board culture
board culture
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Fucking awful cringe group of underage waifu spammers, cucked white boys and pleas pretending to be patrician
Kind of tired of things having to do with lauren mayberry directed at me. Just let it die.
Sup Forums was fun when I first came here, I have no idea what happened. It's like people just got more and more angry as time went on.
>It's like people just got more and more angry as time went on.
Exactly, feels like the only reason people come on here now is to argue
Stop tripfagging you retard
brandon just stop making everything about you. that's the reason why people are mean to you. the whole point of Sup Forums is supposed to be anonymous to eliminate ego. you're just too narcissistic to get the memo
I hate you and I hate your Mum
I'm not making this thread about me. What trip here hasn't been a bit narcissistic? I at least try to talk about music.
It was music themed goofiness. I miss the days of lewis, jakegyllenhaal. Things were music themed wackiness and it was entertaining. Now it's just full of cynical dicks.
i've been here longer than you and it has always been cynical dicks. that's the point. you're just glamorizing the past
>board culture
Sharing opinions on different artists, posting songs of yours, if you're into sogwriting, getting music news, getting advice from skilled people, music-wise.
how do we kill the kpoppers?
redditors are trying to make a comeback on this board, we need a final solution
Ban hip hop, trap and mumble rap obviously. Oh and anything Fantano related ofc.
Send them to Along with waifu posters.
they are our friends I think
Send all rock, metal, punk and subgenre threads to
Board culture is mostly demented fear of outsiders and whining about trips and generals. Board culture is shit.
too many white guilt faggots sucking Kendricks dick
Trips and generals are cancer tho. Look at /vg/
there is no board culture
We must make more memes
Sup Forums board culture is terrible
it's all underage tripfags thinking their opinions are important enough to warrant a tripcode. at least trips in other boards usually contribute something
fuck off montie
you and jake were so gay for each other
*make turny a mod
shut the fuck up montie
fuck off turny
waifu threads are shit
"tfw x music for this feel" threads are shit
still suffers from rockism
*deletes x" threads are shit
favourite album + favourite x threads are shit
M O D S = G O D S
Get fucked Montie
Whiny ass cuck nu-males that disagree with my opinions. Fuck everything here is so fucking Reddit and Tumblr. Except for me and my boys in /metal/. Everyone else is a bunch of prissy ass cucks. Fuck I hate fucking Reddit.
LITERAL reddit
I would have bred his tight muscle ass desu senpai
REAL metal is about embracing masculinity. Something you SJWS want to take away. I bet you listen to Cuckdrick Lamar! LOL
Please refrain from using problematic gendered words like masculine, kthx.
: - )
Like what
Brandon, you are the most self-absorbed and attention-seeking trip I have ever come across. You think everything is about you. No one cares, dude. Just stop already.
thanks for proving my point
"thoughts on x" or "what's Sup Forums's opinion on x" are objectively the most shit
Nigga creepy af too. I honestly wouldn't be shocked if the pedo shit were true.
Stfu about how much you want to cream Lauren Mayberry and your epic Sup Forums celebrity meme status.
I see what you're getting at but I'm trying to add to the conversation and not make it about me. I'm just talking about how I remember things and that I used to think the forum was more fun years back and trying to entice discussion about it.
Shut the fuck up Montie.
This board was one of the best circa 2011 when sharethreads were still a thing, and the board began to accept rap music as worthy of being discussed.
Ever since mass sharethreads were discouraged and people started making Sup Forums tier pointless threads, Sup Forums dropped to the same level as /fa/. I'd even say /fa/ is a bit better atm (not that it was ever bad but its a noticeably slow board for a hobby that one would think has reasonable forum activity).
Such a fall from grace. Then again, music has kind of sucked the past few years.
Sup Forumscore, as a concept, should be eliminated. Jacking off to the same 200 or so albums is boring and repetitive.
Sup Forums core (which is just critically acclaimed albums) can be a great starting point for someone wanting to get into music, or listen to more of it.
youre so stupid dont even open your mouth
stop using a trip code then???????????????????????????
those are really bad as well
the whole meme rap as a pejorative term set us back, still baffles me
also, the depth to which we actually discuss music is fairly bad, but at least /daily/ threads are making a concerted effort
It's what killed the board. Along with the pleb/patrician thing.
the pleb/patrician thing is mostly a meme though
shit i just watched this movie for the first time today and now i bet i'm going to notice references to it constantly for the next 2 weeks
you think retards who come from all over think the same? they take it at face value and we end up where we are at now
Truly. I get shit like Yachty and Carti being meme rap, as its literally trendy, negative association removed even. But all trap isn't meme rap and using the pejorative as an umbrella term for "anything i dont like" is stupid.
I agree, and I think there's nothing really that can be done.
The only way for any non-mucore albums to get discussion here is if they are spammed to death until they gain a following, which will lead to more spam until they become mucore, and the cycle continues.
t. nu-male
you new here friend?
this board is almost unchanged from as far back as 10 years ago.
sure the memes have different faces, but they are essentially the same rehashed idioms.
there are new albums in the circlejerk, but again still the same garbage circulated. just modernised.
in fact abut the only thing that has changed is the newish trend of listening to and caring about vloggers and bad amateur album reviewers, rather than just listening to what pitchfork says.
Post pseudoscorpion
you can't blame them when they're new and stumble into here.
>ban your favorite genre
>once we get rid of tripfags this board will flourish
>once we get rid of feels this board will flourish
>once we get rid of memerap this board will flourish
get over her
pretty much
I'm trying
I don't have a problem with them. They stay safely sequestered away from the other threads. I don't care about their shit and they don't care about music so
This board doesn't really have a board culture anymore.
This is the most Reddit thing I have seen in my fucking life.
absolutely terrible. A bunch of sheltered white kids who watch frankjavcee and jerk off to Melon and p4k.
there's no need to. They stay in their threads and don't shit up the rest of the board
There's also all the people who think we're all sheltered white kids and that that's a bad thing and that that ruins their tastes in music, they're even worse
Rap has been accepted since Dark Fantasy came out, which was 2010. Also Odd Future was huge here in 2011.
people's taste has just gotten so much worse
there needs to be more elitism
Sup Forums doesnt produce quality memes anymore its all shit
i blame it all on an increasing board population and tumblr and ktt/reddit influx