Paul Verhoeven

Why is Paul Verhoeven so maligned?

He made some really, really great movies that still hold up.

It's not his fault the plebs didn't understand Showgirls at the time of its release.

>Why is Paul Verhoeven so maligned?
First day on Sup Forums?

He's quite unAmerican (or even anti-American) and his Dutch films aged like milk while his American movies are sort of a mixed bag.

I don't think he's particularly maligned though. Just not that acclaimed since his movies aren't that conventionally arty while still offending a lot of people.

I can only guess, but I think he actually quite dislikes many of his American fans because he feels they like his movies for the wrong reasons.

Great guy, though.

I love the way he exploits and manipulates his lead actresses
Guy knows how to make movies

>while his American movies are sort of a mixed bag.
I dont know about that. All his american movies are pretty solid and enjoyable.

So you're saying he feels about America the way most of the world feels about America?

>his Dutch films aged like milk

Watched Flesh and Blood the other day, it blew me the fuck away. I can understand why I'd never heard it talked about in "serious" film critique circles before, it's so brutal and real but far too un-PC, even for the 80s, to be discussed in polite company.

People on Sup Forums who use the word "kino" like a meme without having seen this movie have never really experienced what kino truly is.

It's his fucking fault Crusade didn't get made.

>Watched Flesh and Blood the other day, it blew me the fuck away.
Great movie but holy shit Tom Burlinson sucks. They were trying to make him a star so hard but he was just garbage,