What happens to someone if they are kept awake for over 2 weeks?

what happens to someone if they are kept awake for over 2 weeks?

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they fall asleep


they'd probably fall asleep

Think you die in 1 week...

they die in 5-7 days

would be very tired

literally nothing if you believe this creepy pasta you have down syndrome

No after 4 to 5 days you start seeing ghosts, also dreamworld starts to overlap, i tried it, not funny

ghosts don't exist, grow up faggot

That doesn't mean you can't see them when hallucinating.

Eyes stop focusing after 24-48 hours
Unable to do even simple euqasions after about 3days
Temporary Memory loss after 4days
speech impairment after 5-6days
eventually hallucinations
also people forced to stay awake via machine/durgs/other humans tend to recall the lack of sleep as somewhat truamatic after 7 days or so

Idk you probably have to read an extremely too long story about Russian tests to keep people awake and regret every second of it.

i know. im gonna have to sleep with the lights on tonight

read long dream OP

You can die on your 11-18 day without sleep. I tried not to sleep, got to 5th day, never again.

hallucinating doesn't exist, grow up faggot

I lost count when I tried.
I remember I was meant to put a mark on my whiteboard but I must have forgotten to write the next day I only had 2 marks but I know I was awake a lot longer.


Jesus fucking Christ

this happens

if you believe nothing happens you have down syndrome

I think last guy who didn't sleep for 11 days died of some sort of dementia. I am not sure though.

U guys hears about that russian experiment where they didnt sleep for 1 month

Its creepy and will never read again

Is this bait?

I'll tell you what happened to me through the days so maybe you can guess through that how many days you didn't slept. 1st day I was just tired, nothing more happened. 2nd day I got a headache, and I tended to forget things, and I was even more tired. 3rd day my ears were buzzing like crazy and my body started to shake uncontrollably. 4th day I could barely keep my eyes open. I felt sick and my capillaries started to break, I started to hear some blurred noises in the distance. 5th day I shaked so much and I couldn't eat how much I felt sick. I was scared shitless of the noises that my mind was producing and in the middle of the day my body turned itself off automatically.


this is used to make people talk along side other methods
put someone in a room big strong lights on the sealing ON for long time OFF at some point ON again in random intervals + making him sit in unconftable positions + strip naked have dog bark near him + play high dog bark randomly and other stress sounds screaming baby cry etc,
you can crack anyone doing this there is a reason humans sleep almost half they life your body is machine the components inside need a rest and reboot so they can optimally function

this is the truth.

ive stayed up for 5 days before on drugs

It's a fucking creepypasta where it gets to fucking cheesy like they say you created us and shit like that but your mind can literally snap from sleep deprivation

you're unable to simple words after 1 sentence

that very statement is a paradox. ive hallucinated 100's of times (mostly on psychedelic drugs). if hallucinating isn't real, i must have been hallucinating i was hallucinating

>5-7 days
Is that confirmed?

I used to do a maaaaassive amount of blow in my 20s and on two separate occasions I stayed up ~5 days. Fully hallucinated, more intense visuals than any acid trip I'd ever been on. I also plowed through the "Uhhhh, I think I'm gonna die" stage of sleep deprivation and achieved fucking nirvana. Complete body homeostasis, provided I continued to shovel coke in my nose, drink, take Xanax, and eat a sandwich maybe once a day.

How close to death was I?

Meth induced schizophrenia
Source: Christopher Poole

no, you'll probably die of starvation or kill yourself from psychosis then die from sleep loss itself

too bad those drugs didnt cure your autism

I, uh, think it was supposed to be a joke.

Check em

Best horror manga artist/10, I haven't read this one yet

i remember reading that the military determined the brain becomes useless after like 48 hours. max record is like 10 days after which the guy was like a vegetable. however you can force it with just a couple hours sleep each night. navy seals call it hell week.

Yeah, I forced myself to eat, usually in the mornings. Nothing I couldn't put away in under a minute or two because food was fucking disgusting so I'd just chew it up and wash it down with whatever I was drinking.

And, like I said, I didn't even feel too bad after a while but I almost feel like it was my body losing sensitivity to things because after 2 days I'd start feeling pretty shitty but as long as I continued to mitigate anxiety and starvation I'd get through it. I remember feeling like "Man, this is not good for you" at times and considering how obliterated I had to be I guess I was somewhat coherent.

Again, I think that also might have been some kind of survival instinct. Was fun but looking back I wonder how many years off my life I had to shave off during that period.

I once went somewhere between four and five days without sleep during a heat wave when I was writing exams and under a lot of stress. I was fine for the first three days, getting cycles of exhaustion and then manic energy. Then I started feeling like I was remote-controlling my body from a distance with a crappy joystick and had trouble cornering. It was like being really drunk. By the fourth or fifth day I was seeing dreams on flat surfaces like they were being projected from a film projector.

Then during my exam I saw someone walking towards me, calling my name, and I stood up and said "YES?!" And of course the person vanished and everyone was staring at me. They sent me home because I wasn't making much sense when I tried to explain what was going on. I was later allowed to write a make-up exam.

Hahaha, I miss those days

I have insomnia. I've been awake for 5 days straight some times. After that i faint or just collapse on the floor.
After 2-3 days you lose your short term memory. For example: I suddenly realise that I'm sitting at the toilet (too tired to stand) with no memory of me going to the bathroom or anything else from the last half hour.

Yep, that was exactly like it was for me.

Those hallucinations are amazing. I fully realized I was hallucinating, too. I looked through my sliding glass doors while I was on the patio smoking and saw kinda cute little fucking wizards and witches flying around my living room. They were actually adorable. And they didn't go away for several minutes. I was fully able to finish my cigarette, blink, rub my eyes and come back to the shit.

Those little fuckers didn't go away until I came inside fucking lol.

Have you seen Day 5, the apocalyptic TV series where you die if you go to sleep? The series starts on day 5 of the apocalypse (hence the name) where 95%+ of the world's population is already dead and the survivors are hanging on through massive quantities of caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, meth, and anything else they can get their hands on.

No, but that sounds amazing. Probably going to look it up now.

I always wonder how much right they're going to get stimulant use in movies. I think because lack of sleep, exhaustion, dreaming are all common human experiences that even people who don't do drugs can relate to, some filmmakers are able to capture that pretty effectively.

lsd actually. im not a meth head

yeah i kinda got that

nothing,2 weeks is the recorded longest amount but im sure there are plenty of meth abusers who have stayed awake longer then that

there was an experiment done somewhere in Europe where some guys were forcibly kept awake for 2 weeks and they went crazy and died

If you're interested in reading a first-hand account of sleep deprivation used as torture, check out a book by Victor Hermann. It's called 'coming out of the ice' or something like that. The Soviets would allow you to sleep 30 minutes then interrogate you and if you didn't sign their documents you had to go back to your cell and then as soon as you fell asleep they would wake you back up and take you back to the interrogation room. This usually would break people pretty quickly.

That junji ito's work?

this gets posted a lot.. granted not "why can't atheist define atheism" much but still.

Leave it up the commies and socialist to come up with the best way to fuck things up