The ultimate OP is a faggot thread pt.2. Let's fuck some shit up anons

The ultimate OP is a faggot thread pt.2. Let's fuck some shit up anons.

Other urls found in this thread: city&cs_select_country_text=selectCountry&cs_all_countries_text=All Countries&cs_all_cities_text=All Cities&countryDefault=&cityDefault=&city2Default=&searchFlDD=1&Age1=&Age2=&Country=&city=&AreaCode=901,,&utm_source=facebookinvite&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=facebook&pictimeProject=AAAAADkAAAAGvVQHSKJJQf7d6yK0D9zx3mbp-jRjVwECLGT8sc8SnyP8VWmw3Y7UWn28OnYrXJkGSr-I44TlBhvnpFEDb7wL

That post of his gave me cancer

Richland Mississippi 449 Sundance Cir Richland MS 39218-9241

his mother


his grandmother


home phone (901) 371-0191

newgrounds with links to all of his social media

His parents are calling him

hahahaha, omg like it's saying that not only can cats operate MRI machines, but also the word CATSCAN like as in the medical scan holy fuck tears

Ten internets to the fine gentleman who posted this *applauds*

he laughs now, but I'm looking up outcall prostitutes to send to his parents house.

big. black. whores.

You sir. I like you city&cs_select_country_text=selectCountry&cs_all_countries_text=All Countries&cs_all_cities_text=All Cities&countryDefault=&cityDefault=&city2Default=&searchFlDD=1&Age1=&Age2=&Country=&city=&AreaCode=901 list of prostitutes close by


Who fucking uses sir you some kind of 12 year old fedora fag

we need to sign his phone number for some teleshopping lists

to make it more annoying and much more lasting

whats going to happen when 3 big black ladies and 2 trannies show up for the same appointment time? This would be an interesting clip on cops


OP here, i just realized how depressing my life is...

lol, definitely here too. She's the one listed in the household

Go away you fag. Let us systematically destroy your life in peace.


Are there any pizza places open nearby his house?



unsure, finding out where his stepdad works though

You're absolutely right. There's OP, and there's you

It's all in telling people to do the right thing

fuck you and your stupid thread you fucking retarded nigger

Why did you Dox this pore faggot?

ayoo fucking amazing.

KEK. This thread is so beautiful.

when the shitstorm hits itll be youre ass that gets thrown in the can you retarded nigger.


fucking hilarious

OK I just got here. Whats going on?


makes you wonder what the internet has on you doesn't it?

Why is that?

May the based fem user reign fury upon this faggot who did not commit dubs.

he surely made a throwaway for this, get out of here amateur

I think his mom's facebook is still completely public. I didn't even know that was still a thing


Yes it actually dose...

well, looks like I'm late. What did this cuck do?

professional facebook screenshotters at work pshhhh get outta here kid

if you want, I can tell you how to change the public information and make it... well my address online leads to a police station

guy dont overdo it with the mother, we need to be organised

story of his life? how did this started?

Nothing. With disastrous results

>40 friends


He said dubs to post his status on Facebook but wouldn't commit when someone got win.

op didn't deliver

Obviously you've never known the blissful experience of residing behind 7 proxies

someone should contact healthman and ask if he has any autistic sociopath acquaintances who theyve heard say lol out loud in real life because there is someone posting his moms facebook on a uzbecki wafiu claiming forum

so OP is a fag, and gets treated like one. got it.

kinda hard to feel bad for someone who willingly comes here and posts his personal info.

I'll have to call during the day tomorrow. Apparently these niggers go to bed at like five.

fair enough. what was the status?

he was supposed to post something on fb (no family), still pussied out, fembot posted it on her own (more balls analogy), and when pussy op finally posted the message he added "i love/hate 4 chan". the message was something like nobody will find that whores body and something, (someone surely has a screen) so we get some retribution for ops lies


>retards that are too dim to notice that they are being used as a personal army.

> explain

Personal army to do what? Raid the account that he was logged into?

who is baiting who? kek

Even if it was it's been too long since Sup Forums just did something spiteful

This is actually what I miss about Sup Forums. Just doxing some faggot dumb enough to leak personal info and fucking with them.


lol le internet iz so edgy so many random thingz,,&utm_source=facebookinvite&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=facebook&pictimeProject=AAAAADkAAAAGvVQHSKJJQf7d6yK0D9zx3mbp-jRjVwECLGT8sc8SnyP8VWmw3Y7UWn28OnYrXJkGSr-I44TlBhvnpFEDb7wL

you can get pillows with your own face on them?!

Stop the government from monitoring all your online activity. A VPN will make it look like your physical ip address is from another country, keeping you hidden, anonymous and worry free. Plus you have all the benefits of viewing region locked content

we did talk to "his" mother though, it was not only account related

took a while to find his dad


Did anyone screencap the original thread? I missed out

here ya go

(601) 956-7293

yahtzee, listed under his stepfather's name

> →


"Hi, is this Christine"

"No I'm sorry you have the wrong number"

"Oh okay"

> she knows

oh boi

anyone have these faggots' email adresses?

or any email adresses in general? i need it for something

You can also use p2p networks like Zeronet to browse websites which are served in ways that make them impossible to take down. There are even Sup Forums-like imageboards on there.

Up above and in the older thread their emails are posted

[email protected]
That was his mums I think

thanks you, also dubs check'd

yep thats his moms, and his newgrounds has all of his social accounts in it


lel, if this is the guy, this is a goldmine
someone check mothers posts if she ever metioned "Richard"

Status update on prostitutes?

I've been trying to find his real dad for 10 minutes, just so that he can be embarrassed and reminded one more time of his gingerfuck mistake

you are the best

aren't there lists that you can add skype contacts to which will spam your skype with contact requests? A quick google search yields nothing, will keep looking tho

if ya have a jailbroken iphone and the user on your friends list. The app stores everyones emails regardless of privacy in clear text on the backend.

Keep up the hacking soldier lolol, i heard about this dark web thing u should defo check that out but don't forget the proxiez

>ops information in cragslis post
>post something extremely cheap on craigslist for constant ringing
>gay meetup on craigslist for more annoying ringing

careful, you might find the hacker known as Sup Forums

What did she say?

I don't know the first thing about hacking. I just know that somewhere there's a textbox where you type in "Neoslayre" and his skype life becomes miserable.

various proxy services will upon request give out information to your ISP. They can still see you're connected to TOR, and other VPN services.

Yeah go for it pal, also we could use dem $ick internet $kill$ for a club penguin raid

>Not using a real VPN that cycles hosts


It's like $5 a month at most.

checked www.pcmag .com/review/346067/ipvanish-vpn

So any news on how the whole thing is coming?

everyone's being a faggot, and we're waiting on word of the prostitutes

People might be getting b&. I think raids are no longer considered kosher here.