So my 6 year old for some reason decided to punch me in the nuts. I'm feeling bad for my reaction...

So my 6 year old for some reason decided to punch me in the nuts. I'm feeling bad for my reaction, I open-handed smacked the side of his head.
Is that abuse?

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I would call it a snap reaction. It was instinctual really, you're all good.

If the story happened exactly as you described it, then you did good. You fine

No, if it was heat of the moment right after punched your ball then its fine.

K thanks.still feel bad tho. I can tell his feeling are really hurt.

Sounds like a good job OP. 10/10, would recommand.

No. Now fuck off liberal faggot. Kids wouldn't be the little fuckin cunts they are today if we had kept this shit up.

Should have punched his lil ass in the balls.

at least a good front hand sack tap so he knows how it feels.

Lol that loli looks so cute. Cowering in fear yet her expression's anything but less. Look at her little boots :3

The "head?" You should've went for the face instead, but it's not that bad a reaction unless he has a concussion or some shit.

Well now (s)he won't do it again.

>>So my 6 year old for some reason decided to punch me in the nuts. I'm feeling bad for my reaction, I open-handed smacked the side of his head.
Is that abuse?


>My 6 year old decided to threaten me that he was going to tell his mum that I was touching him and showing him my peepee so, I slapped him in the face with my cock and told him if he tells, ill kill his mom and his dog

learn 2 speak Sup Forumsanese

only if you don't explain that hitting people comes with consequences
a good lesson to learn

>his feelings are hurt
Punch him in his fucking balls see how he likes it

>front hand sack tap
Maybe that would be more appropriate


I work closely with the department of social services (God help them), and no... pretty sure they would never consider you for abuse allegations. Now, I don't think it's right to smack your child, in that situation I don't think it's abuse. I'm guessing (hoping) that you haven't terrorized him into fearing you from a smack in the head :P. Black people naturally do that stuff to their kids anyway.


i'd take hurt feelings over hurt balls in that situation for sure. fucking kid needs to learn

Jesus Christ... It's called discipline you mongoloid. My dad woulda done a little more than smack the side of my head if I pulled that shit when I was a pup

no, its called teaching the consequences of punching someone in the nuts.

Fuck you faggot. I found you a picture I'm sure you have already masturbated too.

dem quads bruh

quads of wisdom

And I'm sure you're doing just fine, aren't you user?

It depends on the state
but most are open fist is fine

Personally that little shit needed it
Kids won't act up if you slap them when needed

this is why we have millennials with the need for safe places

go back to tumblr

>>I found you a picture I'm sure you have already masturbated too.

>doesn't post img

WTF asshole

>Black people naturally do that stuff to their kids anyway.
Great. So Im nigger tier parent.

I did that to my brother one time. He pinned me on the ground and pummeled the shit out if me. It was well deserved.

The top picture retard.

No, dumbass... there's a difference between NO consequences and consequences without pain. Hitting a child is torture and pretty much every child psychologist agrees that hitting is hitting period. I'd never condemn a parent for spanking, but I try to teach them other means of discipline before they resort to spanking. Everyone I know who was against spanking and actually taught their kids through discipline and reason have really good adult kids who are raising really good children.

Na. My dad beat the shit out of me all the time. Look how I turned out. Virgin neckbeard living in moms basement 30 years old browsing Sup Forums. You're all good man

In Florida, if there isn't physical evidence of abuse then 9 times out of 10 they don't pursue the matter unless there's a pattern of reported but unsubstantiated abuse.

Your state may vary

>not terrorizing your own child

is your pussy shaved today, user?

and now you're on Sup Forums telling people to abuse their kids... you sure turned out good

That little shit needed to be put in place.

instinctively open hand smacking your male child for hitting you in the balls isnt abuse you fucking sjw retard

OP shouldve immediately explained why he btfo that lil nigga and made light of it

10 bucks ops lil slugger turns into a lil pitcher 15 years from now because he will have bad nono feelings about dudes dicks making him curious and a pro cock sucker before his mid 20s dying of aids

No, and when your kid grows up and can actually empathize with other humans instead of being a sociopath you'll look back and realize you did the right thing.

Hell no, the little brat deserved it

He needs to understand that in real life, every action creates an opposite reaction. Better off learning this early.

fuckety kek

The only abuse is that you already choose the gender of your six year old.

How can you say "him" when xe hasn't decided yet?

>Lol that loli looks so cute. Cowering in fear yet her expression's anything but less. Look at her little boots :3
I know this is pedo b8 but on a second look it really does seem like the little girl is eager for her beating.
Not cool.

No, it's discipline

Found the feminist.

>spank me daddy

First of all, nice quads man. Second, yes, exactly this. I know people in their 30's who can't understand that when they cause another person pain, that person may want to hit back.


That picture is triggering... MODS!


Dumbass faggot had a kid
Faggot offspring tries to take you out of the genepool

Simple really, the universe has spoken

I hate to break it to you, but many kids go through a ball punching/kicking/hitting phase. It doesn't mean, as others have said, that he's not empathetic. At this age he's just intrigued and probably a bit humored by man's reaction to getting balls hit.

the kid has to know that if he goes around punching people in the testicles, he IS going to get hit back. hes just lucky it was a smack from his father and not a broken nose from a kid 2 years older

Dude, I'm older. I'm almost 40. My parents didn't believe in spanking, so it's not a new concept. I was tough as shit as a kid. I was first stung by a hornet at the age of three. I didn't cry. I just showed my mom and she asked if I'd been pursuing the hornet, and when I'd admitted I had been, she let me know that it was my fault for grabbing an insect I was uncertain about. Later I was bit pretty bad by a turkey vulture I was chasing; not needing stitches, but it ripped skin off a few fingers. Same response "you shouldn't have been chasing it." Poured straight alcohol on it and sent me back outside. I new consequences back then, but my parents never hit me, just reasoned with me. I never cried about the turkey vulture or the millions of other times I was stung/bit. I ended up and entomologist, so I was always fascinated by insects and got stung a lot growing up. the things that I think make millennials weaklings is that we teach them to be weaklings. My nephew is afraid of knives because his BOY SCOUTS troupe told them they were too dangerous to use in boy scouts.

Why would you hit your child for any of those retarded examples you just gave?

Your type of thought is brought on by mental illness, and you just proved it. Fucking pussy.

I wasn't saying most parents would spank for these instances. I was illustrating how even though I wasn't spanked, I was taught consequences and was taught to be a tough kid who could handle my shit.

Most mothers now, I know one of these, would literally freak out all "oh my poor baby, you'll be okay," and maybe even go to the hospital to make sure their kids didn't need stitches or meds for the hornet stings. I know a mom who literally cried when her daughter slammed her finger in the door, and her fingernail came off. Took her to the ER for it for god's sake. THAT's why millennials suck.

My parents used reason and shit and I turned out trans

The face is off limits, but beat his ass when necessary as punishment.

Nah you're fine. It teaches them that you can't just be dicks to people and expect them to be nice to you.

Meanwhile, in the 90s me and my siblings were slamming car doors on each others hands/fingers as revenge.

90% of Millennial parents are retarded

Yes! Millennial parents worry way to much about their kids. I know someone with a 12 year old child who won't let her daughter use SCISSORS! Seriously, scissors. Because her daughter "cuts herself every time she has tried." I told her, "I'd cut myself too if I had no experience with them. Let her cut herself until she can use them." Her response "I'm not going to be one of those mothers going to the ER to amputate my daughter's fingers because I was negligent... seriously? I know another SIX year old who freaked out because he didn't pack his SPF and might get bit by mosquitoes or get sunburned when we were taking them to the lake. I almost can't blame the millennials for their weaknesses knowing they were raised like this. But again, none of that has to do with spanking/corporal punishment.

it's abuse of your nuts...

but to be fair.. half of her probably had a grudge against the other sperm who bullied her when it was still in you.

no but it is hilarious and true my man

Given the definition of the word abuse, yes. Yes it is abuse.

Or do you wonder if it legally qualifies as abuse? That would depend on where you live.

Or were you just trying to figure out if it was wrong to physically assault another human? Because the answer is yes.

Avoid behavior like that in public or around people you don't know/trust, and its fine. You reacted like any other human would in that situation, but sjws and nosy fucks wouldn't hesitate to call the police or social services on you if they saw you smack your kid.

you just gobbled that yummy bait right up, huh bud? How old are you? either not very, or your just fucking stupid

he's learned not to hit people in the mommy-daddy bits.

Watch Dr. Phil much queer?

well your not exactly born with empathy. it has to be nurtured and shaped, otherwise he could potentially grow up to be a lil weirdo, that crucifies cats in the backyard behind the shed.


>Meanwhile, in the 90s me and my siblings were slamming car doors on each others hands/fingers as revenge.

if you were a kid in the 90's, you are definitively a millennial.


fucking KEK

well you feel bad. A nigger-tier parent only thinks about watermelon, fried chicken and gimmiedats

correct. MFers don't understand that. I know a lot of 22-25yo's that say they hate millennials.

a lot of people have this weird notion that millennial means born post-2000.

Been on this planet since '89

I know I'm a millennial but I still believe my generation is the worst so far

The way I see it is the way i was raised, if their actions as an adult would result in prison/jail where they may have to fight, then yes it is acceptable. If what there doing is only morally wrong and would not result in imprisonment, then no.

You can't literally mean this. We used to own people in this country.

Getting butthurt because people don't want to hit their kids, or because everyone thinks he's a special snowflake should in no way make even the top 10 list of worst generations.

90 here. i agree. this next gen is gonna eclipse the fuck out of us tho.

>implying owning niggers wasn't best generation

go back to hell abraham lincoln

Kids should be more violent imho

>We used to own people in this country.
Not me or my family

I'm second generation bruh

I do believe that for the most part our generation is shit

it will be a site to behold for sure

No. It was a defensive reaction. And it was justified and warranted. Putting kids in timeout won't teach them shit if they realize they can inflict more harm on you than you can on them. Provided you didn't knock him straight the fuck out, you absolutely should respond to injury with hitting.

Ohhh. I see!

Is this the part where I figure out every single post in this thread is trolling?

Because I'd be sincerely happy if ~everyone in this thread didn't actually believe that his own (incidentally beneficial) personal, anecdotal 'evidence' justified child abuse somehow.

Not the person you were talking to, but even the faggot ass bible knows "spare the rod, spoil the child"

Unless a kid is oppositional defiant or has conduct disorder, they're not getting off on the fact that they can "harm you more than you can them" It's probably just funny b/c balls are a taboo subject and they know it gets a rise out of adults. You can raise an empathetic child without hitting, and in fact I think empathy is most highly engaged in children when hitting is not involved. However, OP, I don't blame you for your impulsive reaction. Protecting "the goods" is perfectly natural, and I certainly can't blame you for a swift reaction. I'm just not sure where people on this thread think teaching "empathy" is also teaching violence when that person thinks someone else is doing wrong.

>child abuse

why are you even on Sup Forums? you know what this place is. or do you? Or do you come here specifically to tell people how right you are?

TFO my board faggot.

Literally ONE person used the words Teach+Empathy in this thread

Take your pseudo intellectual, community college psychology 101 course and fuck off fagget

I don't understand how that relates to the topic. Is that an attempt to discredit my stance?

Who cares why I come here? I don't care why you come here. Even if I did come here specifically to tell people how right I am, would that fault me in any way?

This is everyone's board, my friend.


If you believe he was wrong, you don't belong on Sup Forums. please click the home button at the top of the page and never return to this Sup Forumsoard.

Here we go with the Community communism coopt bullshit

gtfo you fucking normie piece of shit

This thought process is so useless. Why would you not want to be challenged by reasonable arguments to your position?

Do you really all want to sit here and ferment in your homogeneous cesspool?

>Do you really all want to sit here and ferment in your homogeneous cesspool?


Get. Out.

As long as your child knows you love him, and that it happened because he hit you, and this can sometimes happen when you strike another human, then it's fine.

The guy clearly doesn't want a brother, does he?

> As long as your child knows you love him, and that it happened because he hit you, and this can sometimes happen when you strike another human, then it's fine.

That's going to sit well within this poor child's mind. He'll be in abusive relationships all of his life, or be the abuser.

>You made me hit you, bitch.
>I love you.

>Even if I did come here specifically to tell people how right I am, would that fault me in any way?
Yes 100%
> Is that an attempt to discredit my stance?
Yes for sure
>Who cares why I come here?
We don't like your kind around here.go back where you came from
>This is everyone's board, my friend.
I'm not your friend, buddy.