>Make a Golden Compass movie >Cast and Production Design is literally perfect >Cut out literally all characterization from the book >Turns out all that stuff was filmed and cut. Director wanted to release Directors Cut but studio said no >Film the final act and climax of the book. Cut it from the film, and re edit third act into nonsense. >Remove all subtext >Coulda been 3 hour epic like LOTR, instead is not even 2 hours long due to all the cuts >Movie bombs because studio are cucks and sequels never made.
What was this movie about, something about a girl running away from some bitch? All I remember was she going in a hot air balloon and a big fight in the snow at the end where they run towards a bunker or some shit.
Ian Morris
I heard there was some anti-religious subtext to it? Is that why they cut it?
Chase Cooper
It's the opposite though. The Narnia series are pro-Christianity while the Dark Materials are explicitly athiest and anti-religion beause the writer is a fedora-tipper.
Jonathan Cox
>tfw DBR could've been a big star if the movie had become a franchise
Sebastian Parker
She's big alright. Maybe not a big star, but big in other ways.
Alexander Nguyen
>Film the final act and climax of the book. Cut it from the film, and re edit third act into nonsense.
fucking why did they do this
Carter Cruz
but in narnia aslaan is jesus while in GC they kill god, or god is powerless or something