Dubs decides my FB status

Dubs decides my FB status

I really think Hillary deserved the win. I mean Trump is just a sexist pig who hates women and wants to send us all back to the stone age. I for one am not going to let that happen!! Stand with me to say no to Donald Trump but fucking our sisters #sistersstoptrump

tag a few friends and say you want fuck a trans nigger

I fucking HATE niggers. Anyone else feel the same?

By the time you are reading this i have already killed 8 people. And have imprisoned 5 young female teenagers. They are being held hostage at *Ops Address* and have been used for sexual activity. The recordings are found on my external hard drive. THere is no turning back now. By the time the cops have shown up all 5 girls will be impregnated by me.

Oh shit these are all going to involve "nigger" in some way aren't they?


They'll never find that fucking whore's body. I hid each piece of her dissected corpse very well.

Cordell Heathmen you better deliver you piece of shit.

Any ladies wanna snuggle up and watch some Seinfeld season 3?



Ey op do it


>inb4 op messes with the settings so nobody can see it but him
> implying op isn't a Fag

>ITT Op tries to be badass but is actually a faggot

OP rn

OP We have your facebook name you better fucking deliver

basically this




I'm waiting

That faggot OP better fucking deliver.

Oh Fuck I underestimated Sup Forums once again

delivar OP


Dear OP.
You are a smugly awful quiet despicable monster of a Shitbag

Do it




Checked, also lets go raid OP facebook

>Inb4 OP is underage b& and is too pussy to post what dubs has demanded

>no friends on Facebook
if he posts, nobody but us will see it.

op is a GIANT GIANT faggpt

Is any webmage who is able to trace OP's IP here?

39 friends

>Do it OP
>Underage b& is trifling with powers that he shouldn't have trifled with.

So bottom line OP is a default faggot


OP is always a faggot when it comes to delivery.

I'll do it then you fucking pussy


Okay im reconsidering


Almost there

>Not taking the risk.
A girl having more balls than OP

they're on her chest

Oy im about to do it

what the fuck
this is literally a personal army request. No one can be THAT retarded...right?

OP has set the new bar for being a faggot. Amanda fucking wins today. Post responses


To continue that thought, why is "femanon" friends with "OP" in pic? Messaging is one thing, to call out potential faggots, but something isn't right

Oh no I friend ed the fuck so I could see him post

> Girl tries to friend OP
> OP is such a beta faggot he slobbers himself and accepts without second thought

She sent a request after I posted the thread

I need friends

you fucking idiot

You're not her friend now. You her bitch

Nigger what the fuck? I don't remember the last line in post you fucking autist

Deleted asap


wow what a pussy ass bitch.


Ik. There weren't any rules against adding. Hue

What a fucking pussy. Don't say you'll do something for dubs and then back out when you get scared.

Not to mention it was my winrar OP pussed out of.

I hope OP gets castrated with a pair of needle nosed pliers.

fuckin pussy little bitch, don't ever post on Sup Forums again

Apparently there also isn't a rule on the limit of you being a faggot either

Edit: was talking about OP in the first part for clarification

Ps. OP needs to leave Sup Forums forever.

You complete and utter moron.
>High School
>Faux-Comic Sans font.
Looks like an underage faggot to me.

Satanic trips speak the truth.

inb4 webwizards get him into being murder suspect

oh shit trips

Someone try and get the police sent to his house for drugs or a school shooting threat or some shit


Tell the police he was posting pictures of guns on Sup Forums saying he was going to shoot up the school


> Figure out his general location
> Go through recent missing case files to find local girl
> Act out angsty anonymous tip to local police

Is there any way we can get his address? Maybe since the femanon is friends with OP one of his family members has their number or address on their Facebook.

dox imbound

OP here. I don't have my family on my FB.

I tried he hasn't got any family added

another vendetta mask loving cringelord you are OP

Get that info user. For justice.

tried to send you my dick as a reward, but i cant meaasge you. fuck man.

Yes I am.

(601) 939-5144 - School Phone Number

All we gotta do is call the local police and tell them he said he was gonna shoot up his school on Sup Forums

also she's probably 14....

I'll make sure to call tomorrow and tell them this kid said he was going to shoot up the school.


TFW dubs actually did the work for OP

this is now an OP is a faggot thread.

Holy shit I should've delivered

just delete this fucking post what a waste of trips holy shit

you earned your dubs rightfully

Saving this for tomorrow morning


Are you ready for the storm Eric Harris?

>fuck off with your cancerous content OP

I'll make a thread tomorrow after i call it in, what time zone is OP in?

City in Mississippi, United States