2 more days until America begins its return greatness

2 more days until America begins its return greatness.

Liberal snowflakes and weak minded pussies need not apply.

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Hope the illegals have their bags packed

Celebs better get ready to move to Canada.

You mind telling us when exactly America was great?

So are golden showers going to be free when america is made again, or is it going to be double now?



The Black Lives Matter meeting is that way.

>fell for the bait


You've been conned.

Disaster looms.

Trumpler sand his brownshirts colluding with the Russian Federation.

You believed his lies.
Trump doesn't give a shit about you.

Both are better then kid fuckers and satanic cult figures leading this country. Go back to Univision.

nice bait m8

Sounds like you are drinking Hillarys koolaid directly from her penis

love to hear proof that he's working with the russian, you sound like a right wing radio show faggot

>strong minded
>believed in pizzagate

pick one

>strong minded
>believe in fake news story made up to con mainstream media

pick one

surprisingly only one candidate had anything about golden showers brought up about them

>on Sup Forums
>unaware of largescale organized pedophilia
I'll never understand why people trick themselves into thinking it's not happening, and hasn't always been happening.

>strong minded
>believes in fanfiction written on a site that says "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
Pick one

And it was bait fabricated by Sup Forums

Feel stupid yet?

still have yet to see evidence of that, because all the shit I saw them post about futsaba and shit like that, was never on the buzzfeed article. Let alone they haven't proven shit, no one reputable is saying it's all fake, just that everything right now is unverified

Been fact since before buzzfeed ran with it stupid

Anti-Trumpers aren't very smart. As evidenced by the election results.

Actually seeing as how you all have to share your whole country, it might be a good idea if you make an effort to get along with people that you disagree with.

After all you've got to leave your basement someday faggot.

Hilarious how Sup Forums convinces itself with a screenshotted post and a meme diagram that it was able to fool multiple intelligence professionals (people whose job it is to verify info, i.e. make sure they're not hit with coounterintel)

You gotta admit, waiting for the relevant threads to 404 then going


is a least a little clever, even if it's shady af

thats funny, because that shit came out after buzzfeed leaked the article. Sorta like you never rigged the internet polls. spin all the damage control you want, but for 4 years I will gladly talk about him getting pissed on every day

And for the next 8 years you will be disregarded. You're simply wrong. Goodbye.

>t. asshurt left wing retard


> Liberal snowflakes and weak minded pussies need not apply.

So, Trump need not apply than?

>You're simply wrong
nice rebuttal, youse so good at debating.

>unaware of largescale organized pedophilia

Pizzagate formed on Sup Forums you asshole.

You know you're wrong, that's the funny part.

What makes Trump conservative?

A reminder that Riot Control in Washington D.C. is handled by the MARINES not local PD


no, because i was lurking on Sup Forums when that nice piece of damage control came out. I was lurking on Sup Forums when you were pushing the pizzagate conspiracy. No one takes you guys serious anymore.

Proabbly eating cereal made from China.

The people who disagree with Trump are making NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER to work with/get along with the incoming administration.

Sorry, you can't say #NotMyPresident, #Resist, #LoveTrumpsHate, burn down cities/cars, assault people with differing political opinions, and then shrug your shoulders and say:

Well Donald Trump needs unite the entire country and tone down his hateful rhetoric.

People who refuse to unite won't no matter how good of a job Trump does.

I mean fuck, he's having meeting with blacks and trying to make some sort of effort to reach out to the black community to fix problems in inner cities, and all the Black Lives Matter people can muster up is: Mediocre negros, Coons, Uncle Toms, Sellouts...etc. etc.

These people don't want to unite or look for solutions. Who the fuck are you kidding?

lol better yet, the dossier reports back before Sup Forums's "evidence" that they fabricated it

What I would like is for Trump to start acting like a man. All he does is bitch, cry and moan about things. You guys couldn't find anyone else besides an orange snowflake?

but my wife's boyfriend says hes a bad man
Hillary is the choice for cuckolds

been reading liberal fake news have we

If you're Triggered by him tweeting, there's button on the computer you can press. Log off. Shut down.

you're trying too hard

> but my wife's boyfriend says hes a bad man
>Hillary is the choice for cuckolds

You have things backwards my friend. Hillary is for people who want America not to burn and Trump is for rednecks obsessed with interracial marriage. That's why they constantly talk about and save pictures to their desktop about being 'cucked.' Pic related, my one and only picture on the subject.

its funny because they jump on the train just see shit and run with it as long as it suits their narrative, but what they don't realize is that they lost everything when they stopped sucking milo's dick

Are you racist against orange people? Bigot.

Seriously. Republitards loling at snowflakes while their candidate melts on twitter daily.

If you're Triggered by him tweeting, there's button on the computer you can press. Log off. Shut down.

>work with/get along with the incoming administration

have you never taken a civics class or what

I want to know why he gets 'triggered' so much while tweeting. You would think he'd develop thick skin by now and not be a little bitch.

Thinking he will make America great lol conservators at the finestOh soooooo funny. Haha... kys




They're hypocrites, I replace "conservative" every time they say 'liberal' and it matches perfectly. They're good at crying and making strawman. Not too sure on 'making America great."

Post your sources bra

If you're Triggered by liberals, there's button on the computer you can press. Log off. Shut down.

Do you need a safe space?

Sorry, safe spaces are for Trump only.

ورقة رابحة هو المغتصب البرتقال الكلب

no, and i aint even mad you have one

Op = commie Russian in da house

He needs a space to put his safe thats full of liberal tears.


You mean a space to put his hurt feelings?

Why do Trump supporters side with Russians against our people such as intelligence agencies? Fucking commies.

Owned by the Russians

Well, it wouldn't be the first time that Trump said what came out of his own mouth was wrong.

Nice one

It would be a lot nicer if he acted like a man and not a little girl.

I hope Trump is working with the Russians. The Russians want to fuck the muslims in the ass and that's all good with me.

Men are running the country now. The pajama pants administration is over.

Anyone else waiting patiently for mass suicides on the 20th?
President related.

Putin' Slavic cock is going to be way up Trump's ass.

It's already started. Some liberal faggot lit himself on fire.


Also not one mention of it being a Sup Forums shit until 10 hours after it leaked

Daily reminder you trumptards killed this country

Cold War is over faggot. Why do you trust intelligence agencies that lied about WMD, Iran-Contra, Gulf of Tonkin, MK-Ultra, torture of prisoners and other atrocities? They do not have your best interests in mind. They are protecting themselves which is why they are trying to undercut President Trump.

Putin is going to be cumming all over Trump's face.

> Men are running the country now.

You mean a small fragile little snowflake is running the country. Please deal with the fact that our President is a little bitch.

> The pajama pants administration is over.

You mean people who know what they're doing are leaving and a talking puppet is being put in it's place.

Your picture is very related. I too think nothings going to happen.

omg how awful, that is so special of an act, i'll hate Trump now

Trump doesn't give a fuck about your opinion.

Exactly. Excuse me while I support the democratic party now.

i heard trump was one of the biggest fags ever

If you are with the Russians then you are against the USA.

Trump not even in office yet, country destroyed.

kek, if the nation could survive President Nigger and 8 years of democraps, it can survive Trump

Go to Mexico.

I find it funny that you GOP fags love the Russians now because they favor Trump. Wake the fuck up!

Can America survive an all out Nuclear war, because with Trump in charge of the launch codes, it might have to.


>2 more days until America begins its return greatness
>begins its return greatness
>return greatness
Typical Trumptard. They have the grammar skills of a fucking five year old.

Precisely. He's the President. I would think he would be in charge? Your point?


which president are you referring too?

Trump is a pompus trust fund baby and OP is clearly a cucked faggot.

The Russians do not like us you GOP fags.

13 minutes of trump lying


where are the rest lf these retarded claims? i wanna read them all but where the heck are they?

Oh No! A grammatical error? WHAT WILL WE DO! Those damn Trump voters!

Maybe he should have spoke in your language. Bae. On Fleek. Yaaas Queen!! Slay girl Slay!!!