Who is your favorite one piece character?

Who is your favorite one piece character?

Smoker probably

hands down best

Real shame he isnt that strong i like his power and his waifu

Your mom, overrated anime


Zoro or luffy. Doffy & law get sauce points too though

Mr.2, Bon Clay was a real man's man

Senior Pink was cool af too

Piccolo hands down

Whatever that fishdude was. Jinbe?

Usupp best by far he has haki, second rarest kind... hes predicted to be better than his father and his father makes kizaru scared



jk One Piece is shit

Best villain

need i say more

he's probably a trap according to his behavior towards ivankov though, way to ruin good characters it would be

corazon is pretty cool

boring, we have no idea about rogers personality, as boring as jesus christ


Ace or Shanks

yes we do you idiot

your father is the idiot, because he didn't make your mother abort you

hahaha ... typical idiot results to insults about family members ... because he knows he is wrong

That shit ain't confirmed (yet)

until then he's pretty badass in my book

yeah, but instead I am fucking right, also about your father

ha no your not.... his personality has be hinted at many times even some times in Sabaody Archipelago

And dont forget about reiliegh sucking his ego

charlotte pudding is a traitor, she helps big mom.
jinbei comes to rescue Luffy and Nami in jail.
Big mom wants to kill the germa 66.

1! 2! BADDDDD!

Also, Ace is dead

Robins whole island was wiped out by nukes

your sexuality has been hinted too

The skeleton guy with the afro. I can't remember his name.


The one that FUCKING DIED

Monkey D. Dragon

The one with character development.
Oh wait.

Senor pink was honerable as fuck. Best man in the series.

fucking luffy

not the most dynamic of character but his heart and persistance is amazing.

Impel down arc is what had me arrive on this conlusion.

Before that, post time skip chopper was awesome. now he's just a token accessory since brook joined


Bartolomeo is cool, love him

Cindry, pure fun

This shows Is so bad I can't even bump it

Who do you think is stronger,

Smoker or Sanji? As they are now

Both fought Vergo and Doffy