Is he right?
Is he right?
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That's not how you spell Snyder.
>all those teenagers that think like this
I enjoyed his stuff a lot more when he was making tight, clever, well-shot and edited crime movies. His newer ridiculously self-indulgent stuff doesn't do much for me.
Jackie Brown is his best movie.
Considering how much homage is part of his work, no, that is absolutely wrong.
Also, this
No, not Tarantino or anyone. There should be no pedestals in film-making. Or anything for that matter.
Especially if the legitimacy of that pedestal is always going to be debated, or potentially surpassed. Fuck pedestals.
There is no leader, what a stupid thing to say. And I know fuck all about movies, film etc...
I was at the strip club talking with a stripper I've known for a few months, we start talking about movies, she brings up Tarantino and how she thinks he is the greatest of all time. I tell her I thought Django and Hateful 8 were awful and I found the gratuitous violence distasteful, but his old stuff was pretty good. Now she avoids me and tries to hang out with other customers every time I go in there.
Whoever wrote that has autism levels that surpass Tarantino himself.
She's probably a coalburner
>""""Homage"""": The Director