The Dick Show's latest guest literally said AIDS is no big deal

The Dick Show's latest guest literally said AIDS is no big deal.

Are Dick Head's literally pozzed? Is Maddox the TRUE healthy king of podcasts?

AIDS can be treated, though not cured, with antiretroviral drugs. It's not as big a deal as it was in the 80s or 90s.

>mfw Sup Forums is literally pozzed

both new shows are a waste

The fact that you would spend the time it would take to form such an opinion implies you were a fan of the original?

What do you think Dick is looking for in a new permanent co-host since he's clearly not really looking for the angriest person, if Denzel is getting the highest Rage points.

Maddox got AIDS when?

>i know nothing of how viruses work, the post

1. Velvet Father
2. Teetotle Wrestleman
3. Black IT Guy
4. Vice writer girl
5. That shitty spineless milquetoast with all the vocal fry and uptalk from episode 3
Haven't listened to the tranny episode yet but trannies always have horrible voices so I'm probably giving this week a miss.

Also, did Asterois actually get dumped? I swear he mentioned a wife in his first appearance, but every episode since was jokes about being a single depressed comedy guy in hollywood. Did I make the wife thing up?

>I swear he mentioned a wife in his first appearance, but every episode since was jokes about being a single depressed comedy guy in hollywood. Did I make the wife thing up?
Not at all. I too found it weird that he was asking Dick for pick-up advice in the much later episodes after having established having a child in the much earlier episodes.

I don't know who initiated the divorce, but Asterios is involved in one with his wife, and I have no idea how fucked he's getting by it.

yes i was, and i have no idea. a lot of people seem to think it's a gimmick he's going to use to continuously bring on new guests. a guest that would make me listen would be someone who complemented him like maddox did

brotha got a divorce. it wasn't long before he replaced dick in that one episode, which explains why he was drunk out of his mind and continued to dabble in alcoholism for a while, per his own admission. i figured that the reason maddox had him on was just to give him the spotlight to cheer him up, but now we know he was just being king of the cucks.

however, asterios has said he has a new gf who must've moved back with him to ny, so good for him. i've always enjoyed him.

lol u dumb ignorant fucking ape just kys you'd be more use as dirt

I don't see how a normie killng virus is a big deal


What the hell, we never had Biggest Problem Podcast threads and now I see one every day.

That fucker was NOT A RAGE.and that fake Marvel press release went on way too long. Denzel and Mr. Velvet are the best co-hosts, I'd give the movie guy a second chance. The rest can go fuck themselves.

Sorry about your aids bro

>I'd give the movie guy a second chance
You mean the whiny bitch with the annoying voice who's too autistic to turn his head away from a movie to kiss a woman, because he's clearly gay?

I thought it was good schtick.

We need guests who are awkward fuckers that Dick can goof on.

>Are Dick Head's literally pozzed?
What else is new? MADLYF4EVER

Don't get too excited, Asterios.

ok, what?