What's it like living in a small team where everyone knows each other and is friends with each other

What's it like living in a small team where everyone knows each other and is friends with each other

is it as cosy as it looks in Gilmore girls?

Fuck no. It's terrible and suffocating. Especially when they're nosy.

"Couple hockey players come by the produce stand the other day".

Anyone fucks up or fucks anyone and everyone knows.

Television always makes small town living seem idyllic. I highly doubt it's filled with quirky, well-meaning people that accept you for who you are.

I wish I lived in either a small town like that, or a huge city like NY.

But I'm right in the middle, 35k people and nobody knows eachother but the city itself is small as fuck.

From my experience in rural England, it's pretty shit. Constant rumours and gossip, outsiders being made to feel unwelcome. I'm sure there are some communities where it really is comfy though, but they probably have less Cornish people.

>ywn grow up in a small town in the USA
>ywn become the quarterback of the high school football team
>ynw steal a kiss from your crush near the lake
>ynw grow up to marry your high school sweetheart
>ywn run a small business and know all the locals by name
>ywn die in that small town
>ywn be buried in the only cemetery in town and stay there for 500 years

how do i deal with these feels?

Move there, it's not too late for your children to grow up there. You can be the proud father when your kids do those things.

It's backwards and filled with insecure judgemental idiots.

>you will never go to the local bar and know everyone's name

They're boring as fuck mate. Shitposting with anons is way more fun.

>ywn get caught fooling around with your stepsister rory
>ywn have your bare bottom spanked by an angry lorelai

>move to random Small Town, USA
>kids attend Barack Obama Middle School
>wife loses job to less-qualified minority
>small mom & pop store goes out of business the first week you move in, paved over with another Walmart
>old local theater is boarded up, hipster kids with ear gauges vape in front of it all day
>neighbor has a 98 camaro without wheels rusting in his front yard and spends his time staring at your 8-year old daughter
>local church gets slowly overrun with koreans
>there's always some pakistani guy standing around on the corner and no one knows who he is or what he does

Sounds like a pretty great premise, to be honest. Basically Straw Dogs USA.

i disagree. its pretty well written and enjoyable. Nice, charming little show to watch on sunday afternoons with your gf

the mother is hideous
the daughter and Paris are so fuckable

i think you misunderstood the question

10 000 people in my hometown. It has its positive sides, kids truely are 'free' and can do what they want.
However, when you reach 12 years + small towns will suffocate you.

Nah, Graham was really pretty. It's just that Lorelei was emotionally all over the place and would come across as a child at times.

I know that feel, I've always dreamt of having a little bakery in a small town. I know nothing about baking or running a business but the fantasy of baking fresh bread and pastries every morning and knowing all my customers by name sounds nice.

I live in a town about half that size. If you join a popular club or maybe a political party (don't know how that works in the US) and start organizing things, you will start to get to know the prominent members of your community really fast.

why dont you start up a business selling mulch

That fucking show. Talking non-stop and plots that make first word problems look like the Holocaust.

The only people who want this are people who never lived in those environments. There are no new people for you to meet, everybody is a normie low consciousness retard. You have to spend time everyday with people that have no creativity, say the same things over and over, never try to improve.
For me the big city is perfect. Anonimity is comfortable to me. I love seeing a new face everytime I walk out the street. I enjoy meeting and getting to know strangers. I hate spending too much time with the same people no matter how well we understand eachother and how much I like em. I get bored very easily of people.

I lived in a small village until I turned 12 when we moved to a mid-sized provincial city (~30k).
Pretty perfect. Roaming around with the other kids all day playing football and putting pieces of cardboard in our bike wheels to make them sound like mopeds.
Then living in the bigger place as a teenager and finally moving to the capital at 19 to study.

Started rewatching this the other day. Still great.

>tfw I now relate most with Emily.

Getting old, lads.