Hey Sup Forums General chat thread...

Hey Sup Forums General chat thread , Suffering pretty bad lately from depression and got 1g cocaine 2g heroine and 6 diazepam , Maybe this will top me off.

Anybody about ? I look a right state

I've been genuinely considering killing myself too. All I have is a full box of Mirtazapine. Got no idea if that will even kill me though. It's either that or I find someone high to jump off and even then.. that sucks cause I am shit scared of heights.

Will not kill you. Obviously, anything, if you take enough, WILL, but a "bottle" isn't enough by a long shot.

FFS, get high. How can you even think about suicide with 2 grams of dope on you?

how about throwing a party with somebody with all that stuff and getting your mind off, even if its for a little while.

Snort heroin, injest cocaine, inject diazepam

I only got on the heroine last year to try and cope but now i've fallen pretty badly into a pit with drugs , Now I just go all put with stuff and see if it ends it all.

did you know that pictures taken with phones leave a digital imprint which exposes your location? I'm already in the process of forewarding your information to the british authorities. chav

Speaking from experience, no not even with booze, you'll be hooked up to an ecg for 48 hours and they won't let you sleep

I've turned into a huge recluse and actually dislike company now it makes me even more depressed , only leave the house now to go work.

*chav* you're a joke

Dubs decides

Oh fuck my life. I can't even kill myself correctly. What drugs can I use to actually kill myself? I would get proper sleeping pills, but Mirtazapine was all the doctor would give me.

Trying to kill yourself with drugs will lead to a slow, disgusting death in your own puke.

>require medication for difficulty sleeping
>reasonable, simple medication happens to be GABA agonist
>may be used to potentiate depressants
>instead doctor gives ridiculous shit with very broad range of inconsistent effects

>American healthcare

If you lived in the UK i'd happily share ma heroine with ya very easy to OD on

I love you user

Write an album while on the drugs.

After I took the drugs and booze away things started getting a little better. Dealing with problems sober is so much easier and there is help out there if you're willing to ask. Why not try it?

I legit asked for something to help me sleep and they gave me that. It makes me feel like absolute shit too. (I'm an Ausfag btw)

Are you in the UK?

Australia, sorry brethren or I'd definitely come and chill with you.

man u have some pretty nice eyes, no homo

you look gud mate
go get off on some whore
pay with a portion of the drugs,do the heroin and give the rest,then jump off of a tall building/bridge.that`ll do it.

that's a very uk vibe going on that pic

Where in the UK are you?

Nice haul, what you doing first?

I would only suggest going back to the Dr and trying something else, mirtazapine is a backwards assed drug that makes you feel a lot worse before you feel better, I've had them all, now I'm living a pretty normal life using propranolol 40mg when needed, venlafaxine 150mg mod release once a day and quietipine when needed (won't be able to get that through a Dr, you need a mental health assessment from an actual shrink as it's an anti psychotic). I also recently nearly died in a car accident that has also opened my eyes to the amount of people that would be effected by death. If you're certain you want to die there are less painless ways to die, Google it, but taking a box of them will make you very ill but you will survive.

Mirtazapine won't kill you. Could leave you seriously brain damaged mind you. Look up the LD50 of anything you want to know about.

Lots of options if you really want to do it

You fuckng lucky bastard. That heroin looks really good too. Fuck it, if youre gonna die might as well go all out.


Ah no worries man

Cheers Sup Forumsro

i was thinking about the whole bridge suicide


Doing the cocaine at the moment

I look more rough now as the drugs are ruining ma sleep etc

Yeah man proper strong clean stuff

pretty eyes on this one

Oh cool, Cambridgfag here. D'ya know Julian B?

you are seriously one sexy cunt,
go fuck a whore or two,jump off a bridge,do a backflip,stream that shit through a phone streaming program,die an hero mate

to be serious,this seems very real,since timestamps and all that shit

I only look good in pictures you see

No sorry bud

Just the lighting ya see haha , Sounds like a pretty good plan with the heroine at the time it would be relaxing

I look like a fucking baby in ma pics i'm 23 aswell

It is real

yooo Cambridge here too

you can do it not right now,how much money do you have on your hands?

100 quid but this friday is payday so i'll have 1200

Where abouts? I moved from there a few years ago... Hows things? Is the White Swan still around? And the Man on The Moon?

wait for the payday,and create another thread on Sup Forums,if you really want to die,atleast do it an hero ;)

I would look into putting ma webcam on and doing some drugs , But ma cam is crap quality and tinyeye makes it worse sadly

Do you have any examples?

And i'm a pretty boring host

Dip a fag in the coke and smoke it.

Do a speedball. Feels amazing. Or sell the coke and get more heroin, heroin is the best, I fucking love heroin.
Man I would really like some heroin right now

"Surely this will make me less depressed"
said every drug addict ever

Kinda the way i was thinking to kill maself really.

>yay lets waste drugs on some stupid idea
OP should amke some crack instead. That shit is dope

Just do it man!
It doesn't hurt at all. I have overdosed by mistake a couple of times and I just drifted away and then later woke up at the hospital or in the ambulance.

That is definitely the way I'm going to end it all when my time is up.

I've been in your state, exactly the same. Depression is only an imbalance in your brain chemistry caused by drugs and false nutrition. You need to slowly get your shit together, eat enough of protein and take a walk for 30 mins atleast each day.

I've really been in the same situation. It's a vicious cycle and you need to break out. All these drugs you are takeing are mimicing chemicals of your brain chemistry which you are lacking: GABA, Dopamine, Serotonine.

You're just down the road from me lad.
I live in Rugby.

>speaks smart
>spells mimicking as "mimicing"

shit nice man i use to be there alot last year ma ex lived there pretty cool town

I'm from germany, and we're known for bad english . Also I are teh smarterest

omfg is this really happening....

i`m fucking russian
gg germany

typical junky behavior


>does drugs
>is depressed


fucking idiot.

let him die an hero
atleast he`ll die pleased

Being a recluse all my life.

Turned to drugs last year and now just balance between work and getting messed up.

I still got a job and manage to balance everything out , But I really wish my life would just end and I just feel I need more drugs then do a big round of em.

nice trips,checked
tbh,wait for the payday,get on some serious drugs,fuck a whore,cam that shit,backflip off a bridge

Oh yeah trips niceee

Will buy 1g more of heroine and 2g of cocaine as the cocaine I get is 90%+ pure so strong enough for the job

okay,im archiving this thread btw,so you will truly be an hero here on Sup Forums
you will live forever on Sup Forums
also,if you can,tell us what is it like to be on multiple drugs at once

Aw man you don't have to off yourself just yet.
Life seems pretty shit at times, it can break you for no reason in particular, but you gotta persevere my man, a time where you can prove your worth will surely come once you set your mind to it.
I know that's the hard part but still...
Have hope my crackhead friend

When I snorted h and c it really messed me up for me it was like my mind couldn't handle it and had no clue what to do , I felt all excited and pumped up but at the same time I felt so chilled out kinda outta body it was mad.

I will have all my drugs by monday tuesday hope that's okay.

that is pretty great
also,when you on druga,what`s it like to see yourself in a mirror?
is it mind twisting?

Not op bit it feels pretty fucking good iuse to snort coke or molly with oxy was to good its the way im gonna go when i decide its time

>take more drugs
What is Adaptation-level Phenomenon?
Come on, OP, you're not even using the right kind of drugs to combat depression. Mushrooms have at least been shown to correlate with some positive outcome.

i see
im gonna go like this
>breathing helium
>friend comes in
>preparing rant
>comes out as YOU DONT UNDERSTAND MY PAIN in a fucking hilarious gnome voice
>friend exits
>i die ironically

Only drug i've seen maself ina mirror is acid which tripped me out haha

Might go look in the mirror soon when I take more of my c and h

You fucking niggers are all the same

Oooh just occurred to me put helium into my mix for rapid death

i see
report asap
another 111 in the post number
gg Sup Forums

mirror time is the best on boomers and molly

Whats with me and getting trips now jesus
Checked maself didn't do much maybe on other drugs i'll react

bumping this
will be back on the phone soon

Jesus christ you're cute, and ffs go start something productive, fins something you enjoy doing and live for that, get money for that, practice for getting good at that, like... Music or something idk, you need to find something to occupy your mind, find a passion, trust me that's what worked for me when I thought about suicide.

I wish girls thought like yaself haha guys seem to be the only ones complementing me

You should work in getting around the right people that's all, the type of people I hang out with are pretty rare but they're pretty awesome, I think that if you find your kind of people they were be more friendly, especially girls. Anyway just don't an hero on us dude, change your routine, find something to live for. Wish you all the best bro

seriously dude....
if you managed to get heroin and coke. you should be able to get some shrooms. recent research has shown that people with so called "untreatable" depression had significantly less symptoms than before, and suicidal tendencies were non existent.

Inb4 thread deleted because we got hold of a mods snapchat username hahaahahaha

hey op I'm on the phone,so how's the whore fucking plan sound to you?

Also your life is pretty great since you were born with a bootyful face

you should find a qt girl to take druggs with you

Pretty good to me can do it next week but what bridge ay?

Sadly no one cares for that haha

Would be a dream ay

Take them all at once, and some pills to wash it down. A bottle full should do the trick.

you do realize that heroin will eventually take away your life

You'd be surprised man, chicks are as afraid as we are to openly tell anyone that they find someone attractive or that they like someone. It ain't that no one cares, it's that no one may have told you directly yet man. Peace brother.

That's the idea

No clue how to get into the kinda women I like all them crappy apps etc

hey op So are you going an hero from a bridge?It might actually be an interesting trip down

What kinda women you like, brother? Do you use apps and dating sites to get dates and such, or do you just ask directly?

might look really pretty.Also if you gonna do it start a thread right before it and report your experience

kill urself and stream it

Well that's what it looks like at the moment for next week with my system loaded full of drugs

Kinda rock chicks I guess but the cute ones sounds silly

Just fucking do it! make sure u stream it on tinychat