Based Tom
Based Tom
What happened to his face?
Fuck old Sup Forums for ruining that man's life. Just let him have his cult in peace. Also scientologists are mostly right about psychiatry.
thats the look of a man who gave all his money away to lord xenu
The dudes 54 senpai.
also this
he's a fucking weirdo and all scientologists are fucking weirdos
t. scientologist
Tom is based He doesn't give a fuck about that privileged fuck of a child Let his ex wife and her nig husband get cucked
I don't give a fuck about his personal life. It's none of my business. Tom is an enertaing actor. Minus a few shit decisions, (War of the Worlds, Far and Away, Days of Thunder, etc..), all of his movies are comfy tier.
My top 5 Cruise films:
1. The Firm
2. A Few Good Men
3. Cocktail
4. Eyes Wide Shut
5. Collateral and Vanilla Sky. I can't pick between them.
>muh Top Gun
>muh shitty Mission Impossible
>muh homoerotic Risky Business
>muh nerdy book on screen Jack Reacher
>no Jerry Maguire
>no color of money
Shit list
>Eyes wide shut
>War of the world's
>Collateral not even mentioned
Jesus fucking Christ
Also, the firm is like a 7/10 at best and would round off a tom cruise top 20 list
it's his fault for not getting rid of his body thetans fast enough
xenu fucked him up
>watching romcom
Were u wrapped in a blanket on the couch eating out of a gallon carton of orange sherbert?
Jesus hang gliding Christ...
I did mention Collateral you fucking failed abortion.
I was going off the top of my head. Good lookin out. It's definitely in the top 10.
>romantic comedies are bad
Are you retarded or something?
This. Also the best actors are always crazy as well.
You're still more embarrassing than me
fassbender and oscar isaac are normal
friendly reminder if you started using this board after 2008 you should kill yourself
Weak bait.
Did you not watch the documentary? If anything it's the other way around. Also Xenu is the devil in their case.
My subjective opinion on movies makes you cooler than me? Damn I better let my girl know I'm not cool.
>no Last Samurai
Jump off a bridge
Narcissists don't care about their children, they only care about themselves. The church has basically turned him into a sort of living God, which feeds his need for admiration and attention, making it more worthy to him than his own family.
Age is finally catching up.
Fassbender fucks black chicks and beats up women
Isaac is normal though... so far
You're an eager fart inhaler.
>beats up women
kek sauce
tom is slowly turning into a radish
delete this
That's a shame, a strong father figure is vital to a young childs development.
Bleeding out as I type
>RIP in peace
>Sup Forums shit poster from 2015-2016
What did they say about it? I think pseudo-science is also disgusting trash
what do you mean? he rides her everyday
I just watched Edge of Tomorrow again
Fucking great movie
Is Tom Cruise a great actor because he's crazy, or is he crazy because he's a great actor?
money and fame does that to people
I'm distanty related to Tom. Met him for the first time when I was 15 at a funeral for my great aunt. We immediately hit it off after the service because he saw me eyeing the alcohol. He smiled and poured me some kind of rum that I can't remember the name of. Drank the whole bottle with him outside at a picnic shelter. He started asking inappropriate questions in the context of me being 15. I was wasted and finally gave in but to my dissappointment, when I went to suck his dick it was so small I couldn't get the head of his dick past my teeth to give him proper pleasure and I was trying so hard I had a face full of his pubic bush. As I rose to apologize he touched his dick, (swear to God), with ONE ring finger at the base of his junk and he shot all over the place.
Ask me anything.
yeah i got a question
why did you type with this
When's WWIII?
They believe that thetans, which are the souls of aliens that were killed millions of years ago when Earth was a concentration camp for a galactic alien empire, possess humans and make them unhappy and mentally ill. Psychologists, by suggesting another solution, are a threat and they run organizations to assault the profession while getting most of their converts from people who were unhappy with therapy and wanted to try anything else.
Wait a second. So you're telling me if I give money to Xenu he'll help me feel good and get a gf?
what documentary user?
I am interested
Going clear
Just to break the ice.
Its very good but it is mildly depressing realizing people believe this as religion.
friendly reminder that if you've been here for over 3 months, you're already dead inside, and just waiting for your internal organs to slowly shut down over time.
Ever stay up late at night and wonder, what if Scientology is actually right? Like all this shit is true and we never knew. Wouldn't that be a trip
no story written by man is true
Don't waste your brainpower. Scientology is right below Mormonism on the list of easily-disproven religions.
no its massively overrated once you watch it twice
More likely North Korea is secretly a utopia and our facist media is hiding it.
I'm from early 2005 and psychiatry is mostly just a Jewish con and mass poisoning technique.
He got vanilla sky'd.
>no rain man
you do not deserve the gift of life
>not 1
noose yourself
Just having enjoyed party too much !!! It will go away soon (笑´・艸・) Kek
LRH accidentally opened a portal to aliens using magik rituals with one of the founders of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, then cucked him.
Look it up.