Serious question, does Sup Forums think the 9/11 attacks were justified in a way?

Serious question, does Sup Forums think the 9/11 attacks were justified in a way?

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School let us go home at 0930 that day, and it was closed the following two days despite being on the opposite end of the country.

12 year old me would probably justify the loss of more buildings and people if it meant school stayed closed.

I'll bite.
It depends, do you believe 911 was an inside job, or do you believe it was al qaeda?

I don't believe in the conspiracy stuff, because in that case no, it would not be justified. But if it was actually terrorism, then sure. They had their reasons, must've, you don't send a plane into a builiding just for shits and giggles dude.

I believe it's justified in every way

America in cold war with Russia want to fuck with Russia but can't do it themselves. CIA gets the Mujahideen freedom fighters to do it for us. Train them fund them, their leader is Osama bin laden. All goes well. Soviet Union eventually falls cold war is over. Ok fuck you guys we don't need you. Stop supporting stop arms. Russia rolls in starts slaughtering everyone for revenge.
Mujahideen freedom fighters beg us for help. Nope. Couple hundred thousand people slaughtered because we turned our back on allies that helped us.

Yeah it was justified

Nice read, thank you for doing research instead of believing in conspiracy stuff.

I believe the christians did it no way a muslim could do that we may kill a few fags here and there but nothing that caliber

Justified? Not really. Expected? Completely. Many people predicted this attack years before it happened, not to mention the 1993 bombing in the WTC underground levels.

Ah well, it's never really justifiable to kill thousands of innocents, but that doesn't stop assholes from trying. But sure, you are absolutely right.

An act of terror that targets innocence is not only cowardly, but immoral. How could it conceivably be justified?

Jet fuel cant melt steel beams is as much a meme as a fact.

how can a government tear down 3 buildings without warn the people inside? you must be outraged and you should storm washington D.C. (its not even a part of USA) and drag em out to hang em high..... but you can just do as usual and keep watching TV.

murica, fuck yea!

>muh one sided view of the occurrence

>tear down
>smash planes into

One of these things is not like the other.

Terrorism is bullshit anyways.
Ever played the witcher series? They give a neat example: before humans settled in their land, elves and dwarves etc called it their home. Then humans came and suppressed all nonhumans, forcing them to live in slums, and so on.
The elves react by forming a terroristic organisation.
In the end, all they achieved was giving humans a perfect reason to suppress them more and kill them, all while not being any better than humans themselves, because they would and do even kill children for their oh so just cause.

Seems the same with any real form of terrorism if you ask me. You may have a good reason for hating some group of people, but by resorting to terrorism you become the asshole yoursefl and deserve to be demonised.
Only sad that people don't seem to learn.
We even react to it the same old way: more surveillance, more "security" and more paranoia. Great, just causes people to antagonise eachother so we don't try to find a solution together. Why would that be so bad, i wonder.



true, but jet fuel does not need to melt steel, it's good enough that jet fuel can HEAT steel beams. Heated steel becomes softer and cannot support the weight of a plane, so the argument is invalid.
There are better arguments though, but all can be debunked, but as with religion, conspiracy theories require your willingness to believe in it, no matter what. It's only logical too. What good is such a theory, if people listen to empirical science? You've gotta turn scientifical arguments irrelevant some way.

keep sleeping fgt. you know they did both. you muricans CANT be THIS stupid lol

What would a "solution" look like? No such thing.

Of course it was justified, what kind of an idiot would say it wasn't? That isn't american, I mean.

No matter how you look at it the US needed to have boots on the ground in the middle east and the attacks on September 11th allowed for that to happen. Not only because of oil, but because Russia was making a push to those exact same oil fields. If the US wouldn't have gotten there to control them then the Russians would be the ones putting trade sanctions on the US and not the other way around. The whole of the western world is better off because of the 9/11 attacks.

Well the problem is our country and the west in general have been interfering in the affairs for over half a century for man countries within the middle east.

I honestly think they are too savage to deal with, but the west feels this obligation to spread our way of life. (Think anti-fascism, communism, now terror.) Really it is just a way to not only spread our ideology, but to make money.

So think of it this way. How would you react if a country from the middle east kept sending military over here, interfering without government, military, science, society.. all while getting people killed in the process. Hundreds of thousands.

How would you expect our government/military to react? What if they helped place their own hand picked individuals to run the government to basically at like a puppet towards them. Would you want to get vengeance and take your country back? Would you join a militia? Well now they just labeled your militia as a terror group and will continue to wage war on you and kill more and more of your people in the process. That is basically their point of view (with a large dose of Islam extremism.)

I am not justifying these people. I think at this point we should just pull out and let them settle it on their own. And stop taking refugees. If they eventually let bygones be bygones, we should only offer aid if they are willing to give up Islam. Because Islam is not compatible with the modern/western world.

Go back to your elves you faggot. Life isn't a video game, violence is sometimes the only answer.

Sounds lame, but there is no better option. If not for them, atleast for us.
Look at those whose hate manifests itself the loudest: usually not the brightest knives in the crayon box

shadow government usa. puppet of the secret societies. the master of false flag, genocide and broken contracts. how can you muricans sleep 300 years ? shame on your soldiers. shame on your policemen.

Lol sure, read the bost below yours ;*

btw nice huge explosion for a little plane... this picture explains it all for a brainuser.

It wasn't enough

took you some time, missed a train on the way here?

Operation Cyclone read about that in one of my classes


Having a "reason" and being justified are two enormously different things.

Richard Ramirez had a reason to kill people. He was a nutjob who worshipped satan and wanted to murder people he didn't know. Was that justified? Absolutely not.

It was a long time coming, America bombing everyone without a second thought of collateral damage. 3000 deaths is nothing compared to the amount they have wrought. And they are still crying about it when the shoe is on the other foot. Faggots

well... like one of the other posters said, was the initial support of partisans during the russia-afghan war "moral" by the US??? were the subsequent gulf wars to secure american imperialism and make sure that the oil wells kept flowing moral? how about when they stopped supporting the CIA planted rebels? moral? immoral?

i dont think the question of morality ever comes into it for the US, Russia, or the Muslims.. it's just business to them.. The US probably expected russia/KGB to do a better job and clean out the real threats within the terrorist cells which they didn't do. Then the US got its nose bloodied by the terrorists for betraying them, then spazzed out and launched a decade long war in the name of "freedom" when in reality it was for the same reasons as the first gulf war...

Sucks for the bankers in the towers though, they really didn't have a part in the whole fight unless you believe they actually had the power to order strikes... but there were only smaller banks in the towers, not goldman/jpm/citi, so that obviously wasn't the point of the attack.

pretty immoral for the terrorists in that regard imo, but then again i'm not one of them so i have no idea why they do what they do

It's not just the US. There are many European and Asian allies right behind the Americans. That's why Europe is getting Islamed so hard right now.

>It doesn't matter who did it when determining if it was justified

Nigga, what..

What are your views of nazis bombing London, allies fire bombing multiple cities purely targeting civilians and the nuking of hiroshima/nagasaki


>conspiracy stuff
>the info was declassified in 2016 was a conspiracy

Holy shit, user.

Islam is a cancer. For them violence is perfectly justifiable because their prophet, whom they consider the perfect muslim men, had multiple sex slaves including children and beheaded numerous people. Ignorant ass people always insist that Islam isnt more violent than any other religion, which is an utterly retarded statement.

christianity has the same bullshit, they just don't have the balls to go through with it

Awesome, so how about you try to educate yourself in the midst of constant gunfire, mortar fire and drone strikes. Have an invading force kick down your door every night and round up you and your family, maybe even beat your dad for a while.

That same dad goes out at night with my uncle to check on our crops, cause going out during the day would mean the americans would see them and kill them. Only this time they were seen anyway and were murdered. But hey, maybe I should just go back to my books right?

Or maybe i should get help from the only cousin i have that knows math, problem is he got shot in the back of the head while learning my little sister how to ride a bike.

But hey, it's all good right, just get educated and your problems disappear.

You couldn't be more narrowminded if you tried.

Out of every fucking building in america, they had to blow up the most beautiful one.

don't waste your time brother.

How frequently do Christians blow themselves up in a crowded market, on a bus, or drive a car bomb into a building?

I think he was getting at the the US (and US allies) are typically Christian majority countries, yet they go bomb the Muslims within the own countries for decades on end because "muh democracy and terrorism."

Lefties do, righties don't

How many cities towns and villages have been bombed indiscriminately. You think there is a diffrence between a guy who drops a bomb out of a plane and one who delivers it him self other than one of them lives to do it over and over again?


Of course there is barbaric shit in a 2000 year old collection of stories but Jews and Christians realize this and adapt their beliefs to modern ethics, Muslims think their book is perfect and they must perfectly follow the book so they refuse modernize their beliefs and they will forever be stuck in 700 AD

Christians should accept that their book is perfect as well, otherwise what the fuck is the point? Either follow it by the letter or you are just as damned as the rest of us.

That's what you usually get for being an asshole country and try to fuck with every shithole on an hourly basis.

>Jews, Christians and Muslims

3 groups killing each other and trying to impose the laws of their ancient texts that were written by retarded desert nomads on the rest of the world while using their imaginary sky friend as justification.

Wish these fuckers would just kill each other off already

I don't give a fuck what they do or believe as long as it doesn't affect me, therefore I wont tell them how they should practice their religion. Islamic extremists and proponents of sharia law do and/or could affect me so they don't receive the same courtesy

so not only did you feel the need to have this picture you felt the need to copy it not only once but twice?!?

The American Government and citizens really needed a wake up call that they're not invisible, although I don't believe this was the best way to go about it.

I think it's like 15 times.

how about this one?