Who was the best player in the game? Avon, Stringer, Joe, Omar? No, it was me. Marlo. The best the game has ever seen...

Who was the best player in the game? Avon, Stringer, Joe, Omar? No, it was me. Marlo. The best the game has ever seen. Not even the cops could get me. Now excuse me while I go stare at a blank wall for the next few hours without making any expressions.

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I'm pretty sure Michael was the most based.

The point was that there was no best player, only the best player currently, everyone can be king for a while but everyone has an expiration date when their methods become outdated or they stop doing well what they did before and some young gun takes over.

Marlo got the best of everyone though. It's just such a shame they made him such a dull character.

Avon got caught twice but remained the kaaang in prison.

obviously poot
if you don't get why i don't know why this show even appeals to you in the first place

That was kind of the point, though. Marlo's gang represented the next generation, with no respect for the old traditions, yet even more brutal and better at the game than their predecessors.
His gang were supposed to feel kind of soulless and sociopathic in comparison to the existing gangs. But that's the whole idea. Marlo is just the next step. Avon was the one before, and his predecessors surely saw him as alien and disrespectful too.
The horror of Marlo's character is when you realize for all his inhumanity, there will be someone who takes the crown from him that's even more vicious. Things will just get worse and worse and worse.




>Not Slim Charles
Wew lad