ITT: phenomena that exist in your country but inexplicably don't in other countries

ITT: phenomena that exist in your country but inexplicably don't in other countries

>pic related
There was always one kid per class who suffered from this condition and had "pläp" prefixed to his name until grown age

e.g. Pläp-Kalle

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what the fuck did he mean by this post?

bro he can stuff his balls up in there lmao


the fuck are you talking about? why don't you go ahead and tongue my pung, you pläp

Finns and Sami people have this problem.

What condition? Big balls causing a loose anus?

guy in my class who had it was a finn, lel

This is a joke right?

wtf is this thread?

How do you call it in English?

No it's a serious condition that happens to the poor finns and sami people. We have to raise awareness of it.

Why do you think finns leak shitposts?

What's the deal with the swede who keeps posting this? Why is he so obsessed with it?

Because he secretly enjoys this condition

no idea what this dude is speaking of, but pläp is "pung längre än penis" balls longer than penis in other words

Post some real life examples.

Very negative feelings towards own culture.

Something like that

Pläp is short for pung länge än penis which translates to balls lower than penis. It's about your balls hanging lower than the tip of your dick. The guy posting it is just very autistic.

Why is your ballsack named after a chinese chef?

This is a blue board

No one cares about your fetish Håkan.

It is foreign culture, we must discuss it.

real life example please?
imgur link.

their balls are so heavy that they pull their anuses open?

is this some kind of cruel joke?


what the actual fuck??

google translated:
PLÄP (Pung Längre Än Penis) – ett vanligt förekommande tillstånd då undersidan av pungen når längre ned mot marken än sin ledsagare, penis.

Anders Hansson och jag möts i herrarnas omklädningsrum på Eriksdalsbadet. –“De flesta människor jag pratat med ser en kraftig pung som ett tecken på hög manlighet och god förökningsförmåga, men vad de inte tänker på är problemen som följer.”

Anders står spritt språngande naken, armarna i kors med ena foten på golvet och den andra på bänken och särar lite på benen.

Han ser avslappnad och nonchalant ut.

Jag försöker fixera blicken i hans ansikte men allt jag ser är en stor röd hängpung med en ofantligt liten penis. Snarare ett ollon som ploppat fram ur huden och som skriker efter hjälp.

Jag frågar – “Har det uppstått några problem med ditt tillstånd?”

Anders sänker långsamt ned foten från bänken och sträcker sig efter sina urtvättade gröna kalsonger och luktar på dem.

-“Bra, dessa är nytvättade.. Vad sa du, problem? Med samlivet? Jag ska vara helt ärlig och säga att många kvinnor blir nervösa när vi.. Ja.. När vi ska ha sex alltså. Jag brukar lugna dem med ömma ord om att jag ska vara kärleksfull och försiktig, men det slutar alltid med att jag fläskar på dem så våldsamt i hundställningen att pungen både slår mig i ryggen och henne över bröstpartiet. Endel tjejer är så rädda så att de ska vara tuffa och säga att de inte känner något.”


PLAP (Pung longer than the penis) - a common condition in which the underside of the scrotum reaches further down to the ground than its companion, the penis.

Anders Hansson and I meet in the men's locker room at Eriksdal. - "Most people I talked to see a sharp scrotum as a sign of high masculinity and good propagation ability, but what they do not think about the problems that follow."

Anders standing stark naked, arms crossed with one foot on the floor and the other on the bench and spreads some legs.

He looks relaxed and casually out.

I'm trying to fix the look in his face, but all I see is a big red pendant balls with an enormously small penis. Rather, an acorn that popped out of the skin, screaming for help.

I ask - "Have there been any problems with your condition?"

Anders slowly lower foot down from the bench and reaching for their washed-out green underpants and smell them.

- "Well, these are freshly washed .. What did you say, problems? With intimacy? I'll be honest and say that many women become nervous when we .. Yes .. When we have sex, that is. I tend to calm them with tender words that I should be loving and gentle, but it always ends with me fläskar on them so violently in doggy style to the scrotum both hit me in the back and her across the chest. Endel girls are so afraid that they'll be tough and say they do not feel anything. "

What the actual fuck did he mean by this?

For some reason ignored Anders in putting on underwear without first started with their sports socks as he pulled up to the knees.

I ask the last question: - "What's the worst thing your scrotum has been through?"

Anders get something painful in his eyes and takes on a far too small shirt, still without underwear.

- "Come here," he says.

We go towards the showers and he leads me straight to the sauna.

Anders opens the door and I turned off a strong odor of dampness, birch and hormones.

T-shirt PLAP
Illuminating T-Shirts! Click on the T-shirt to come to our online store!

- "Do you see the gap between those planks perched on top bunk? Do you see that there is a metal rod 20 cm under the bunk? My balls went down there and just got longer and longer the heat. After 5 minutes, I felt it started to burn something terrible on the underside of my balls and pure reflex I jumped up but then the planks not enough distance to let through my balls. The pain of pulling the balls in this way made me swoon. I woke up again by the same burning pain as scrotum re low against the metal and I jumped up again. There you go, I held on 4-5 times before the janitor picked up a crowbar and helped me loose. "

After endless discussions with gynecologists and sex educator, I have found out one important detail: PLAP is a normal condition. You should not feel bad because you have a big scrotum in relation to the penis. Most often it is children or the elderly who have just that, PLAP. A gynecologist told me that PLAP: are often have big ears and roomier anus.

Kaj Liljenroth

Is it called pläp because that's the sound their poop makes as it falls through their open asshole?

>be swedish
>get PLAP'D

>but it always ends with me fläskar on them so violently in doggy style to the scrotum both hit me in the back and her across the chest.


These people are basically Tanuki demons

>When we have sex, that is. I tend to calm them with tender words that I should be loving and gentle, but it always ends with me fläskar on them so violently in doggy style to the scrotum both hit me in the back and her across the chest.

swedes on the bottom


Is this a new SIDF bait?


>tfw I wouldn't mind having balls this big
It looks cool to me somehow



i have never ever heard of this, surely its the same as a chode?



Im laughing like a 12yo

>but it always ends with me fläskar on them so violently in doggy style to the scrotum both hit me in the back and her across the chest. Endel girls are so afraid that they'll be tough and say they do not feel anything.
i am in tears





Literally can go fuck himself

Please record yourself saying that

What the fuck am I reading


frogposter detected


holy shit you sound like sheev

is there really ONE KID PER CLASS with this shit in sweden?????? unbelievable

definitely not, maybe if op lives in skåne

i'm confused and scared

VA GÖR HAN???????!!

This thread is literally fucking killing me.

>but it always ends with me fläskar on them so violently in doggy style to the scrotum both hit me in the back and her across the chest.
fucking lmao


maybe if you're cuckholmer

- "Do you see the gap between those planks perched on top bunk? Do you see that there is a metal rod 20 cm under the bunk? My balls went down there and just got longer and longer the heat. After 5 minutes, I felt it started to burn something terrible on the underside of my balls and pure reflex I jumped up but then the planks not enough distance to let through my balls. The pain of pulling the balls in this way made me swoon. I woke up again by the same burning pain as scrotum re low against the metal and I jumped up again. There you go, I held on 4-5 times before the janitor picked up a crowbar and helped me loose. "

>be swedish
>get PLÄP'D

yeah i fucked that up


>tfw you dont have pläp
why even live?

Everyone in this thread is gay

wanna hook up?

>an enormously small penis
I love google translate

His head even looks like a smooth ballsack.

>start new thread expecting everyone to post their own phenomena
>becomes a thread where everyone is talking about balls and dicks

No, a chode is an unusually thick cock. Forums

>New rule: don't be reddit!
>literally r eddit

holy shit those guys are sad

>ITT: phenomena that exist in your country but inexplicably don't in other countries
Not in mine but I know Koreans fear "air death" if they sleep in a room with a running fan. Also only Ugandans have their penises stolen/shrunk by witch doctors.

scandis are weird af

>brutally insults you for no reason

not him, the guys at leddit

that's what i meant
you go on there and it's just edgyness and hostility for its own sake
that's the reddit interpretation of Sup Forums


>- "Well, these are freshly washed .. What did you say, problems? With intimacy? I'll be honest and say that many women become nervous when we .. Yes .. When we have sex, that is. I tend to calm them with tender words that I should be loving and gentle, but it always ends with me fläskar on them so violently in doggy style to the scrotum both hit me in the back and her across the chest. Endel girls are so afraid that they'll be tough and say they do not feel anything. "
holy shit


someone save this thread


So you have a enormous scrotum. What about the balls? I'm confused.

What happens when you have anal sex with a dude who also has the condition? Need to ask since you're a Swede.

What was it?


This fucking thread

toasting in epic bread

Jesus christ my sides

I just imagined a girl getting punched in the stomach by balls

God I love swedish humor

Currently laughing uncontrollably in the train station. Everyone thinks I'm insane

>Be Swedish dude
>Get grabbed by rapefugee
>He pulls down your pants
>Sees Plap
>Runs back to Somalia

Never change Sweden, never change

It is like the svenskjävel says

pls send help