I believe that abortion is murder. Why is this so unpopular?

I believe that abortion is murder. Why is this so unpopular?

It's only a problem if you believe all murder is wrong. I'd call it justifiable homicide.

Because you think others should think the same. I don't give a damn what you think as long as you don't push that view on me.

I believe the murder of babies is wrong because it takes human rights from people who have no voice but the murder of murderers is punishment for a horrific crime. I see the argument but I think they're different.

That is literally the arguments that black slave owners had. I have the right to say your convenience don't trump the rights of another human being just like people had the right to say you can't own that slave

with world overpopulation abortion, forced desexing and killing anyone over 45 is right around the corner
crying libtards will be first to go

Think of it more as mercy. I don't care if you believe life begins at conception or not. I believe every child should be brought up in a loving environment with enough resources to give it a good start in life. If this is not possible, the child suffers. I'd rather end the suffering early than prolong the torture the babe will likely endure otherwise.

Your so called God endorses abortion. It's called a miscarriage. If God is ok with abortion, who the fuck are you to think you know better.

>implying life matters

I support post-birth abortion.

Heh, I like you.

It's not an unpopular belief in the USA.


Chapter and verse faggot. Also I'm not op

>murder is a crime that is defined
>the US doesn't define abortion as murder
>abortion is not murder
You're still killing something though, it's just not murder.

I don't view it as mercy. I take the other approach. I believe the net effect of contraception is identical to an abortion.

Agreed. Humans can't really remember much before age 7. Until this point, or until they are really conscience, self-aware beings, abortion should be legal.

abortion or murder? neither of them is popular...

who told you they were?

That's okay that you don't care. I agree babies need living homes with two parents. The fact is there are 2 million couples waiting to give the baby that love. I think we as a society need to be more careful with birth control, or better yet stop being sluts.

>live in an age where you can literally give birth to a child and walk out the door after handing said child to a nurse with no repercussions at all
>still choose to force a premature pregnancy and give birth to a dead fetus

lol what

Of course it is. But it's ok to murder your own children. It's in the bible

> better yet stop being sluts
Not a practical solution.

A fetus is by definition of the law not a human.
You can not practice abortion but you have no legal ground to complain about it.

It's unpopular because a) it's 2017 and b) you're a cunt.

use the fetus for stem cells

This. I believe abortion is murder, but i don't think any murder is wrong. Justifiable or not.

my so called God? Don't know where you are getting that. That seems like a child's argument anyway.

Then we come to the argument of rape and failed contraception. Any smart slut will wrap up or at least pill up, but accidents happen and sluts do not make good mothers. You can't staple their legs closed, so at least give the child peace before it suffers at the hands of its parents.

They're not even babies yet. They're less than that. Study medicine if you're interested

Also, no lives matter

I do believe life matters

I believe that masturbation is murder. Why is this so unpopular?

what if that baby grew up and murdered you?

It is, after all, the current year.

>stop being sluts
DO YOU NOT KNOW IT'S 2017!?!?!?
except for the unborn children of course.

>believing in overpopulation

Really? What gives you the right to think your moral view is superior?

If you can't remember before age seven something's wrong.

>smart slut

I'm on a college campus.

nice trips

murder? the thing you're "murdering" isnt more than a few cells, it doesnt feel. No murder in my eyes and perfectly fine.

That aspect of the bible is very sick.

Bringing a life into this horrible world when you can't even take care of yourself is more cruel than 1000 abortions

Killing your black slave in early America wasn't against the law. But we were wrong, that was evil. Spot the difference.

Abortion is really popular

Just recently I over heard a group of cool
fraternity dudes talking about how they're
getting their 4th abortion. I was kinda jealous
myself, but yeah. It's actually really popular

Believe whatever you want. Just don't expect that your religious beliefs should be forced on others by the government.

Also - to the "life begins at conception" people: That's bullshit. Life begins BEFORE conception. The sperm and the eggs are alive. Heck, your hair follicles are alive. The question is not "is it life?" The question is: when does a slimey tadpole like bit of life get a soul, and when does it become a person.

See this

When it has consciousness
Look into medicine if you're interested
Doctors have found that the brain can't form a consciousness at the time people usually get abortions

I think abortion is okay if the life of the mother is in danger. if you're raped I think the emotional repercussions are dangerous, like suicidal thoughts ect. In that case abortion is a reasonable solution. That's such a small fraction of abortions. Most abortions are women and men saying "Eh its inconvenient for me."

The animal industry is far larger in scale and more cruel than abortion. Are you vegan OP? If not, then you're a hypocrite.

Sperm isn't human and the egg isn't human. The embryo is.


Agreed. That's my point. We are on the same page

That's not fair. Sperm will not have a beating heart in 5 weeks. It will die off, After conception there is an obvious difference and it's intellectually dishonest to say they are the same.

Oh nice
I do like your reasoning from your earlier post

God kill jesus off, abraham can kill isaac. Abort that child of yours. It'll be fine

Nothing matters. Nothing has purpose. Everything exists without reason.

It's your job to give your own life purpose, but ultimately that purpose does not matter and doesn't effect anything or anyone else.

What if it grew up to save someone from being murdered? I don't see your point. I'm not saying they're going to cure cancer im saying they deserve human rights

Technically by creating them you are taking away the rights of the voiceless. The only way to morally justify bringing a life into this world would be to have consent from the being that it wanted to live, before it was created, and since that's not possible then by simply reproducing you are taking away rights from the voiceless.

Also, if abortion is murder, then masturbation is genocide. Sperm cells are living beings right?

A fertilized egg is "human?" Define "human." without consciousness, soul, self awareness? no, it's an embryo. It is not a person

There are too many goddamn people. Even if a zygoye or embryo qualifies as a person by some arbitrary standards, human life isn't as valuable as you think. It might be immoral by your standards but who are you to tell other people what to do with their body? People are going to do what they want, might as well regulate it.

Holy fuck this

So let me ask you when does life begin? At birth? We know babies by a certain age can feel and writhe in pain during abortions, so what point do we say life or no life?

Because you're a faggot.

2 million couples like myself waiting to adopt.


There's lots out there so what keeping you from doing it? Not enough white ones?

They're not babies dumbass. They abort fetuses. If you're too pleb to know the difference why bother posting?

>God kill jesus off
Jesus is God dumb ass. You clearly don't understand the trinity. Any Christian who isn't a child understands why Jesus died the way he did.
>abraham can kill isaac
Abraham didn't kill Isaac. That story was symbolic of the coming sacrifice Jesus was going to make.

I'm somewhat against you about this abortion topic, but I'm sincerely glad you're willing to care for parent less children


at that point you're too late for abortion, im talking about sucking a bunch of cells out of a vag.


This has nothing to do with religion. At all. The heart beats at 5 weeks, there are brain waves by week 8. Most abortions occur during this time. Some occur later. Where's the line?

finite livable space and resources
exponential growth of population

how do you not believe in over population?

thats weird, me too

Because for every special kid that may be born and 'saved' from abortion, there will be 10M neglected and unwanted children born that will steal my car.

They all look like slimely little mindless tadpoles to me, TBH

This doesn't prove my point wrong. Sperm without egg or egg without sperm don't have all the dna to make a baby but an embryo does

Because the function of feminism is to make women into men. Obstacle #1 men don't get pregnant. Solution? Compartmentalize thinking until a fetus isn't a person (unless you wanted to be pregnant) and waiting nine months to give birth because you chose to have sex is somehow a completely unreasonable burden to place on women.

Brainwash two generations of people and abortion isn't murder.

Proof? Most user are under 25 and they will all scream at you you're a right wing religious lunatic for ignoring "science" despite the fact there is no medical definition for the moment a fetus becomes a person.

Fetuses can't survive if left alone outside of the womb. A baby can, and can't be legally killed. Just because one sperm makes it into the egg doesn't suddenly mean it has the right to vote.

Realist post ITT.

No one cares what you think.

Has human dna = human


No its not faggot. Its collection of cells that still has a high chance of spontaneously failing.

There were 3.5 billion humans on this planet when I was born.

There are now nearly 7 billion.

Gee, let's double it again and see where this planet is at.

... Racist

You are a person that values life, OP. I respect that. God bless.

It's inconvenient.

You have such poor reading comprehension that it partially explains your butthurt

Just because it's gonna be a human someday doesnt mean it is now

I can always count of /b for giving me a good laugh

7.125 billion currently.

We start running out of food/place to grow the food at 10 billion.

The only reaction I got was hunger.

This response perfectly answers the question and has no responses will you all jerk each other off. There's no debate here. It's not murder because that's not what the word means. By claiming that abortion is murder, you're waging a war on words that only exists in your stupid, stupid fucking head because the law is quite explicit on this.

The law might change, but until then? Abortion isn't murder. It's like pointing at a chair and saying that you believe it's a banana. Your precious fucking feelies can be whatever, you have that right, but you're categorically incorrect according to the rule of law.

You're using the exact same bullshit retarded tactics that the libtards and feminists use which so many are complaining about in this very thread, which is attempting to divorce meaning from a word when it has a very well defined meaning in the context of law, which is the only way in which this debate can mean anything beyond (again) your retarded goddamn feelies. I suggest you kill yourself, faggot.

No one cares about you, neckbeard.

so does your poop retard

So my cum and hair is human?