I'd consider myself a realist, alright? But in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist...

I'd consider myself a realist, alright? But in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist... I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself - we are creatures that should not exist by natural law... We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, that accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody... I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction - one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

Other urls found in this thread:


sardonic irreverent people who say shit like 'what are you fucking gay?' and 'that's retarded' are reasonable, realistic, intelligent people.
Everyone else is an ideologue with a superstitious and quasi-spiritual worldview.
It's not hard to understand and you don't need advanced scientific knowledge or high brow philosophy to get it.
It just makes sense.
You ae born and then you eat, fuck, drink, breathe, sleep, piss, shit, and die.
You also need to labour to accumulate resources, and to organise society if you are a part of a community.
Life isn't hard, easy, sad, or happy.
It's just life.
Stop being a fagot loser.
You're not deep or poetic.
You're a retard.

check em

well, you tried really hard to attach intelligent buzzwords to liberal ideology but you failed miserably

Retard can't read lol.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm a republican you fucking dunce.
You think I'm a liberal because I'm not a sad loser who whines about being alive?
Literally kill yourself idiot.

explain yourself, please
because as far as i'm concerned, you are a faggot

You can't read dumbass.
All I did was advocate irreverence and sardonic humour because it implies you have a healthy world view uncorrupted by zealotism, and explain that life isn't overly complicated and shouldn't be romanticised in anyway because it's just a thing like rocks or trees, and doesn't have any inherent sentiment attached.
I also tried to insult whining losers who hate being alive because they suck and I hate them but that's just a casual aside.
It's not overly complicated writing so if you had any other interpretation you are a legit moron.
Fuck me...

Weird. I just started watching this show today...

Found the guy who failed metaphysics

>I'd consider myself a realist, alright? But in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist... I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself - we are creatures that should not exist by natural law... We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, that accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody... I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction - one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

Wrong, eternity exists. Over a period of eternity, given a few necessary components for life, that life will INEVITABLY develop consciousness.

Consciousness is not an accident because of its rarity. It is an INEVITABILITY because of its rarity.

well my friend i initially felt hostility towards you, but i no longer do

thank you for your responses

i am waiting for my world of warcraft private server to come back up, and i just came here to talk some shit, but i did not really want to get involved but i guess that's how it goes

well, i have this advice to tell you my friend

life offers nothing.

anything achieved is earned

I seriously hope you're trolling.
I also failed gender studies too you fucking loser lol.
Ahahahahabahah keep magically thinking tho baby you need it.
Might kill yourself if you have to face reality without spirituality/quasi-spiritual coping mechanisms.

Nice feet.

Metaphysics as in the branch of academic philosophy, typically paired with epistemology. Not new-age esoteric occultism bullshit you retard

Jesus christ you're an idiot

Just so you know - you fit in around nihilism and existentialism

>falsely assuming eternity is infinite

>implying intelligence isn't frowned upon by jewish new age media overlords

burn the Jews

Kill all Jews

Kill all Kikes

Burn the Jews

Oh and just so you fags know - this is literally a quote from Matthew mcconajews character in the show true detective , not the op espousing a philosophy

fuck off loser all that shit is just tony robbins personal development scam ass shit
I'm not a neo-deluxe mecha mecha wheelbarrow existentialist nihilist whizzbang I'm an agressive male and I eat the ass when I fuck.
You're so fucking gay please commit suicide.
Life is either maths or animalistic with nothing inbetween.
Your whole faculty is a joke that's why it's called the arts.
You might as well be finger painting.

> illuminating us with his wisdom xD

Can't tell if retard or mega-retard

What point are you even trying to make?

you should probably kill youreself as soon as you get the chance...

no really

kill yourself

Yes philosophy is called the arts

N1 you braindead idiot

It's not. That's why when one existence perishes (i.e. one universe), there is another one that exists in some other plane.

There's also a possibility that all existences operate as sine waves of spiritual highs (nirvana) and spiritual lows (nadirs), all directly and indirectly influencing each other.

As outlined by this video: youtube.com/watch?v=xwATZdKzaPc

That's a possibility, although personally I'd like to believe in occam's razor, and beauty is usually is simplistic and not overly intricate.

The more likely scenario, according to me, is that complexities in the fabric of existence are merely a red herring, a sort of secret easter egg designed to lead to our obsession should we look too deep (and the reason why so many "brilliant" minds are often neurotic and obsessive about their trade); the resulting beauty in the universe is simplistic in its presentation, but still requires a modicum of introspection

How to be a STEM droput/philosopher:
>pick up your chair and swing your arms to the right
>this is called a 'spooky-dooky'
>pick up your chair and swing it to the left
>this is not a Spooky-Dooky
>Spooky-Dookies are as real and tangible as rocks or trees
>defend this idea to the death
You are now a philosopher/perfect target for advertising and voter manipulation.
Congratulations; you're now level 7 susceptible

dude seriously please just die, your genes are useless to our species

fuck you, go kill yourself

i'm only responding to your gay nigger-loving post to bump the thread

kill yourself faggot

there's really no point in posting this because normies dont get it

Fuck you're a loser.
You should kill yourself you coping mechanism having pathetic little bitch.
As long as you need ideas irrelevent to reality to keep you from despair why not become a muslim?
Allah is always there for you faggot.
You clearly need it.
You're really this mad I'm not a delusional idiot?
Literally just grow up.
Stop being a bitch and be an adult.

It's okay, Sup Forums has left a huge mark on me and I feel compelled at times to give back


Found the Phil101 failure, Plato and Socrates were too hard to master for this math wiz

>all humanities studies should be abolished in their entirety
>said no one smart ever

you are a normal faggot and i hope you die before dawn

thank you user, i'm a big fan of aphex twin, and i respect you for posting him here

The fact that we're the only species who saves the weak just goes to prove that we're pathetic. If someone can't survive on their own we should either put them down or let them die off by themselves

>another pessimist believing he is a realist
You're not a realist, you're just trying to defend your negativity instead of going through the trouble of improving your state of mind. Stop being fucking lazy or at least acknowledge it

Lol don't even argue with this retard dude

Anyone who calls philosophy a waste of time is fucking retarded and is not respected by anybody worthwhile on an intellectual level

AHAHAHA how can you fail a class with no right and wrong answers?
Yeah dude the apology was so hard to grasp ahaha fuck this is sad.
It's literally just a kids fable like aesop or fucking peppa ass pig you stupid cunt.
And if you seriously think me casually mocking the arts is whatever strawman bullshit you said then actually kys you fucking moron.
I also make nigger jokes does that mean I advocate genocide?

mmm bait

You're so sad dude fuck me.
You're intentionally acting like r/iamverysmart on purpose unironically.
Have you ever heard anyone smart have a tantrum and talk about how smart they think they are because someone insulted their area of study?
You people are so gross and vulgar and you don't even know it.
You think you're smart and highbrow.
This is genuinely depressing.

>thank you user, i'm a big fan of aphex twin, and i respect you for posting him here

as to you, AFX merely gets better with age

My christ, nigga. That's beautiful.




yea that's ok

nice dubs
but also
you support niggers unironically and ideologically
fuck off and die
i dont even like saying that


I support men that act like men regardless of race.
Bet you like to gossip.



you'd be surprise how conscious the average man actually is, comparable to a skeleton



I'm not the guy complaining about their race towards you.. but if you think Bobby Shmurder and his gang are "real men" you need to reevaluate your life philosophy. These men are going to spend decades in prison, some of them for their entire lives. Ah but they are "real men" according to you.

I agree


season 1 true detective

This thread has been derailed so bad.

Obviously he isn't a role model you dunce.
The song embodies masculine values so I used it for the sake of hyperbole.
Do I really need to tell you not to kill people?
Am I assuming too much prior knowledge?
God damn.

has it?

please explain

He did extra time he didn't have to do to not rat his friend out. He might made mistakes to get caught up in the shit he did but that's manning the fuck up you ask me. Most ppl tell their boys to eat a dick and cop a deal with the LE

Thought i'd find a discussion here. Turns out there's only a bunch of nutjobs insulting eachother and talking about nothing really. Figures.

It's from a TV show mang calm down.

>Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself

That's my problem with this. Says who? The very fact that we separate ourselves from nature is just a result of our somewhat unique evolutionary characteristics; our intelligence, and our related tendency to categorise and organise things based on certain characteristics.

However, it's fallacious to consider ourselves as somehow 'outside' of the natural world based purely on our unique intelligence and the higher consciousness associated with it. Plenty of organisms have unique characteristics. We're simply freakishly clever apes, and every other uniquely human characteristic boils down to that intelligence: our propensity to language and culture, the way we organise and categorise and strategise and create and demolish, the way we try to escape our mortality by creating legacies, the very creation of concepts such as 'legacies', and so on.

But we're still just animals. The fact that we exist means we do not break any 'natural law'--whatever that even means.

The whole monologue is full of fallacies and hypocrisies. "The honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming"--the concept of doing something 'honorable' would be conforming to our programming to some extent. We breed and do our damnedest to survive as a species because that is at the core of our 'programming', and it's inescapable part of who who are not just as humans, but as living organisms.

This song and "musicians" are shit. There is nothing manly about gangbanging. The manly thing to do would be to move out of the hood (which Bobby was offered a place to live in Florida) and stop acting like an animal on the streets. But Bobby would rather run back to his gang, commit crimes, and go to prison. If you think he has anything of value to say or contribute to society.. well there is no point in continuing this conversation. You likely want to move out of your suburban home so you can be cool and manly and gangbang too. And I say go for it. You will find out how manly you are in a concrete box 24/7/365.

Or am I assuming too much prior knowledge?

well look here, i hope yuo hang around until i take a shower and come back beucase you arfe the smartest guy i have chatted with this evenjing

Yeah you obv don't know about the case. Assumed too much. All his charges came from before he got a record deal and had means to move out of the hood and escape that life

you have yet to addressed why you believe consciousness is a misstep in evolution.

Clearly you don't know the case either.

Either way he might be in prison, but at least he is manly! I wish I could be manly enough to gangbang and go to prison.

you are gay tho so shut up
nice epic callback insult dude
did you jerk off over that one?
fuck you make me sick
I literally don't give a hoot about bobby shmurda stop quoting his life story to me you pussy
get a job and some pussy you won't be talking like you do now boy

Fucking repost you fucking faggot. Steal more shitty lines you worthless peice of shit.

Learn English, not ebonics.

Black people are always a hootin' and a hollerin' down the old hootenanny like a prairie dawg on a mojave cattle drive
fucking idiot.

Grow up in his shoes you suburban sheltered fag, what do you know about inner city life, literally living in an area where there is no meaningful work to be had. Kinda sets these peeps up for failure when they gotta make the choice to stay in school or dropout to start selling drugs to support their lil brother and crackhead mom

I know a buncha fancy words, it's true.

Is it nigger hour?

i get you but i still am pretty pessimistic about the "raw deal" that we indeed have

it's only a raw deal if you're a michael cera ass pussy
men like being alive

Hundreds of millions of years of natural selection is deeply flawed because now I feel feels that an animal--which I am NOT--can't feel.

That is why I wish I was either
a) dead (along with the rest of my species) or
b) a happy amoeba.

It's a major design flaw and I am very angry with evolution for overlooking it. Gonna go blast some Tool now because the numbness is wearing off and I can't bear to feel things because life is so terrible and consciousness is such a burden.

If any other organism was capable of reasoning in a way comparable to humans, they might reason that we had by far the most cooked 'deal'. We're at the top of the food chain, and huge portions of us get to eat and fuck basically whenever we feel like it (excluding those of us on Sup Forums of course, whose chicken tendies are rationed by mummy and who will never fuck).

Sure, we get depressed about things because our human intelligence allows for it; we can have an existential crisis, or worry that we're not advancing our careers enough, or feel like our social standing isn't what it should be. Boo hoo. Beats getting eaten like a lion.

And compare human melancholy to that of other species. A dog can't give a fuck about it's failing career or that it's kids hate it, and it yet it seems dogs are capable of getting depressed anyway. All kinds of intelligent mammals have feels both cozy and shitty, and no one labels them as being evolutionary accidents.

We're not evolutionary accidents. Evolution is not a random process. The genetic variation on which natural selection acts may occur randomly, but natural selection itself is not random at all. The survival and reproductive success of an individual is directly related to the ways its inherited traits function in the context of its local environment.

We evolved to be smart as a survival mechanism. It's working, so far. In that sense, we have a better deal than the dodo.

user, you have the right idea in how to write


work on your punctuating, capitalization, spacing, paragraphing, and sentence structure if you really want to make your point

i would have conquered a nation by now with your gift for speech my friend, so work on your rhetoric

Shut the fuck up, Rust.

lol this g uy


world is inherently compelling. Whatever may be really “out there” cannot project itself as an affective experience. It is all a vacuous affair with only a chemical prestige. Nothing is either good or bad, desirable or undesirable, or anything else except that it is made so by laboratories inside us producing the emotions on which we live. And to live on our emotions is to live arbitrarily, inaccurately—imparting meaning to what has none of its own. Yet what other way is there to live? Without the ever-clanking machinery of emotion, everything would come to a standstill. There would be nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to be, and no one to know. The alternatives are clear: to live falsely as pawns of affect, or to live factually as depressives, or as individuals who know what is known to the depressive. How advantageous that we are not coerced into choosing one or the other, neither choice being excellent. One look at human existence is proof enough that our species will not be released from the stranglehold of emotionalism that anchors it to hallucinations. That may be no way to live, but to opt for depression would be to opt out of existence as we consciously know it.
Thomas Ligotti, The Conspiracy Against the Human Race..could you rip him off more if you tried faggot?

No, it's a rip off of something much more profound but since you don't read you assume it's from the garbage media you indulge in. open a book FAGGOT

>life is meaningless
>you need to accumulate resources
>and be part of a community
>I'm a republican

There's nothing "profound" about it; pseudointellectual posturing

Kek, thanks for the compliment and the critique, brah. I mean that without sarcasm.

But it's just a relatively long-winded post on Sup Forums to waste some time. I'm not looking to conquer a nation. I'm just trying to get some spergs to think of life as something other than one long Linkin Park song, without trying to sound like I don't think it's shit.

I disagree, slightly. Although yes it is one big jerk off for him and everyone else who chooses to consume such ideals. You have to admit his ability to articulate just below the surface layer of the human condition is intriguing at least

life is meaningless because it's a real thing not a plot point in a mystical story book dumbass
all real things are meaningless
you do need to accumulate resources or you die of starvation and dehydration
i said if you are a part of a community, not you have to be
this is why i am a republican
liberals can't read, misinterpret everything, have quasi-spiritual beliefs, have superiority complexes, and demonise and patronise everyone who isn't them
you aren't smart nice people, you're just jerks
fuck off

this guy gets it
kill yourself liberals
then life will be good again

>samefagging this hard

sorri i posted the wrong link youtube.com/watch?v=2t1izvvEt5k

damn sorry... im drunk but determind

I'm not an American so I don't subscribe to the Democrat/Republican dichotomy, but aren't Republicans typically among the biggest Christfag windbags around?

Also, isn't it strange that a pseudo-philosophical pseudo-discussion degenerated in to a Dem/Rep thing with you? It seemed a bit arbitrary, like: "Your argument is stupid and you misrepresented what I said. Liberals are stupid and misrepresent what people say. Fuck liberals."