Good riddance to black rubbish. Will be so nice to have POTUS who is worthy of even a little respect again

Good riddance to black rubbish. Will be so nice to have POTUS who is worthy of even a little respect again.

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>black rubbish
you speak like some sorta eurofag.


Meet the "First Whore" there on the right. Melania Trump.

>Worthy of respect

Trump? A lying, corrupt, manipulative, sexist, racist motherfucker is worthy of respect?

The sooner he's impeached, the better.



Nigger loving cuck detected.

You're just upset because your endless train of boon dicks is drying up you social parasite.

>dat butthurt.

I'm not butt hurt you faggot I just really like this president

You know goddamn well Trump is a lowlife. A 70-year old man who acts like a vindictive teenage girl.

And yet he is far more respectable than America-hating POS Obamao

Until Trump fucks everything up for you. And who will you blame? The warning signs were all there.

>lying, corrupt, manipulative, sexist, racist motherfucker
Damn, most minorities must love him then.

Obamacare bad. ACA good

Ya, I agree, Obama was sooo much better and his love of America was always present. Too bad Hillary didn't make it even if every other word out of her mouth was bullshit. I know she made millions off the backs of the average tax payer but I'm confident she would have relaxed on her "speaking fees" and worked her best to make our country a place of peace, love, better infrastructure, and she would make sure that in the event people are slightly upset about something, she would be sure all the downtown areas of medium and big cities had plenty heavy things around to through through window and she would also make sure there is plenty of incendiary material to burn down the businesses of honest, hard working people that just happen to disagree with the rioter's position.

And none of Trump's rival Republicans weren't better suited for the Presidency? It wasn't exactly a small field.


Sooner Obum's out, the better.
Trump will help blacks and whites more.

>his love of America



Always talking about how bad Obama was as president with no facts to back it up. I'll be interested to see how the new fuck puppet does.. mandatory brain damage and shit haircuts for all!


As opposed to working-class whites, lol? They're such saints.

Apparently personal responsibility doesn't apply to them. Everything is someone else's fault according to Trump.

We will breath fresher air come Friday!

Absolutely several of them were. And they would have been that much better than Obama and Shrillary. But that doesn't mean Trump is not lightyears better than America-hating, terrorist-loving, Barack Hussein Obama II.

A retarded chimp would be better than this lazy fucking nigger we had for 8 years, or the most corrupt person on earth, Hillary. Guess you can't see past the general faggotry of liberal mentality.



This retarded jig couldn't talk if he didn't have a teleprompter. The only thing he likes about America is they paid for his cigarettes and vacations for a year.

Says the faggot who supports the communist entity that is the modern Democrat party

You know that meme originated with a Mexican soccer coach right?


Our ONLY nigger President.

POTUS?..if you're talking about trump you spelled piece of shit wrong.


The Democratic party is hardly communist

>They're such saints.
Actually they are, they have been carrying dindu minorities on their backs throughout most of their lives.


Nice b8 m8

World on fire, US health insurance system a shambles, US position in the world never weaker, race relations rated at historical lows. I could go on, but Obama has been a failure because he had zero experience in anything but leftwing agitating. And the Democratic party is paying for their embrace of far-left nuts like Obama in that they have never had fewer members of congress, state legislators, and governors.

hahahahahahahahahahahah..fucking ribs.....

Oh yeah? What is Trump's political philosophy exactly? Demonizing capitalism? Picking winners and losers? Promoting the working-class? Railing about conspiracies and foreign enemies?

Lowest approval rating of ANY president in history.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that when he starts WW-III and you're sent to the front lines.


...'s the dems sucking putins cock..asshat.

Butthurt lib detected

To be fair, I love grabbing my own dick
but I sure as hell don't want you grabbing it, faggot.

Oh please. They want the government to save them, not make something for themselves. They voted for a white Jesse Jackson!

"This is the real shift Trump is bringing to the GOP. Under Reagan, Republicans demanded personal responsibility from African Americans and ignored the same cultural problems when displayed by whites. Under Trump, Republicans acknowledge that whites exhibit those same pathologies. Trump, for instance, spoke frequently during the campaign about drug addiction in white, rural states like New Hampshire. But instead of demanding personal responsibility, Trump’s GOP promises state protection. Unlike Vance, who speaks about his poor white neighbors in the way Reagan-era conservatives spoke about poor blacks, Trump-era conservatives describe the white working class as the victims of political and economic forces beyond their control. Sounding a bit like Jesse Jackson defending the black underclass in the 1980s, Trump Republicans say that what the white underclass needs today is not moralistic sermonizing but government assistance and cultural respect."

I'm sorry your dick is so small user

even donald trump's own party doesnt like him

his legacy will be proving why voting for the lesser of 2 evil's isnt always the best solution


wait until trump tears into your ass..


Right. You'd NEVER shee Michelle in that state
of undress because then you'd see the muh dik.

You fools have voted in a modern Bolshevik!

Angry small dick detected


>Yeah, keep telling yourself that when he starts WW-III and you're sent to the front lines.

You mean like how your liberal candidate Hillary almost did? But, Trump stopped it. Please, keep going.

...and she was right. sheep

What a degenerate whore.

>Will be so nice to have POTUS who is worthy of even a little respect
Who? Trump?

You're going to be so embarrassed about this someday.


Trump supporters can't deny racism.



WWlll would be great because then patriotic americans would have an excuse to put a bullet in your whimpy liberal ass's when the draft is back

its funny how nobody complained about obama supporters and there racism

im sorry,but being black doesnt make racism acceptable


>Obama declared most admired person of 2016
OP confirmed for butthurt trash

>lying, corrupt, manipulative, sexist, racist motherfucker

Do you know what website you're on right now?


>Stupid, mooching, poor, white trash.
I don't understand why they feel disenfranchised by the system. The government gives them everything.

Obama scores worst legislative record in it.

I think libtards love him because failure loves company. Most libtards are worthless. Now it's time to start working. No more free stuff.

you relize that america isnt a communist country and has a house and senate right

good luck when they deny trump a war with nations like china,you idiots wanted to vote for a president who wanted to create a pointless war with a country the left hates because they dont worship the ground the homosexuals walk upon

So we get to fight a war with an even stronger nation than Russia known as China?!

You idiot.

That's so trashy it's kind of hot.

>Will be so nice to have POTUS who is worthy of even a little respect again.
Unfortunately you get Trump instead.

Now that's politics!

You go, girl.


>but they totally would've let Hillary declare war on Russia for personal reasons
kill yourself you dumb faggot

Defending trump with unbelievable jargon doesnt make him a better decision.

please tell me why hillary deserves respect.and not because "shes a women".because if she wasnt born with a vagina,she would just be another leftist failure

But it's totally okay to make fun of black people for the same fucking faults!?

Poor whites, poor blacks. In the end, they've all fucked over.

Along with a conservative House and Senate. Libs got fucking creamed big time.

Can't deny racism.



There are so many ways to mirror your insult...I just.. Idk if I have the patience

>because she would do it anyway,thanks to running the country the exact same as obama did

the only difference between an obama presidency and a hillary clinton presidency would be the racists who criticized obama being known as sexists.america isnt worth saving anymore,the ones allowed to vote arent smart enough to improve their own country

And not even s true liberal. She's a corporatist warmonger.

Hes racist though.

Hooray! Now we get to fight a war with China, an even stronger nation than Russia!

What brilliance!


dear chief nigger, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

also please dont steal all the white house shit like your nignog friends

sincerely, merica

Bernie still would not have won. He's a self-described socialist.


>black rubbish

The Russians need to stop cheaping out on the trolls. This cunt can't even blend in with his environment

Especially if you're a libtard with no quantifiable means to rationally support your position on why you support big government. Calling someone a racist is all you have.

Op hating on one of the best presidents we will ever have, now some orange business man is gonna screw everyone over starting with raising taxes to build so called wall, then make everything cost twice as much for taxing business that work out of the country.Please tell me how much better he is gonna be besides having a white/orange skin color