Sup Forums, why are you racist? Explain

Sup Forums, why are you racist? Explain.

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Because everyone is racist. It is a normal reaction to those who are different, especially in large groups.

Because I hate everybody equally.

Could you elaborate? Never in my life have I looked at a non white person and felt revolted/scared/disgusted, even when I was a kid. What makes this natural?

Libtards are sexual deviants with low IQ levels case in point a topless mexican swf that is raping a trump statue and I thought mexicans aren't rapists... the truth is not a racist remark.

because crime

if blacks weren't so violent, hateful, criminal.. people wouldn't dislike them.

this is reality. instead of expecting white people to deny reality, and damn near overdose on paxil.. why not expect blacks to maybe not be such criminal, hateful, violent, fucks?

I would assume it's because education is so fucked in areas with large black populations. They're brought up with tendencies to commit crime and join gangs, because they were never educated or told otherwise. It would make sense to improve this, but Obama didn't seem to do shit and obviously people like you wouldn't care because you dislike their skin color.

I don't assume that people of other races are shitty when I meet them. but from afar it's easy to be. like the black and Mexican population of a neighborhood starts rising, it's time to sell and move while you can. sure "white flight" is racist. but it's for self preservation. in the end I'm out to provide a safe environment for my family.

That doesn't seem like it has anything to do with her race. She's just a protestor with a really tasteless way of protesting. There are probably better ways to get your point across than that, but it's not because she Hispanic

whites hate criminality.
blacks hate skin color.

it has nothing to do with education, and everything to do with culture. ironically enough, this will never change because dipshit cunts like you shield them from criticism.

> that's racist!

fucking idiot. there's far more racism from blacks against white than there is from whites against blacks.

you think i'm racist, i'm not. i can't even begin to put into words how much i hate liberal fucks like you.. because YOU are why black culture is shit, and why it will continue to be shit.

there are a lot of black women, girls, etc that are victims of this shit (not to mention my own people). i couldn't care less about black men.. they don't deserve it.

it's not our fault. it's the fault of liberalism.

die in a fire, dipshit.

Someone's angry. Triggered much?

long before this thread.

>I cant even begin to put into words how much I hate liberal fucks like you

Did you just assume my political allegiance?

Ever notice how each race generally seems to segregate themselves in their own neighborhoods without being forced?

Yes, money does not exist. Black people don't live in the hood because they're poor, it's because they segregate themselves from white people. Gotcha.

The plural of anecdote is not "data."

because i fel as though my race is being threatened by another race.

Did I single out black people? No. You have predominantly Asian neighborhoods, Arab neighborhoods, Hispanic neighborhoods, Italian neighborhoods, etc. It's a natural thing to want to live around people who are just like you.



because my race and culture are systemically prejudiced against

> the scientists who perform these studies are liberal

I wonder if a study by the KKK would find that whites are superior to blacks, lol?

I wonder if a study by feminists would find that men oppress women?

You're like a child, user.

So you want to live around people just like you. Do you believe races should be separated from each other or that white people are superior to other races?

>assuming user is an adult and not a child
c'mon m8

>hurr science is fer duh libralz

I'm not. Or at least trying not to be but minorities keep doing stupid and violent shit.

How do you know the scientists are liberal?

No, I believe Asians are superior. Literally the smartest human beings on the face of this Earth.

Science itself is the shit user. The problem isn't the system, the problem is when that system is overran and subject to the special interests of any given group.

I only dislike the bias.

White Jews are the smartest, user.

Asians are just more studious.

Well, feel free to point out the bias in that particular study. The data sources are all there in the peer-reviewed and published study. Waving your hand and saying all science is biased just makes you sound like an idiot.

>inb4 user becomes Dunning-Kruger incarnate

Well you're still technically racist, but statistically you're probably not wrong

You have a point. Any race that basically runs the world and gets most people to be okay with it is pretty damn smart.

Only white people are racists. I'm a minority in America. Fuck yourself.

All science is biased, it always has been. The more integrity the scientific community has, the more accurate and less bias it's findings are.

Liberalism has zero integrity.

Racism is believing one's race is superior to others. You are racist.

Go suck on Trump's left nut, white birdshit.

Jesus Christ, nobody wins on this website. I hate trump. I hate him. I didn't vote, but if I did, it wouldn't be for him.

>user becomes Dunning-Kruger incarnate
Called it.

did you even read the sources for that graph?

Its pretty biased, it takes several factors into account, all of which show a correlation (to being wealthy, of all things) and then pulls cherry picked conclusions from the data, such as liberalism being correlated with IQ, despite the data showing that several other factors muddied the data, and the 2 things being correlated are never directly compared.

ITs a badly sourced piece of smugness propaganda.

>Liberalism has zero integrity.
Called it.

҂`_´) Get backup now we are losing to the scammers!

dude, you jumped the fucking gun, i wanted the source to verify its authenticity, as it happens it turns out to be indeed a biased and cherry picked study.

Here is the main study that the graph refers to

The graph seems to have almost zero data that is actually based on the study, despite the studies obvious biases

What were you expecting? Were you expecting me to bow down to my white master just because he's a leftist? Get fucked, covert racist.

I'm sure these points that you put a few minutes' thought into were completely lost on the professionals who peer-reviewed and published this study in a well-respected journal of science. You should submit your findings to the editors and ask them to retract this study. I'm sure they'll have a good laugh at your expense.

>Sup Forums, why are you racist? Explain.

Racism saves white lives. Never relax around niggers.


i mean if you look at the data for table 1

It shows the participants were split into 2 categories "Wealthy" and "Poor", under these categories it shows the data collected, which reveals that wealthy people are more likely to be intelligent on average, which is not news. it then shows that poor people are more likely to have conservative values.

There are many reasons why this could be, poor people and wealthy people have very little in common when it comes to political views.

Where this study really jumps the shark though, is where it implies that having conservative views is a direct indicator of a low IQ, which is absurd.

I mean the study data set is tiny as well. only 200 participants? come on.

I linked to you on accident. I meant to link to the guy you were linking to. Guys an idiot.

Upwards of 80% of psychology has been found to be false, lies, fabrications. The finding can't be repeated (why isn't there science in science, lol?) And dipshits like this guy act like science isn't biased, isn't special interest, has integrity.

Fucking morons.

I know you thought that response was clever and a total burn, but it made it clear that you have no idea what peer review actually is.

See the link

"a well repected journal of science"
Sociology............. the one feild that has been PLAGUED with poor studies and biased data above all else

no worries dude, i thought you meant to reply, but mistook my intentions :)

I agree, ANYONE who follows ANY science news will have heard about this recently, its actually outrageous the amount of extremely poor data is out there right now that has been "peer reviewed"

Yeah peer reviewed, not peer verified

also worth noting is that NOBODY in that graphic is particularly intelligent, all of them being pretty much average.

You two done sucking each other's dicks now?

>I didn't vote

Ha, you suck.

and another thing, again.

200 participants in the entire data set, in a study that is supposed to show a pattern scalable to a population of hundreds of millions of people?

thats shoddy as fuck man

This is not cited at all in the study that I posted.

I'm not really a racist, I just play one on Sup Forums

I don't hate a skin color

I hate a personality trait

Criminal, Drug user, Unintelligent, Overly Aggressive, Loud, Talks over people, Ghetto, Easily Triggered

It doesn't matter what skin color you are, if I just described you, I hate you. The stereotype is that most of which I described are commonly found in niggers.

Now there are white, hispanic, black and other races that all have people like this, it's not the race that's the problem, it's the specific person.

I have friends and people I talk to of every different race, hell my best friend is black, and he agrees with me.

Black people that aren't what I described are commonly called "Black people" or "African Americans", Black people that are what I described are commonly called "Niggers"

So do I hate Black people? No.

Do I hate Niggers? Yes.

Am I racist? That's for you to decide, but I personally think I am not racist.

liar. go virtue signal somewhere else, closet racist.

>200 participants
This is objectively false. The Add data has a sample size of over 15,000 as described here:

>claims all of Sociology is biased
>user continues to prove that he is Dunning-Kruger incarnate

Kek, I guess the very liberal are too smart to look up stats and figure out their meaning. LoL.

What do I know, I'm just a Liberal. Fuck Black Lives Matters and the Feminists that shit them out.

Skrt Skrt
>Race ties into different cultures
>Their cultures are cancerous

Yes, user, they're averages. The point is that there is a significant difference between the averages for the two groups at the ends of the graph.

yeah im done now

Why can't you fuckheads understand the difference between the Buddhist swastika and the Hakenkreuz?

Think of the SS insignia idiots.

you didnt post a study, you posted an article about a study,

The graphic references this study
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2004a. "The Savanna Principle." Managerial and Decision Economics 25:41-54.

That is the study i linked to

thats for the religious part of the article, not the IQ part, the graphic i'm replying to is the study referencing the savannah Principle, which was a statistically meaningless survey that focused on a very narrow IQ band and had few participants

its a sociology journal, so objectively speaking, up to 75% of what it publishes is studies whos results cannot be replicated.

No, it applies to the results regarding political ideologies as well.
>The analyses of the Add Health and GSS data confirm all the predictions derived from the Savanna-IQ Interaction Hypothesis. For example, net of age, sex, race, education, earnings, and religion, more intelligent children are significantly more likely to grow up to be liberal seven years later.

yeah, in that particular range, youve got to wonder if they chose that range for maximum impact or because the study size was so small.

No, you linked to a paper by the same author titled "IQ AND THE VALUES OF NATIONS." That is not cited by the study that I posted.


ahh yeah your right user, my mistake. it certianly adds credibility to the results, However that IQ range is still very small

This is absurd. Of course they can be replicated. There is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from beginning data collection similar to the GSS or Add today.

1., 2. and 3. Africa is a warm continent and they can take it easy and not die, whilst in Europe and Asia we have had cold winters, wars and plagues that forced us to develop. Africa was behind in development when "the white man" came and divided the slowly advancing continent so different tribes got separated into different countries and are currently a clusterfuck of different cultures which does wonders to halting all progress.
4. It is within the interests of some groups to keep the ghettos as is, its harder to control an educated group of people for example.
5. Haven't seen the facts but there are racial differences in the body so I suppose there are some in the mind as well. IQ can be trained though, and it only measures your mathematical and problem solving intelligence, which develop during education, which many blacks dont get.
6. Uneducated masses of black people cause crime.

Your definition of "small" is subjective. Go drop your IQ by 12 points then come back and tell us it didn't have a noticeable impact on your life.

Alright ima let you niggers in on a little story of my life. When I was about 4, my mom and dad divorced. I visited my dad every 2nd weekend and stayed until Sunday evening. When I was 8, found some negroid bitch named Nancy, charcoal black and with ooga booga accent. She brought 2 Daughter with her, quz no black daddy. From there, shit went haywire. i remember it faintly quz I was young, but I remember men holding me down on a table, screaming or yelling something while hitting my legs. I was forced to shower last, so I got the cold water, I had to clean up their mess. I was also scared of the dark at the time, but I wasn't nt allowed to have a nightlight or anything. I was even told: "you are white, you are dirty". My "dad"(in quotations quz I hadn't really considered him a dad since I was 5, my mom found a new husband, and I told her what had happened to me.


On phone atm

Its hilarious

with all the bashing against trump pre election he really does deserve that position tho.

Because some race does not take any accountability at all.

Why I'm racist. Here's why faggot

Because of liberals like you OP. Because you took something that was bad and made it so broad that anything is racist

>Wanting to live around people of similar culture. :. Racissssstttttt

>Preferring your own race in dating:. Racissssstttttt

>Wanting to preserve your culture and race :. Raccccisssst

>Being proud of your heritage. Raccccisssst

To me racist is not hiring someone because they are black. And racist to me is also only hiring someone because they are black

You legit smack Martin Luther King in the face by forcing race and gender over qualifications. You smack good people down as racist who are just normal people

And because I've seen what niggers have done to destroy thier own places. Blacks have no reason to allow themselves to be thugs. They glorify shady dad's. They glorify gang voilence and you the liberal cuck blame whites on it.

I'm actually not racist. But since you made the word mean "you're white and not sucking black dick" then yes I am racist


Prove me wrong OP. Or libtards

social geographer here

you are treading a fine line be careful with your words

i hate SJW's and am in no way or form a liberal but yo nigga that's just dumm

social justicenism is just a byproduct of democrats leading america

it's like racism is a byproduct of republicans leading america

yeah okay lets be racist again

I started dreading going to my "dads" house, let's just call him cucklord, and new dad for dad. Cucklord didn't say anything or help me in any way, and let her treat me me like shit. They even dragged me off to some weird church thing, where we would have lessons n shit. I never payed attention. One time cucklord moved back to a 1 room flat, cuz nignog cunt threatened him with a knife (I was only told that he was, never saw it) but one night he lifted me out of bed and we went back to nignog bitch, who then proceeded to treat me like shit again. It only stopped when I was 12, when I locked myself in a bathroom and screamed quz cucklord came to pick me up for the weekend. Then there was something about a police case that got dropped. Anyhow, I never wanted to go go back there, so the next day my dad (now legally my dad since I signed the adoption papers a few years ago) came to cucklords house to get the stuff I had left behind. There was nothing to take back home, except for some clothes. Apparently, the Nigger bitch had destroyed my Gameboy color, which I was given as a birthday gift but never allowed to take home, but I snuck the Pokémon blue cartridge home. They also drowned my old Nokia phone, burned some drawings I had made, and threw out some toys I had brought from home.
I have never trusted a nigger since. I was treated like a dog just quz I was white, when I all wanted was to be with cucklord.

All in all. Fuck niggers

cause of the liberal brain washing in the media in the 90s i thought they we fine and decent, then i got older and actually had to interact with them and found out the liberal agenda was complete bullshit.

>and yes there is a difference between black people and niggers but as long as they want to be lumped together i'm more than happy to obliged.

>I'm not damaged! Everyone is like me, don't lie!

But he's right libcuck. My neighborhood is 99% white. One black family

Few miles is a place mostly black with a few whites

Another area is mostly Mexican

And so on

Is everyone racist to you because they make neighborhoods to fit thier cultures and races

Oh wait it's only whites who are racist. Because to you a black community is amazing and beautiful and a white community is evil and bigoted

You libcucks are responsible for that "1000s so girls being raped and covered up" because you would call cops arresting Muslims as "racist"

And part of the blame is people actually feeling bad for being called racist and not bad for underage girls being molested by rape gangs

You are scum. I'd rather the world be racist and safe then diverse and dangerous

>reporting what few facts he hasn't hidden from the media
yeah, Trump is such a pathetic victim, let's all cry for him

It is in fact very natural your either lying for comments or your the abnormal one


And you missed my point. I'm racist in the eyes of SJWs who think every white person who doesn't want Muslims and niggers raping them as racist

But in the actual term. I'm not racist. I'm just average. I like my race "more" but I don't hate non whites. Some whites I fucking hate. I.E. Sjww

your actually very right and people should see that and admit it . I live in a nice rural white area outside lexington KY , but on the outskirts of towns a very nice asian community.Very kind friendly and welcoming people.I always find time to chat with people or discuss homework or I'm currently meeting a nice woman for mandarin tutoring .The black communities in lexington are pure ghetto trash wouldnt go in them for a 1000 bucks

Not racist per se but I hate Albanians more than anything else. No Im not from Serbia. But they fucked up my life and almost killed me

Mostly true i posted to someone else about my rural area outside lexington ky , and after work i went to my favorite asian place to eat and a griend was tutoring me in math and mandarin while the owner took his 8yr old daughter to see my book college algebra and she did 4 problems by herself just because her dad wanted to test her

Sometimes the reason can be that you have family and friends that moved to a neighborhood and they then recommend it to you. And from there the community grows. That is how it was for mine. And no matter what neighborhood or state you go to. You got assholes of whatever color being dicks. And poor people get treated like dirt. Don't matter the color.

I always wanted to drive cross country and see the USA for all its glory. At the moment I think its not safe for me to do so. Not black but I'd definitely be stopped by cops. Someone I know went to the mid west recently and got stopped twice. White people are scary.