceberg. You have to look back at anglosphere history and realize how deep and long this racial obsession dates back. Everything from the White Australia policy to American Eugenics in the 1920s really give insight into how this has been going on since those nations were first colonized

Nah that's bullshit. It's just white guilt feeding this and nothing else. Eugenics has been a thing everywhere else too. If there weren't white guilted white people blacks themselves would stop using the racism card as much as they do.

>Actually postcolonial studies are mostly about colonialism, not the ethnic and racial divisions inside the countries

This has not been the case in America for some time

You are literally looking at some garbage SJW movement of the past decade and supplementing it for centuries of history. Realize that a battle has been going on beneath the surface ever since the pilgrims arrived. Manifest destiny? Taking native kids and schooling them? Making immigrants even from Europe anglicize their names on Ellis island?

Don't defile my history into just white guilt

Frankly I wouldn't mind US style idiotic liberalism if they kept it in their country. But no, with some of the most powerful cultural machines, they manage to import all these degeneracy around the world.

Holy shit I know that book. One of the worst examples of post modern marxist sophistry.

>Manifest destiny? Taking native kids and schooling them? Making immigrants even from Europe anglicize their names on Ellis island?
That has happened everywhere else too

Sami were forced to learn finnish here

And the white guilt culture from US spreads across the glove with their cultural hegemony. Especially evident in other Anglo countries.

>Don't defile my history
whatever your cunt's history is, can you guys either fix them or stop exporting it ?

M8, they had a slavery 150 years ago. We also had it, 90% of Russians are successors of slaves. Many our problems can be traced to that.
>Race obsession is very much an anglospgere
Not really. Race obsession in UK is WAY lower than in USA and it's mostly about ethnicity, not a race (Poles and other Eastern Euros are looked at as a minorities despite being white). And it's way, way smaller and affects mostly radical rights like Britain First and Co.
>Tbqh, its mainly something that democrats bring up. The right stopped caring a long time ago until recently
Well, not really. After the Reagan presidency Black community ended up in San Andreas tier ghettos and whites had a huge amount of rednecks worshipping televangelists and burning crosses.

Fixing some soci-political phenomenon isn't exactly like fixing a car you know.

>they manage to import

America was a mistake.

100% correct desu, race doesn't exist but bubba joe and brianana wu would rather fight each other instead of their true enemy.

I see your point, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that US media obsession over race isn't a new thing, it has been stewing for centuries. Maybe other European and neo-euro nations left race behind, but considering how much diversity America has, we cling to those traditions of old, whereas more homogenous euro nations could just forget about it...... Does that make sense?

I think that is the main objetive, Op. Keep people looking at this shit and make them away to the big problems. Like, black people with guns have killed 10 times less people than overdose of legal drugs.

Actual Marxist-Leninists loath writers like Sakai because his premise of whiteness as necessarily the property of labor aristocracy obstructs any potential for broad working class mass movements

White guilt is just the leftist version of the right man's burden. It's white people treating non-whites and children and arrogantly thinking because they are white that they should determine how non-whites should live their lives. They use non-whites as political tools.

Inner city

for coding blacks

This. It's the huge problem. Russian liberals don't take that bullshit mostly, but our right wingers are influenced by altrights and Trump enormously which is idiocy in Russia.

>berkeley college republicans

cuz they dumb, most of them basically don't have proper problems anymore so they have to find something to occupy their lives with

White man*

>saying urban crime is high is racist
the absolute fucking STATE of this lad haha

You're missing their message. They mean to say all those groups get things for free and have it easy. They're pretty red pilled so idk what's up with that file name

>left behind
What? No, the problem at hand is the whole modern culture. If you are theorizing about any ancient eugenics, they don't matter.

It's white guilted white people treating black people as if white person has original sin and black people don't. These white people aren't going to determine or decide anything for black people.

They have a well organized, affluent society. They have time to discuss this kind of matters when in other countries polititians and state owned press mostly focus on scaring people with NATO to move the attention away from real problems like impoverished society, AIDS epidemic, alcoholism etc.

Lol what? Leftist whites use non-whites to fight rightist whites. They justify it by pitying non-white people so they can deem themselves as designated ambassadors to millions of white liberals + non-white voters. Most of the Democrat leadership is white.

I don't know what to say. If I had to defend the US here, I would say that we are different from many empires of old that forced their cultures on other by brute force. We have massive economic power but it's not like we hold you at gun point to use American websites or watch Ameican shows. Obviously you don't like the situation but the onus of cultural protection falls upon you, sorry

Canadian intellectuals

>Most of the Democrat leadership is white.
You mean Obama? Or you mean pampered white women who feel like everybody else should support the poor and colored except them? And who also consider themselves somehow an oppressed minority.

I mean the biggest actual "I give everything away to only support minorities" have been solely men. I find crazies like this on Twitter once in a while. They look like the "YOU'RE A WHITE MALE" guy. It feels like women support minorities only up until they might not get their own cinnamon pumpkin lattes anymore.

Americans find nothing wrong with this image

Lmao retard Obama was just one politician. You are conveniently ignoring all the hundreds of white politicians in Democratic party.

because muh joos are plotting to destroy us and took away all shekels away from us, muh white genocide and stuff like that.

You said leadership. He was the leaderiest leader. What more you want?

S-story of my life
>study for class with a few white females
>bring hot chocolate to study meetings because why not
>one day stop bringing them
>they decide to study alone

FInn poster, the thing is not white guilt. Of course many Americans rightfully feel it but it mostly applies to WASPs. Nor Italians, nor Jews, nor Irishmen, nor Russians, nor any other group who is white but came mostly after 1861 do not have it (Russians certainly do not have it at all, believe me, moreover we always look at ourselves as an oppressed group, it's our mindset.)
The thing is that their establishment, both right and left leaning, use it to divide et conquera people. People who are not caring about real problems while fighting for a totally retarded non issues really please them. So both sides have been nurturing identity politics for ages. Fox News and CNN, BuzzFeed and Breitbart - all they work to divide people.

Because their state was officially white supremacist until 60s. Most of them still don't count negroes, asians, slavs and other third grade ethnicities as equal human beings.

only the liberals keep bringing up race. obama was black and he was elected twice, nobody batted an eye. but now suddenly there is a le racist bogeyman conspiracy le republicans are le racist le alt right xD. give me a fucking break. most whites voted in obama, the only,opposition to him was the tea party which wasnt even racist

You actually think their Italian-Americans and numerous Jewish-American and what not don't feel similar guilt for their white skin?

The only power there is the guilt. Here, racial accusations have almost no power behind them. Only the young are affected by it, brainwashed by American entertainment. And I don't mean some sort of considerate dearth of slightly offensive things but general reverance of minorities and the general, overburdening feel of DEBT. We don't owe anything, but they for some reason think we do. It's all charity in reality.

Obama was elected when his opponent was McCain who was absolutely retarded person, and GOP reputation was ruined by Bush presidency.
Also no, race card is used by everyone. Fox News, Breitbart and shit, almost any Republican media uses it.

pls tell me about my country more
Tell me how most people here seriously believe in most of that SJW guilt
stuff, despite the fact that trump won

You keep bringing up this debt stuff but nobody I know irl believes in it besides one schizo black dude.

Most people don't "believe in it". It's a fact that the slave trade happened and there's no way around it. It will forever be a "card" to be used. Big parts of your society focus on the debt you owe the blacks. You have to have the mandatory black in anything. It's a must. Why? Because it just is. You oppressed them and now you have to help them.

And American companies tow the lines and taboos of their culture perfectly. Sexy stuff is a no-no. Black people are to be featured. Asians? Who cares, fuck them.

This. Reparations is the only solution.

Russians in USA don't feel any guilt at all, and feel ourselves to be oppressed actually. Okay, most of Russians came there after 90s, only 30 years passed. But what do Italians have to do with slavers while they were not considered white for a ling time? What Irishmen have to do with slavers while they the second heavily oppressed group after black people? White Hispanics? Many other people? No, white guilt would work with WASPs only, and considering majority of people anywhere are arrogant obnoxious cunts they wouldn't really care either.
No, it's basically just the media telling whites"le ebil blacks and Latinos, crime, drugs, white genocide, etc" and telling to blacks "racists stealing money from black people, institutional racism, job discrimination, we wuz kangz"

And you know all this about America through observing plebbit and other social media? Fuck off pekka

It doesn't matter, because all the """"WHITE""""" murricans will speak Spanish at 2200.

>Asians? Who cares, fuck them
Finns are caring for their race
Memes are real

South Korea and China show us that reparations don't work. They won't give a fuck after a year the reparations have been paid, same shit will continue on. I have no answers for what will work. Smarter people than me have thought about this. There is no solution.

And you know this not to be true because why?

Spanish >>>>>> English 2bqh

he is whiter than the most murricans because he speaks French as the native

now I'm waiting a butthurt from jankis ))


It is a reflection of the glorious American education. Most people identify with Trump, which is why he became the President.

No one gives a shit about what happens outside of America. Blacks were promised 40 acres and a mule.

Why do you people keep coming here lmao there are literally like q billion Russians in my area
Not that I'm complaining just a trend in noticing

Most people don't identify with Trump.

Poverty is frowned upon in the US, if you're poor it's your own fault and you don't deserve any sympathy. Liberals in the US don't have any problems with abusing poverty by associating it with a race for their own agenda, but even then they don't come with plans to fix poverty or inequality, it's just more race baiting and populism.

Even the poor hate themselves, the lack of opportunities and jobs in the south or appalechia doesn't seem to bother literally anyone, no one in the US cares about infrastructure or a functioning society outside of the big cities. I only heard Bernie talk about it, but besides that it's not even a selling point it seems while rural communities are more likely to vote than city people.

It's a shame how the left has changed (not only in the US, but globally), which once was a movement there for the workers, educating them, learning how to write & read and alcoholism are now just a bunch of angsy teens moaning about race and how much in debt they are because of their gender studies at the university.

And quite frankly, non-whites are the biggest offenders, they do nothing but glorify consumerism, pop culture and capitalism, their whole identity (black americans) is based around rap culture which they don't even own, it's a business regulated by old jewish guys who own the music and fashion industry. I love blues, but blacks aren't capable enough not to willingly choose to be enslaved freely.

>Most people identify with Trump

45% of eligible voters, which is like 25% of the country as a whole (since obviously kids can't vote), voted for him. Most of the country clearly doesn't identify with him.