Real talk, how many anons actually went to college and benefit from it? What did it help you get to do...

Real talk, how many anons actually went to college and benefit from it? What did it help you get to do? Is it worth the debt?



Currently in last semester of uni.

I went to CC for 3 years beforehand while living with the rents and still gettting fin. aid. Actually came out with $10k profit. Did 3 years at uni afterward for bachelors and now I turned my profit into about $30k debt. Was it worth it? Yet to be seen.

I'd recommend starting at a CC and trying to get a certificate or Associates, there's less opportunity cost if you decide it's not for you, and if you do like it you can continue right into uni.


I went for 2-3 years. Flopped around. Then went to work, got good jobs. It wasn't worth it for me. BUT! My kids are in good schools, and have more discipline than I had. They're doing well, and hopefully it will pay off. Some people, its not a good fit, others who know what they want, its a good thing.

A lot of retards spam HURR DURR COLLAJ AM WASTE OF MONI, but its very doubtful they even know what words are.

>but its very doubtful they even know what words are.
I enjoy a good bastardization of the language, but when someone legitimately can't write, it annoys the shit out of me.

well op.... university is fun as hell first of all, it's literally parties 24/7 then gaming in between (maybe sitting some exams)... people that don't go are literally retarded... you just NEED to go for a decent degree with a job at the end of it...

i got a good WFH job after uni and get paid good money to shit post all day that i definitely couldnt have done without a degree

I'm looking at the situation from the outside as it were.
of the twelve kids I personally know who went to college only one has had any real success.
the rest are unemployed or underemployed.
at 36 my wife's nephew has never held a steady job. his father has died so now his mother is selling the house.
lets total that up
now job
no credit
no place to live
college debt.
you decide op.

Its worth it if you know why your going or your after a skillset, say comp sci or greater. If your just going to fuck around with liberal arts for a few years dont bother.

It depends what you major in. I am a nurse so i needed my education. I do pretty well for myself.

Got my masters in economics. That got me hired and I'm making around 100k a year.

20-30 years ago we told high school students that they at least need to finish high school to make a living. Now, every high school in America is selling college like it's the only path to making a living. That is wrong. They have essentially made college the new high school. College isn't for everyone. If you aren't academically inclined, don't fucking go to college. There are many trade fields that pay well and if you start your own business you can make a shit ton. I'm doing okay with college, but have a shit ton of debt. I would have been better off to have become a plumber, started my own business, would have less debt overall, would be making $80 to 100 and hour.

Not really, got a couple pieces of paper but ended up going into business myself anyway, just didn't know what I wanted to do at the time. Fucked around and didn't finish high school so good as a personal achievement and bit of a safety net, probably picked up a bit of knowledge but no special skills. Waste of money really, but enjoyable, made good friends, and a bit of time to grow up.

> Be me 20 years old
> Never went to college
> Maxed $3,000 of credit at the age of 19 on stupid shit like alcohol, cigarettes, and junk food
> Fastforward.jpg
>20 years old, have a grillfriend and daughter
>Rent a shitty 2 bed room apartment
>Can't afford a vehicle, work a min wage job
>Can't purchase a home due to shit credit
>$3,000 in debt, work full time
>Have nothing to show, or any life achievements
>I must be a disappointment to my parents
>At least I'm not homeless.

It was fun. I majored in bio and loved it. I made some good friends and met my fiancee as well. My debt is lower than most because I got a sweet scholarship that covered most of my expenses. I have a dental school interview on Monday. If I get accepted that's four more years of studying to get a DMD. That would be worth it.

However as it stands, if I don't continue studying, a bachelors in bio is useless.

I don't know any engineers who didn't go to college...

Fucked around and blew off college. Late 20's and working at Target after a black Friday sale. Just sitting there at 2am after cleaning people's shit. Right then I realized I was doing this until I died unless I went back to school. Finished in 3 years raising two toddlers. The most stressful time in my life but worth not dealing with shitty customers. I sit in a cube now programming without people bugging me to check the back stock room for a fucking white Holiday Barbie.

I went back at 27 and it was paid for by the government in its entirety. Got a first class honours in History and Philosophy. It is completely worthless and I'm still unemployed a year later

Start at 20 then fast forward to 20? Only $3,000 in debt, lol. You are living the american dream. I'm nearly $500,000 in debt between undergrad, med school, home, and cars. Haven't even made a dent into it. Making $53,000 a year as a resident and can barely make ends meet. Have been living in poverty for about 10 years now.

Graduated like 3 years ago with a bachelor's. Making $60k a year. Not sure if my degree had a big factor in it though.

Was fast forwarding from when I mentioned being 19. I live in a shit part of Canada where job opportunities are very scarce. Even with a diploma from college/university you're more than likely to end up working some shit job for $50,000 or less.

I wouldn't even get a $5,000 loan from my bank. Where do you live user? A half a million dollar loan would never happen where I live, you're lucky to get a $100,000 even with good credit.