Have you really been saving your money, or are you nigger rich like a liberal and broke...

Have you really been saving your money, or are you nigger rich like a liberal and broke? State your age and how much money you have:

>Age - 20
>Cash - 39,500

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you can save all the money you want OP, you dick aint gettin any bigger.

>~$180k in 401k, Roth IRA, home equity, and miscellaneous illiquid assets. I also have a small amount invested in precious metals as a hedge against inflation.

Holding large sums of cash is the investment strategy of the poor.


underage btfo

enjoy the b& m8

>~500 checking, 1k savings, 6k in investment account, 11k in Roth IRA and prolly like 16 in my retirement acct.

31 years old
I still live at home with my dad but i pay 500-600 per month rent
i live cheaply
got hurt a few years ago so couldnt work
started buying and selling stuff online.
I have 100k in my safety deposit box plus 20k in assets
nobody would ever guess
im looking to partner with someone to build and flip houses or foreclosures.
live cheap and save and you can build up alot of cash over 5 or 6 years

>saving your money

Not keeping it invested. Fucking plebeian.

Gimme 1000 please, i got PayPal. I'm poor af


I'm paying for about half my college since my parents are poorfags, so I'm pretty broke unfortunately. Trying to sort out some bills right now and figure out how the hell I'm gonna have food next month.

Adult life is fun....

i owed 70k in school lones so i quit paying them and after a year they turned me into collections. after 3 years i saved a bunch of money and settled for $20k with the collections. i payed 10k cash and 10k loan. defaulting and waiting and settling is one of the best choices that i have ever made. saved myself 50k

not able to answer a simple question.

i rotate

Around $110,000 in savings
23k cash

>70k in loans

Holy. Fuck. user. First off, you sent them to collections and waited THAT long to pay? Do you realize how badly you've fucked up your credit??!! No way am I doing that man, that's the dumbest thing I could ever possibly do.

>about 75,000 in stocks currently
>averaging a profit of 5000 a month
>bank has roughly 125k after about a year 1/2

>ITT : true facts


i think Sup Forums is going to be madddddddddd

my credit is now back up to a 650 after only a couple years. so not bad my credit was still 550 even with 70k in debt to the collector


550 is terrible. How the hell were you even able to buy anything?

my credit is at 690, not too bad



i still got a 10k loan with 550 credit. now at a score of 650 after 2 years i can get a good home loan or buy any average car brand new. so really it had zero effect

690 isnt even that bad

>everything i dont like is liberal
god I hate Nu males

had 1,000
Shit happened with tires on car, lost job and needed to pay rent job free for a month so i'm back at nothing
But i'm getting a job.
So think of it as
21 (in a few months)
> hopefully 1,500

Wow. That's insane. I'm almost tempted to try this and save myself from eating another microwave ramen.

215k cash. I need to buy something.

>spending all your money once you get it is something niggers do

buy foreclosed home. fix it up and flip it


I answered it. $180k was my answer you mong. Assets and investments = money.


50 bucks + around 700 argentinian pesos in cash
Around two thousand arg pesos on bank acc
150k us$ apartment on city center
I think everyone can guess what I did with all the money i had lmao

>Age - 23
Got about 32k in cash, 68k in different investment funds and about 1.5k in stocks.

$67k USD

300 zl which is equals to about 70$, but I will get my paycheck soon

Where does one obtain this kind of money at a young age?

im a trust fund baby


>Have a skill
>Spend little

Try it sometime faggot

>$350 in savings

what is a nu male?

No time for that shit. I have a full time job.

When my grandmother died she left my parents a relatively large inheritance. My parents who were already doing pretty well on their own decided to give about a 100k to both me and my sister in order for us to be able to buy a house early on.

A super beta he-for-she, basically

>1.3 Million US$

Jesus Christ just looked up HeForShe, that's actually a thing?
Is this limited to the States and the UK?

>2.5 million in savings
>own property in 3 states get royalties from oil on 2 of the properties

>~$1500 in liquid cash
>~$30k in ira, 401k, investments and holdings
just put 9k down on a used car so theres that

>$2.1 Million AUD


>-7500$ government debt for purchasing medicaments online and getting sued
>no savings
>welfare income, don't feel like working off this stupid debt
>all this resignation

I donnae know. I live in bs as and never encountered one, but i usually hang out with the same group of friends or with a friend of mine whos lesbian (aka bitch filter)

>27 years old
>$150 cash on hand
>$2400 in debt
>$28,000 in 401k

I also received brain damage about 5 years ago, the $2400 is all that remains of my $54000 debt from medical not covering everything and missing work. I've been really paying it off for the last two years and it will be all paid off tomorrow when I get paid.

Dude, so did I. Even fucking Time magazine hates the movement.


>-25k ($30,000 debt)

Love college.

Age: 31

I have $150,000 in the bank right now and just bought a $625,000 house valued at $800,000.

>not being in debt
wew lad

how many of you niggers OWN a house?

got more than $400 above my legs. 700 in my debit. At least $20,000 or much more in liquid credit assets. 500 rite aid corp shares. Sitting on two lawsuits. one is worth about $10k, and the other can be millions. I'll begin working overtime and taking home more than $2000 a pay.


age by the way 25, no college, and being looked at or promotion

i forgot my thrift savings plan thats more than $50K

>$20k and a house renting for $1800/mo

You lazy fuck.



Age - 28
Cash - about $100k
Net worth - (Assets: $5 mil) - (Liabilities: $3.1 mil) = $1.9 mil


19, 8.5k. fuck you

Man, you're very lucky.
Appreciate that man cause that sounds really awesome of your grandparents/parents.

>60 cents

I think, let me recount

>80000 in debt


Im a 18 yr old Spic

>20 000€ in bank savings
>7 000€ in some high-interest BS
>84 000€ mortage to a 120 000€ apartment
>few thousand euros in safety cash

Wage salving sheep here.

>I believe this thread should also include the values of your assets, but oh well

>Used to have bank and made good cash with my job
>Then I discovered cocaine

>21k in publix stock
>300 and change in checking and savings
>leeching off parents

feels good man

>how to greentext?

27, $ 100

>$2.4 Million, includes my vending business assets and my $1 million home.


about 160k tied up in retirement accounts, about 80k tied up in non-home property equity, about 220k in liquid assets

600 euros


Worked doing traffic control and sign installation right out of HS. Got dickloads of OT, it was good pay too. 13 starting, job pay depended on level of contractor and it went all the way up to $21/hr.

Now I'm just paying for CC to get welding/machining/CNC certs

I make money for weed and other shit with a ptime job at a craft store and selling the jewelry and shit that I make.

still want to kill myself

>-500 in bank
>-30k study loan

Will make 5k a month when done so im okay i guess

>Not nigger rich

1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 in savings