Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Angry Joe

I wonder what his breath is like..and shouldn't be drooling a lot?

So are they killing Cassidy off or what?

Yeah, everybody but Tulip and Jesse will live as they hit the road, Ruth Negga said Tulip didn't have as much screentime as her character deserved so it will just be her and her husband next season.

>killing off the best character
>off screen
I don't know, are they?

Probably don't have any teeth to collect majority of smelly bacteria. And maybe mints.

They've changed so much in the show that I don't know what to expect

The one who blew a girl's brains out because he got rejected.

>things that probably didn't happen

Next episode Jesse uses the loudspeaker to make everybody fuck off except Donnie who was wearing earplugs, Cassidy or Jesse beats his ass anyway. maybe