Send me r34 of jaidenanimations ;^)

Send me r34 of jaidenanimations ;^)

K den

is that a thing

It probably is look it up


We need moar

Yes we do (」゚ロ゚)」

i got moar

What are u waiting for send all of it here

I'll gladly take more


Theres 2




does anybody else lover her voice?

That's two as well. I'd post three, but the last one I have you already posted.

is it flattering to have these done on oneself, or is it creepy? I wonder what J thinks/would think of these.

Someone should dm all to her twitter


This is great, her voice is hot as fuck too


Someone link this to her twitter or something

It's not like we ruined a youtuber before, right guys?


Don't ruin her I like this girl.

how is it fake my dude?
